Bavaria I/1918

Started by Kaiser Kirk, November 21, 2009, 10:19:01 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Kingdom of Greater Bavaria and Switzerland
HY 1, 1918

StatePopulation  BPICRevenue   
Bavaria, Palintate & Hesse 7.313.01219.31
Wurtemberg & Baden5.102.51015.10
Sachsen & Saxe Duchies5.222.0813.22
Schlesien   5.632.51015.63
Switz 3.641.569.64
Friuli 1.220.545.22
Tirol 1.150.523.15
Total 29.2712.55281.27

War Budget: N

Total : $81.27

Carryover : 0

Adj Total : $81.27

Other Income:
$ 1.5m from Iberia
$ 2.5m from Italia
$ 1.0c from Franco-Bavarian Dividends
$75.0c 1918 bonus

Base Civilian Budget : $116.64

Max Military Budget : $44.63

Military Budget


Army Maintenance: $9.79

Army Construction: $8, BP: 1
Upgrade remaining 4 Gebirgsjäger Corps  from 1905 to 1916 Light Infantry
4 x $2, 0.25BP = $8, 1.0 BP


Aeronautical Construction: $2.10 , BP:  0
$0.8 for two type 2 Zeppelins as replacements
$0.3 for 300 x M1914 Aircraft as replacements
$1 for new Airfield : Kattowice

Aeronautical  Maintenance: $0.54
The Luftkriege and Zeppelin force stands down to merely active status.   


Navy Maintenance: $1.68

The M1 and T1 classes remain in reserve, in need of overhaul.
The navy remains mobilized, conducting night exercises in the Adriatic and cruising the Med supported by the Lachs class tender.

Navy Construction: $12.58 BP: 11.37

Italian Order
$2.5, 2 BP to something I need to find out from CtWaterman about-cruisers likely again

Iberian Order
$1.5, 1 BP to AC-1916-A

Launched, completing afloat
$0, 0.750 BP
1x French Tender, to French specifications, 13,045tons light, building time 22.05 months, laid down II/16, All costs paid in II/16. 10,045 tons prior, 3,000 tons added. complete

$1.5, 1.5BP
Leipzig Breslau class kliene kruiser, 4,999 tons light, building time 14 months (July 1918), 2,000 tons prior, 1,499 tons added.

$1.5, 1.5BP
Udine Breslau class kliene kruiser, 4,999 tons light, building time 14 months (August 1918), laid down 6/1917, 2,000 tons prior, 1,499 tons added.

Building on ways
$0.28, 0.22BP
M1 Civilian Type 2 slip:
0-2.5  1x French Minesweeper Mushroom to French specifications, mercantile standard, 449 light, building time 6 months, laid down I/18, 0 tons prior, 449 tons added  Completed
2.6-3.4  Clear
3.5-6 1x French Minesweeper Mushroom to French specifications, mercantile standard, 449 light, building time 6 months, laid down II/16, 0 tons prior, 449 tons added
launched all costs paid, will complete afloat 9.6

Detailed Cost : $0.449*1.25*.25*2= $ 0.28, BP = 0.449 *.25*2 = 0.22BP

$1.92, 1.92BP :
T1, Type 3 Slip
PrinzRegent Luitpold class, 12,962 tons light, 22 months build time, laid down I/1917, 2,000 tons prior, 1 ,962 tons added.

$1.92, 1.92BP :
T2. Type 3, Slip
PrinzRegent Luitpold class, 12,962 tons light, 22 months build time,  laid down I/1917, 2,000 tons prior,1,962 tons added.

$0.5, 0.276 BP
T3 Type 2 slip:
1-2.4 : Build TBG-1 completed
2.5-3.4 : Clear
3.5-6 : Build TBG-1 launched All costs paid, 0.08BP paid (40%)

$0.5, 0.276 BP
T4, Type 1 Slip
1-2.4 : Build TBG-1completed
2.5-3.4 : Clear
3.5-6 : Build TBG-1 launched All costs paid, 0.08BP paid (40%)

$0.065, 0 BP
T5, Type 3 Dock :
1.0-2 : Clear
2-4.5 : Overhaul T-3
4.5-5.5 : Clear

$0.065, 0 BP
T6, Type 2 Dock :
1-2 : Clear
2-4.5 : Overhaul M-5
4.6-5 : Clear

$0.065, 0 BP
T7. Type 1, Dry-dock
10-1.5 : Overhaul M-2 (paid II/17)
1.6-2.5 : Clear
2.6-5 : Overhaul M-3
5-6 : Clear

$0.065, 0 BP
T8. Type 0, Dry-dock
1-2.5 : Overhaul M-1 (paid II/17)
2.6-3.5 : Clear
3.6-6 : Overhaul M-4

$0.065, 0 BP
T9. Type 0, Dry-dock
1-2.5 : Overhaul T-4 (paid II/17)
2.6-3.5 : Clear
3.6-6 : Overhaul T-5

Naval Infrastructure Construction : $2.6   BP: 0
$ 2.6 and 0 BP towards construction of Type 2 Harbor at Porto Nagaro on the River Carno Total previously invested $27.4/30 , BP 3/3 complete

$0 and 0 BP towards construction of Type 1 Port at Sekondi-Takarodi, Principality of Accra.  Total previously invested $1/15 , BP 0/2 (part of 10 acres leased by treaty)

Other Military Infrastructure Construction : $0.0 , BP: 0.0

Military Railroad construction : $0.0 , BP: 0.0

Merchant Marine Construction: $0 , BP: 0

  Research: $5.00

$0.25 1913: Engine year 1916, Max. non-VTE power 35,000 HP/Shaft ( Netherlands) HY 2 of 2 complete
$0.25 1907 : Naval Gun technology Cutting Edge(+3) ( Netherlands) HY 2 of 2 complete
$0.25 1915 All Imp. KC types +10% ( Iberia) HY 2 of  2 complete
$0.25 1915 Line Infantry Cutting Edge(+3) 6/4  ( ESC) HY 2 of 2 complete

$0.25  Research 120mm L50 QF gun HY 2 of 2 complete
$0.25  1910:  Historical 1912 armored cars (Russia) HY 2 of 2 complete
$0.25  1906: Superfiring turrets (unrestricted firing arcs), triple turrets ( RRC) HY 1 of 2
$0.25   Obselete: 1895:  Ability to create simple codes (if a player requests this ability.) HY 1 of 4

techs waiting :
$---      1908 Phosgene Russia HY 0 of 2
$---      1912 Capital Ship Diesel Engines  ESC HY 0 of 2
1912: primitive FC computers -18kyd  ESC Pending
1905: Advanced (+1): Early Huelsmeyer-type "radar", listening dishes, War tuba's. ESC Pending
1912 Geared Drives ESC Pending

Obselete Techs :   
1900: Submarines HY 0 of 2
1900:  Ability to use and break simple codes, bored crews at wireless stations listening to radio traffic HY 0 of 4

$1-- 1910: Historical 1916 tanks (HY#5, start H1/1916) complete
$1-- 1913: historical 1916 aircrafts (HY#4, start H2/1916) complete
$1-- 1910: Motorized HQ, Artillery units; improved tactical mobility (HY #2, start H2/1917)

ICE tech offset research HY 5 of 9
$1--  1918 MTB tech  (HY#1, Start H1/1918)

Other Expenses: $0.8, 0.1

$0.8 & 0.1BP military, covertly diverted for arms for Polish Resistance.
(equivalent to gear for light infantry brigade)
some of the surplus gear from the re-equipping of the 8 Mtn Corps, 1 Cav Div, and 3 Brigade may also not quite get to the scrapheap...

$0.0 and 0.0 BP to ammunition stockpile
Baseline : 0
Advanced : 35,000t
Cutting Edge : 0

Total Military: $43.09  , 12.47BP
remainder of $1.55, 0.034 BP available for Civilian use.

Civilian Budget
Civilian Budget : $117.61

Foreign Aid :  $29.00, 0.0 BP 

$2.75 to Greece as follows:
$0.25 to members of the Greek Nationalist Faction.
$0.25 to members of the Greek Modernist Faction
$0.50 to members of the Greek Centrist Faction
$1.75 to the Greek Provisional Government

$10 for Franco-Bavarian investments in Russia

$15.25, 0.0BP to the Ghana coast, Askahnite /Accra Kingdom
                          $15 towards a Ghana IC (total $50/75)
                          $0.25  "gifts"

$1 by Duchy of Kattowice to members of Polish Nationalist groups

Other Expenses: $0.00,  0  BP

Infrastructure Investment   
$87 to ½ BP development (Total 87/ 150) 
$0  to 1 IC development (Total 0.00 / 75) 

Surpluses : $0.63c, $1.55m , 0.034BP

Army Data Sheet
Totals : 23 Corps, 2 Fortresses, 2 Fortified Lines, 1 Division, 7 Brigades : 26.86 Corps
Active/Mobilized : 11.26 Corps.  Required : 8.95
Activated Manpower : ~380,000


UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   

IJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10  0   Erfurt 
IIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   Gorlitz 
IIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   Karlsruhe 
IVJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   A 0.50   0   Freiburg
VJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   Udine
VIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R0.10   0   Stuttgart
VIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   München
VIIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   A 0.50   0   Passau
IXJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   Dresden
XJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.10   0   Nürnberg
XII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 1.00   0   Breslau
XIIII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 1.00  0   Liepzig
XIIIIII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 1.00   0   Frankfurt
XIVJäger Fort100Reg   5   9   R0.20   0   F3 
XVJäger  Fort100Reg   5   9   R0.20   0   F4
XVIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.10   0   Balzano
XVIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 0.50  0   Chemnitz
XVIIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   6   2   A 0.60   0   Görizia
XIXGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 0.60   0   Zurich
XXGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 0.60   0   Bern
XXIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.10   0   Altdorf
XXIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   6   2   A 0.60   0   Salzburg
XXIIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.10   0   Innsbruck
XXIVJäger  Line100Reg   5   6   R0.20   0   F1
XXVJäger  Line100Reg   5   6   R 0.20   0   F2
XXVIIFusilier INF100Reg  4   2   R 0.08   0   Plauen
XXVIIIFusilier INF100Reg   4   2   R 0.08   0   Glogow


UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   
XXVI KavallarieCAV100Elite31M0.60.0Kattowice


UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   
1 InfINF100Elite0.50.3M0.010.0F1
2 InfINF100Elite0.50.3M0.010.0F2
3 InfINF100Elite0.50.3M0.010.0F3
4 InfINF100Elite0.50.3M0.010.0F4
5 KommandoSpc100Elite0.60.2M0.0120.0Oppeln
6 MarineSpc100Elite0.60.2M0.0120.0Grado
7 General StaffSpc100Elite0.60.2M0.0120.0Regensburg

XI......I.Garde : 1905 motorization
XI......I.Garde : 1905 armored car brigade  $.015

Railroad Artillery

NumberBuilt TypeStrengthTraining   Readiness Upkeep   Stationed   
2 I/191510"100RegularM/td]     
2 II/191510"100RegularM/td]     
2 I/191610"100RegularM.012 Regensburg

F1......Trente                       Advanced 6-Citadel Fortress, 1st Bgde / XXIV
F2......Triest                        Advanced 6-Citadel Fortress, 2nd Bgde / XXV 
F3......Treviso-Jesolo          fortified 40km line, 3rd Bgde / XIV
F4......Treviso-Pederobba   fortified 40km line,  4th Bgde /  XV
Fortifications are near borders and are manned by reserve corps. To prevent loss to surprise, mobilized brigades are assigned to screen the forts until they are brought up to strength

Aeronautical Data Sheet
Type..........No   .Model........Built             ...Status         ..Upkeep   ....Location
Zepplin   ...1   .type 2   .......I/1917            ......A.............   .$0.05..........Salzburg
Zepplin   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1915            .......A.............   .$0.05.............Trente
Zepplin   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1916            ......A..............   .$0.05.............Trieste
Zepplin   ...1   .type 2   .......I/1916            ........A............   .$0.05.............Munich
Zepplin   ...4   .type 2   .......II/1917            .......A..............   .$0.20............1 Each
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......I/1909            ......................   .......      ...   Trente
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1909      ..   .....................   .......      ..   .Trieste
Hanger.   ..1   .type 2   .......I/1910            ......................   .......   ..      .Munich
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1910            ....................   .......   ...      .Salzburg
Airfield   ....1   .1914   .........I/1912            .....................   .......      ...   .Liepzig
Airfield   ....1   . 1914   .........I/1912            .....................   ...............   .Freiburg
Airfield   ....1   . 1914   .........I/1912            .....................   ...............   .Munich
Airfield   ....1   . 1914   .........I/1912            .....................   .......   .....   .Udine
Airfield   ....1   . 1914   .........I/1914            .....................   .......   .....   .Stuttgart
Airfield   ....1   . 1914   .........I/1914            .....................   .......   .....   .Breslau
Seaplane  ....1   . 1914  ........II/1916           .....................   .......   .....   .Grado
Planes.....100   .1914   .........I/1917            .....A..............   .0.0125   .... AF 1
Planes      100    1914           I/1917                 A                  0.0125        AF 2
Planes      100    1914            I/1917                A                  0.0125        AF 3
Planes      100    1914           I /1917                A                  0.0125         AF 4
Planes      100    1914           II /1917               A                  0.0125        AF 5
Planes      100    1914           II/1917                A                  0.0125         AF 6
Planes      100    1914           II/1917                A                  0.0125         AF 1&2
Planes      100    1914           II/1917                A                  0.0125         AF 3&4
Planes      100    1914           II/1917                A                  0.0125         AF 5&6
SeaPlanes  50    1914           II/1916                A                 0.0250         AF 7

Navy Data Sheet

Class..........No...   .Disp   ...Cost.............Total   .....LD/Com/R..Status..Upkeep...Location
Breslau...      1   ..4,999   ...$5.0         ......$5.0      .....   1916         ..M      0.25  Trieste

Minerva...      1   ..1,700   ...$1.7         ......$1.7      .....   1909         ..M      0.09   Trieste
Augsburg   ..1   ...3,687   ..$3.69..........$3.69.....1906      ......M....0.18   .Trieste
TB-1...........10........501.....$0.63......$6.23.....1907..........R.....0.03   .Trieste

Augsburg   ..1   ...3,687   ..$3.69..........$3.69.....1906      ......M....0.18   .Trieste
TB-11...........8........750.....$0.94........$7.5   .........1912-13.....M.....0.38......Trieste

Lachs          ..1   ...7,000   ..$7.00..........$7.00.....1916      ......M....0.35   .Trieste
Tern            ..1   ...4,994   ..$1.25..........$1.25.....1916      ......M....0.06   .Trieste

K. Brauerei...1..   1,400   ...$1.4         ......$1.4      .....   1909         .M      0.07   Grado

Coastal Batteries
CB210mm..12      ..0.......$0.19.............$2.28..........1902..............R.......0.0.006....Trieste


Trieste, Type 3 Port
Stablimento Tecnico Triestino, Naval Constructors.

Construction Facilities
T1. Type 3, Slipway 220 meters/721 feet
T2. Type 3, Slipway 220 meters/721 feet
T3. Type 2, Slipway 170 meters/557 feet
T4. Type 1, Slipway 120 meters/393 feet

T5. Type 3, Dry-dock 220 meters/721 feet
T6. Type 2, Dry-dock 170 meters/557 feet
T7. Type 1, Dry-dock 120 meters/393 feet

Monfalcone - no military port facilities
Construction Facilities
M1. Type 2, Slipway 170 meters/557 feet

Grado, Type 1 Port
T8. Type 0, Dry-dock 70 meters/230 feet
T9. Type 0, Dry-dock 70 meters/230 feet
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest