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Started by Kaiser Kirk, November 15, 2009, 09:04:35 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

GroßBayern und Schweiz was founded from three Kingdoms and includes two formerly sovereign Grand Duchies.

Königreich Bayern und Schweiz : House of Wittelsbach
Königreich Saxony : House of Wettin
Königreich Württemberg : House of Württemberg
Großherzogtum Baden : House of Zähringen
Großherzogtum Hessen : House of Hesse-Darmstadt

Numerous Duchies and Princely Counties also exist, including the Duchy of Friuli under the House of Savoy (1), and the County of Kattowice under the House of Czartoryski (2).

(1) Per dynastic marriage into the Wittelsbach line.
(2) Prince Adam Ludwik Czartoryski, created Count of Kattowice. Grandsire was exiled to Paris, father founded Czartoryski museum in Kracow. Use with permission of Maddox and Borys.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

The Wittelsbachs
Rulers of Bavaria 1180-present

Current Head of Household : Lugwig III, High King of Grosser Bayern und Schweiz, King and Elector of Bavaria and Schweiz, Count and Elector of Palantine of the Rhine, Duke and Elector of Tirol, Duke and Elector of Wurzburg, Duke of Fraconia, Duke of Swabia, Duke of Salzburg, Prince of Gorizia and Gradisca, protector of Friuli

The Dynasty has reigned as Dukes, Electors and Kings of Bavaria since Holy Roman Emporor Frederick I created Otto I, Duke of Bavaria in 1180. The Dynasty has held numerous other titles, notably Count Palantine of the Rhine, and since 1623 they have been Electors. The Duchy was elevated to a Kingdom in 1806.

King Maximillian I r. 1806-1925
b.1756 – 1806
All Children Deceased

King Lugwig I    r.1825-1845
b. 1786 - 1868

Lugwig I opposed his father's alliance with France, but dutifully served in the French Army. His marriage to Therese of Saxe-Hildburghausen was the occaision for the first Oktoberfest. Lugwig's fancy for things greek led to the spelling "Bayern" with the 'y'.

Lugwig encouraged industrialization, building railroads and canals, including the Lugwig canal connecting Rhine and Danube. During the Revolutions of 1848, Lugwig I abdicated in favor of his son Maximillian II.

Lugwig had three sons, Maximilian (d1864), Luitpold (d1912) , Otto (d1867) and Aldalbert (d1875)
Aldabert's second son, Alfons, is a General of Kavallerie.

Lugwig I's daughter, Princess Adelgunde of Bavaria married Archduke Francis V.

All Children Deceased

King Maximillian II   r.1848-1864 m Marie of Prussia b1825-d1889
b1811 - d1864

Taken the Throne in the wake of the Revolutions of 1848, King Max II was initially liberal and became more conservative. He opposed the Frankfurt Assembly, and allied with the Austrians against the Prussians. Maximillian sought to create a Confederation of the small and medium independent states to serve as a balance between Prussia and Austria. This effort was thwarted by his sudden death at the advent of the Prussian-Denmark war.

King Maximillan had two children, Lugwig II and Otto, both of whom were eventually declared insane.

All Children Deceased

King Lugwig II r.1864-1886
b1845 - d1886
"The Faerie Tale King"  "The Mad King"

Throwing his lot in with the Prussians, in 1870 Lugwig II sent the letter proposing the creation of the German Empire under Kaiser Wilhelm I. Rumors persist of financial dealings underpinning the letter. Lugwig II then turned to his building of Schloss Nueschwanstien, started in 1868.  Lugwig II, despite having carved a special sovereignty for Bavaria, was not inclined to be involved in matters of state.
Frustration with the effectively absent King mounted, and in 1886 he was declared insane under debatable circumstances, Lugwig II was found dead the following day and the throne passed to his insane brother Otto.  The Regency fell to their uncle Luitpold. Lugwig II died without issue.

No Children

Otto r. 1886-1913.
b1848 - d1916
Otto, the younger brother of Lugwig II, was declared insane in 1875, a decade prior to his brother's (suspicious) diagnosis of insanity.  The regency was intrusted to his uncle Luitpold until 1912. With Luitpolds son Lugwig assuming the Regency, the Parlement ammended the constitution to re-establish the ancient principle of Electors right to vote for a King. Otto also was without issue. This left the eldest son, Lugwig,  of his uncle Prinzregent Luitpold as heir. The new Electors dutifully removed Otto and created Lugwig III as King.

No Children

Prince Luitpold,   Regent 1886-1912  m Archduchess Auguste Ferdinande of Austria
b1821 – d1912

The third son of Lugwig I, his older brother Prince Otto died in 1862,  while his eldest brother, King Maximillian II died in 1864.  Luitpold outlived both by nearly 50 years. Appointed to command the Bavarian 3rd Division in 1866, Luitpold concluded his career in the Bavarian military as Inspector General.

During the reign of King Lugwig II, the King's disinterest with national affairs led to his Uncle having to assume a prominent role. This culminated when Prince Luitpold was approached in 1886 to take the regency, but refused unless there was proof of his nephew Lugwig II's insanity. This was duly provided and Prince Luitpold took the regency. Unfortunately the diagnoses could not be substantiated due to Lugwig II's unfortunate demise.

Under Luitpolds regency, Bavaria threw off the increasingly oppressive Prussian yoke with French Aid.  The leadership of the South German states devolved to Bavaria and Maximillian IIs goal of a Confederation was born in the form of the Kingdom of Greater Bavaria and Schweiz.

Luitpolds Regency was an enormously popular one, ' marked by artistic and cultural activity and known the Prinzregentenjahre. Bavaria prospered under a liberal government and Munich became a cultural centre of Europe.

The Prince Regent is survived by his wife and three of his children.  

Children :
King Lugwig III  r.1913 - m. Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria-Este
b 1845 -  
    Rupprecht Maria Luitpold Ferdinand
    Adelgunde Marie Auguste Therese
    Maria Ludwiga Theresia
    Karl Maria Luitpold,
    Franz Maria Luitpold
Mathilde Marie Theresia Henriette Christine Luitpolda
Wolfgang Maria Leopold, Prince of Bavaria
    Hildegarde Maria Christina Therese
Notburga Karolina Maria Theresia
    Wiltrud Marie Alix, Princess of Bavaria
    Helmtrud Marie Amalie
    Dietlinde Maria Theresia, Josepha Adelgunde
    Gundelinde Maria Josepha m.  Prince Tommaso Cecilo Filberto Giovani, Duke of Friuli

Generalfeldmarschall Prince Leopold b1846  m. Archduchess Gisela of Austria
Commissioned a Lieutenant in 1861, promoted to Field Marshall in 1905, 41 years later. Prince Leopold commands the Army of the Hesse.
   Princess Elizabeth b.1874 m married Otto Ludwig Philipp Graf von Seefried auf Buttenheim
   Princess Auguste b. 1875 m Archduke Joseph August of Austria
   Major Prince Georg b. 1880  m Archduchess Isabella of Austria , annulled 1913.
      Commands II Battalion, I Brigade Armored Cars, XI Korps
   Kapitan Prince Konrad b. 1883
      Commands I Squadron/ II battalion /I Brigade /XXVI Uhlan Division

Princess Theresa b1850 -
   Author under "Th. v. Bayer ", ethnologist, zoologist, botanist, travel writer and leader in social care.  South American Anthopologist, Honorary Doctorate, honorary memer of the Munich Geographical Society and  Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Corresponding member Berlin Entomological Society.

Prince Arnulf  d.1907 m Princess Therese of Lichtenstien
   Major Prince Heinrich b1884 -
   Major, Commands III battalion /II Brigade /I Division /XXIII Gebirgsjäger Korps
   tutored by Joseph Gebhard Himmler
   one child, Heinrich b1917, out of wedlock with a M. Gabai, Munich.

King Lugwig III  r.1913 - m. Archduchess Augusta of Austria
b 1845 -  

For the first 41 years of his life, Lugwig could expect the crown to pass through his Cousin Lugwig II's line. However Otto's insanity, and Lugwig II's lack of children and eventual insanity made Lugwig III's father Princeregent Luitpold in 1886.

A student of law and economics, he fought with Bavaria's Austrian allies at Helmstedt, catching a bullet. Marrying Maria Theresia, Archduchess of Austria-Este in 1868. Using his wife's estates for capital, he bought Leutstetten in Bavaria and he settled into the life of a gentleman farmer.  Lugwig III proved to have an interest in agriculture and farming, and was very sucessful. Throughout his life, Ludwig took a great interest in agriculture. From 1868, he was the Honorary President of the Central Committee of the Bavarian Agricultural Society. He was also very interested in technology, particularly water power. In 1891 at his initiation, the Bavarian Canal Society was established.  

Lugwig III spent 46 years as a good husband, a good father, a good Catholic and a good farmer. The latter led to the derisory nickname "Millibauer" or diary farmer.

With his fathers death in 1912, Lugwig found him self at the age of 67 called on to assume the Crown. Having lived a life of privilige, it was now time for him to assume his duties, no matter if he wished to.

A tired, older man, he is little interested in the details of running the Kingdom, trusting that his ministers will attend to matters. Lugwig III concerns himself with the bigger picture, and the general course the nation steers.

Generaloberst Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria b.1869 m.m. Duchess Marie Gabrielle b1878 - d1912
Crown Prince Rupprecht and his wife had four children prior to her death in 1912, but three have been taken from them.

Adelgunde Marie Auguste Therese, Princess of Bavaria b.1870-1958). m.Prince Wilhelm of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen b.1864
Marie married Prince Wilhelm in 1915, the Prince has three children from his first wife.

Maria Ludwiga Theresia, Princess of Bavaria b.1872  m. Ferdinando Prince of the Two Sicilies, Duke of Calabria b.1869 and has six children.
    Princess Maria Antonietta, (1898–1957)
    Princess Maria Cristina, (1899–1985),
    Prince Ruggero Maria, Duke of Noto, (1901–1914)
    Princess Barbara Maria Antonietta Luitpolda, (1902–1927),
    Princess Lucia Maria Raniera, (1908–2001),
    Princess Urraca Maria Isabella Carolina Aldegonda, (1913–1999)

Generalleutnant Karl Maria Luitpold, Prince of Bavaria b.1874
Prince Karl is unmarried.

Brigadier General Franz Maria Luitpold, Prince of Bavaria b.1875 Married Isabella Princess von Croÿ (1890-1982) and has four children so far. .
    Prince Ludwig of Bavaria (1913 – 2008)
    Princess Maria Elisabeth of Bavaria (b. 1914)
    Princess Aldegunde Maria of Bavaria (1917 – 2004)
    Princess Eleonore Marie of Bavaria (1918 – 2009)

Mathilde Marie Theresia Henriette Christine Luitpolda, Princess of Bavaria (1877-1906). Married King Jamie I of Iberia.
Fernando de Bourbon y Wittelsbach b.1904

Wolfgang Maria Leopold, Prince of Bavaria (1879-1895)

Hildegarde Maria Christina Therese, Princess of Bavaria (1881-1948)

Notburga Karolina Maria Theresia, Princess of Bavaria (1883, lived only a few days)

Wiltrud Marie Alix, Princess of Bavaria (1884-1975). Married Wilhelm, Duke of Urach, Count of Wurttemberg (1864-1928).
Wilhelm is senior male claimant to the throne of Wurttemberg, though a morganic marriage complicates matters.
Wilhelm has Nine children b.1893-1912 from his first marriage to Duchess Amalie in Bavaria

Helmtrud Marie Amalie, Princess of Bavaria (1886-1977).

Dietlinde Maria Theresia, Josepha Adelgunde Princess of Bavaria (1888-1889)

Gundelinde Maria Josepha, Princess of Bavaria (1891-1983). Prince Tommaso Cecilo Filberto Giovani of the House of Savoy, Duke of Friuli,
   one child, Gaius Luitpold Camilla B. 1916

Generaloberst  Crown Prince Rupprecht m. Duchess Marie Gabrielle b1878 - d1912

Crown Prince of Bavaria, Heir Presumptive of Greater Bavaria and Schwiez.

Rupprecht is a widower, his wife died of renal failure in 1912. Their third daughter was stillborn, but Prince Rudolf died of diabetes in June 1912, 4 months before his mother, and Prince Luitpold died in 1914 of polio. This leaves Albrecht, who is a healthy lad.

Prince Luitpold Maximilian Ludwig Kar of Bavaria  b. 1901 – d. 1914
Princess Irmingard Maria of Bavaria b.1902 – d. 1903
Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria b. 1905
Prince Rudolf Friedrich Rupprecht of Bavaria b.1909 – d. 1912

Wikipedia relied on for information, modified to fit Navalism
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

House of Zähringen
Rulers of Baden, 962 to present
  Karl Friedrich, 1st Grand Duke of Baden (b1738-d1811)

m1751 Karoline Luise of Hesse-Darmstadt
Karl Ludwig (1755 - 1801). Son  Karl Ludwig Friedrich, succeeded as Grand Duke in 1811.

Friedrich (1756 - 1817) married on December 9, 1791 Luise of Nassau-Usingen (August 16, 1776 - February 19, 1829), the daughter of Duke Friedrich of Nassau-Usingen
Ludwig ( 1763 - 1830) succeeded his nephew Karl Ludwig Friedrich as 3rd Grand Duke in 1818.
Son (1764)
Son (1767)

m1787 Luise Karoline

Leopold (1790 - 1852), succeeded his uncle Lugwig as 4th Grand Duke in 1830.
William (1792 - 1859)
Friedrich Alexander (1793 )
Amalie (1795 - 1869)
Maximilian (1796 -1882)

Karl Ludwig Friedrich (1786-1818) m1801 Stéphanie de Beauharnais,adopted daughter of Napoleon.

Louise (1811 –1854) m Gustav of Sweden, 2 children
son (1812 –1812)
Josephine (1813 –1900) m Karl Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen , 6 children, including Carol I of Romania.
Alexander (1816 –1817)
Marie (1817 –1888) married William Hamilton, 11th Duke of Hamilton , 3 children
Ludwig ( 1763 - 1830)

Leopold von Hochberg (1790-1852) m1819 Sophie of Sweden (1801-1865)
Alexandrine (1820-1904), m Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (1818-93)
Ludwig (1822-22)
Ludwig II (1824-58), reigned as Grand Duke 1852-58, deemed mentally unfit to rule
Friedrich I (1826-1907), Grand Duke 1858-1907, Regent 1852-58
Ludwig von Baden (1829-97) m Maria Maximilianovna,  father of Prince Max of Baden,
Karl (1832-1906) m Rosalie von Beust (morganatic)
Marie (1834-99) m Prince Ernest of Leiningen (1830-1904)
Cecilie (1839-91) m  Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich of Russia (1832-1902)

Ludwig II (1824-58), reigned as Grand Duke 1852-58, deemed mentally unfit to rule

  Friedrich I (1826-1907)    m1856 Princess Louise of Prussia (1838-1923)
Regent 1852-58, Grand Duke 1858-1907

Frederick II (1857-1928) m1885 Hilda of Luxembourg (1864-1952)
Victoria (1862-1930) m1881 Prince Gustaf of Sweden (1858-1950)
  Lugwig (1865-1888)    

Frederick II (1857-1928) m1885 Hilda of Luxembourg (1864-1952)
No issue.

Heir apparent  Prince Max of Baden (1867-1929) m1900 Marie Louise (1879-1948)
Princess Marie Alexandra of Baden (1902 - 1944)
Prince Berthold, Margrave of Baden (1906 - 1963)

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

House of Hesse-Darmstadt
Rulers of Hesse-Darmstadt 1567 to present
Grand Dukes  of Hesse and by Rhine

color=grey]  Louis II (b1777-d1848) m1804 Wilhelmine of Baden (b1788-d1836)
Prince Ludwig (1806-1877)
Prince Karl Ludwig (1809-1877)  m1836 Princess Elisabeth of Prussia (1815-1885), 4 children
last four rumored illegitimate, claimed by Louis II
Child (1820)
Princess Amalia Wilhelmine (1821-1826)
Prince Alexander Emil of Hesse-Darmstadt (1823-1888) m1851 Countess Julia von Hauke, 5 children including Alexander Prince of Bulgaria.

Princess Maximiliane Marie (1824-1880); m1841  Tsar Alexander II, 8 children.

QuoteLouis III (b.1806-d1877) m1833 Princess Mathilde of Bavaria (b1809-d1862)
              m1868 Baroness Magdalen of Hochstadten

Louis IV (b.1837-d.1892) m1862  Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria [/color]
Princess Victoria (b1863) m1884 Prince Louis of Battenberg (b1854-d1921), 4 children
Princess Elisabeth (b1864) m 1884 Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia,
Princess Irene (b1866) m 1888 Prince Henry of Prussia (b1862-d1929), 3 children

QuoteErnest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse (b1868-d1937)
  Prince Friedrich (b1870-d1873)
Princess Alix, Empress of all the Russias (b1894-) m Nicholas II (b1868-), 5 children
  Princess Marie (b1874-d1878)
m1884-1885 Alexandrina Hutten-Czapska
Ernest Louis (b1868-d1937)
   m 1894 Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
        Elisabeth (b1898-d1906)

   m 1905 Princess Eleonore of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich (b. 1871-d.1937)
      Georg Donatus  (b.1906–d.1937)
Louis (b.1908– )
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

Kaiser Kirk

House of  Württemberg 
Rulers of Württemberg  1089 to present

  Frederick I (b1754 -  d1816)

m1780 Duchess Augusta of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel (b1764-d1788)
William I (1781–1864) see below
Catherine (1783–1835) m Jérôme Bonaparte, 3 children
Sophia (1783–1784)
Paul (1785–1852) m  Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen, 5 children

m1797 Charlotte, Princess Royal of Great Britain (b1766-d1828)
daughter (1798)

  William I of Württemberg (b 1781 - d 1864)
m1808-1814 Princess Charlotte of Bavaria (b 1792- d1873)
m1816 Catherine Pavlovna of Russia (b1788- d1819)
Marie (1816-1887), married Count Alfred von Neipperg (1807-1865)
Sophie (1818-1877), married King William III of the Netherlands (1817-1890)
m1820 Duchess Pauline Therese of Württemberg (b1800-d1873)
Catherine (b1821-d1898), m. Prince Frederick (b1808-d1870)

   King William II of Württemberg
  Charles (1823-1891), succeeded as King of Württemberg
Augusta (b1826-d1898) m Prince Hermann (b1825-d1901), 2 children

  Charles I of Württemberg (b1864-d1891) m Olga Nikolaevna (b1822- d 1892)
(adopted) Vera Constantinovna of Russia (b 1854 – d 1912) m 1874 Duke Eugen (b. 1846 – d 1877)
Karl Eugen (1875)

Elsa (1876) mPrince Albert of Schaumburg-Lippe, 4 children
Olga (1876) mPrince Maximilian of Schaumburg-Lippe, 3 children

King William II (b1848 – d 1921) m1877  Princess Marie of Waldeck and Pyrmont (1857–1882)

Princess Pauline (b1877)  m1898 Prince Frederick of Wied (b1872)
Prince Hermann of Wied (b1899)
Prince Dietrich of Wied (b1901)
Prince Ulrich (1880)
a unnamed daughter (1882).

QuoteHeir Presumptive (Salic Law)
Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg (b1865) m1893 Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria (1870-1902)

Philipp Albrecht (b1893).
Albrecht Eugen   (b1895)
Carl Alexander (b 1896)
Maria Amalia (b 1897 – d 1923)
Maria Theresa (b1898 – d 1928 )
Maria Elisabeth (b 1899 - d 1900)
Margarita Maria of Württemberg (b1902)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest