Empire of Italia HY1 1918

Started by ctwaterman, November 25, 2009, 07:28:24 PM

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Country Name:      Year of our Lord 1918 H1            
   Population   BP   IC   Revenue      
Province Name:                  
Italy   38.4336   10.5   46   $84.43      
Tunisia   4.0902   1   5   $9.09      
Uruguay   1.2648   -   2   $3.26      
Burundi   2.9988   -   2   $4.20      
Eritrea   1.1526   -   1   $2.03      
Italian South Africa   3.1518   -   2   $4.23      
Somalia   2.9478   -   2   $4.19      
Nuovo Lipari   0.19074   -   -   $0.04      
Totals:   54.23034   11.5   60   $111.48      
Civilian Rollover:   75   2 BP from Bavaria Armor For Italia Cruisers            
Military Rollover   14   and 14 $ Payement for DKB BB,            
BP Rollover:   2               
Civillian Budget this HY   $130.74   *Note Rollover From H1 to H2 in Year Only            
Military Budget this HY   $69.74   Available Military Budget         $50.18   
BP this HY   13.5   War Time Budget         $200.48   
      Total Budget          $200.48   
   Civilain Expenditures:               
IC Build/Location   $ this HY   BP   $ Total   BP Spent   $ to Comp   
IC Italia South Africa   75   0   75   0   0   
IC Italy 1   36.58   0   59.92   0   15.08   
IC Italy 2         16      59   
1/2 BP Italia   9.99      61.21      88.79   
Transfer to CSA   10               
IC Egypt   15   0   15   0   60   
BP Builds/Location                  
Misc Builds                  
Total Spent:   146.57   BP Spent:      0      
   Military Budget Expenditures               
Name/Location   $   BP/Turn   $ Spent   BP Spent   $ to Comp   BP To Com
Update DryDocks to
  •    3   0   7.5   0   0   0
    Foreign BB   3.397   3.397   13.588   13.588   6.794   6.794
    Internal Security   2               
    Purcases from Bavaria   3.5               
    PC 1917   2.254   2.504   7.254   7.254   0   0
    PC 1917   2.254   2.504   7.254   7.254   0   0
    PC 1917   2.254   2.514   7.254   7.254   0   0
    Subs 1910 [500 ton] x 5   5   1.5   5   1.5   0   1
    25*1910 MAS Boats   1.25   1   1.25   1   0   0
    Transfer to Civilian   15.83               
    Transfer to CSA   5               
    Ammo Stockpile   0   0            
    Ammo Costs:   0   0            
    Total $ Spent   $45.74       Naval Maintenance:         $9.95
    Total BP Spent   13.419      Army Maintenance:         $9.61
    R&D Underway   Max Spend:   4            
    Project Name      $   Turns   C or Roll      
          0   0   Comp      
    1915 Light Armor Tankettes      1   6 of 6   100%      
    1917: 1918 Aircraft      1   3 of 6   N      
    1910 CBR [France]      0.25   2 of 2   N      
    1912: Primative FC Comp [UNK]      0.25   3 of 4   N      
    5"/127mm L51 Gun      0.25   4 of 4   N      
    Twin 5"/127mm L51 Turret      0.25   2 of 2   N      
    1915: Advanced Infantry [France]      0.25   1 of 2         
    1915: Adv Specialist [France]      0.25   1 of 2         
    1912: Nightfighting [France]      0.25   1 of 2         
    1915: Imp KC Armor [DKB]      0.25   1 of 2         
    Total $ Spent:   $4.00               
    Total Military $ Spent      $69.74            
    Total BP Spent      13.419            
    Unspent Civilian $      -$15.83            
    Unspent Military $      $0.00            
    Unspent BP      $0.08            
    Any Stockpiled Stuff      BP Value            
    Ammo  4/2 Inf Corp      2            
    Ammo 5/1.5 Desert Corp      2            
    Ammo 5/6 Fortress Lines      2            
    Ammo 5/3 Inf Corp      11.2            
    Parts for AC 1916      4            
    Narrow Guage Railroad Rails      0.63            
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