Deutscher Kaiserreich Brandenburg, 1/1918

Started by Sachmle, November 12, 2009, 07:58:50 AM

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Area:   Population:          BP:         IC:           Revenue
Neue Brandenburg*42.211954 million11.046.088.21
Ost Afrika25.029704 million6.024.048.21
Nord Indochina7.484352 million2.08.015.48
Paderborn-Delbruck3.207579 million1.04.07.21
Goa3.207579 million0.54.07.21
Ost Inseln2.035000 million0.02.04.01
Neue Helgoland0.064554 million0.01.01.06
Aden0.021172 million0.01.01.02
Total83.261894 million20.5 90.0172.41
*Includes Bismarck, Solomon, and Polynesian islands

Additional Income/Expenditures:
    - 1.27 KM and 1.27 BP from scrap to Military
    - 300 KM Private capital (Player bonus) to Civilian
    - 14 KM to Italia for construction of SS Ersatz K from Military
    - 10 KM to the Indochinese Infrastructure Program from Civilian
    - 5 KM to Cardinal Jimenez for Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l'Est from Civilian

Status: Peace time, with limited mobilization.  

Total Budget (maximum military budget): 444.68 KM and 21.77 BP (73.475 KM and 21.77 BP as required)

A.  NAVAL OPERATIONS:  34.72 KM, 19.27 BP

Maintenance Requirements:  13.10 KM
Total Construction/Repair Requirements:  20.62 KM, 19.27 BP

Existing Armada Construction Requirements:
    - SS Ersatz L, laid down July 3, 1916 at Neue Brandenburg receives 4.232 KM and 5.259 BP.
    - Öldampfer Lae, laid down January 1, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Payment and materials complete. To shakedown February 1918, to fleet May 1918*
    - KK Frankfort, laid down July 2, 1917 at Neue Brandenburg. Receives 1.635 KM and 1.77 BP. Completes end of September, 1918. To shakedown October, 1918. To fleet January, 1919
    - KK Vineta, laid down July 5, 1917 at Neue Kiel. Receives 1.635 KM and 1.77 BP. Completes end of September, 1918. To shakedown October, 1918. To fleet January, 1919
    - Öldampfer Rabaul, laid down July 3, 1917 at Neue Brandenburg. Payment and materials complete. To shakedown August 1918, to fleet November 1918*
    - KK Ersatz Medusa, laid down July 8, 1917 at Neue Brandenburg. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP. Completes end of September, 1918. To shakedown October, 1918. To fleet January, 1919
    - KK "M", laid down July 2, 1917 at Neue Kiel. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP. Completes end of September, 1918. To shakedown October, 1918. To fleet January, 1919
    - KK "N", laid down July 5, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Receives 1.825 KM and 1.825 BP. Completes end of September, 1918. To shakedown October, 1918. To fleet January, 1919
    - GTB1916 T-178, laid down July 3, 1917 at Dar-es-Salaam. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes April, 1918. To shakedown May, 1918. To fleet August, 1918
    - GTB1916 T-179, laid down July 3, 1917 at Neue Kiel. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes April, 1918. To shakedown May, 1918. To fleet August, 1918

New Construction Requirements (*built to mercantile standards):
    - Foreign order built to foreign specifications, laid down January 10, 1918 at Aden. Receives 2.83 KM and 1.000 BP
    - GTB1916 T-180, laid down January 4, 1918 at Dar-es-Salaam. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919
    - GTB1916 T-181, laid down January 4, 1918 at Neue Kiel. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919
    - GTB1916 T-182, laid down January 4, 1918 at Mombasa. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919
    - GTB1916 T-183, laid down January 4, 1918 at Goa. Receives 0.563 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919
    - UB-V U-22, laid down January 2, 1918 at Rabaul. Receives 1.0 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919
    - UB-V U-23, laid down January 6, 1918 at Rabaul. Receives 1.0 KM and 0.5 BP. Completes October, 1918. To shakedown November, 1918. To fleet February, 1919

    - NONE

    - NONE

    - NONE

Naval Intelligence:  1.00 KM

B.  LAND OPERATIONS:  12.55 KM, 0.0 BP

Army Maintenance Requirements:  11.02 KM

Coastal Artillery Requirements: 0.53KM - All Active

Army Recruitment and Operations Requirements:  0.00 KM, 0.0 BP
    - NONE

Artillery Surplus: 0.00 KM and 0 BP
5,000t preexisting supply

Army Intelligence:  1.00 KM


Airship and Aircraft Maintenance Requirements:  0.75 KM
All units mobilized:
    - LZ 14, type 2 airship
    - LZ 15, type 2 airship
    - LZ 16, type 2 airship
    - LZ 17, type 2 airship
    - LZ 18, type 2 airship
    - LZ 19, type 2 airship
    - 100 Twin Engine (1910/1913)
    - 200 Single Engine (1910/1913)

Construction and Repair:  0.0 KM
    - NONE


Military Infrastructure Construction and Repair:
    - Type 1 Port at Sarawak. Receives 6 KM and 1 BP, 3 KM and 0 BP remain.
    - Install 2 Single 30.5cm turrets and 6 twin 17cm turrets as coastal artillery at Sarawak. 1.5 KM and 1.5 BP


Maximum Projects:  7.00 KM

Projects total 7.00 KM:
    - 1910 Cutting Edge Reserves: HY4, 1.00 KM 20% roll. Roll failed.
    - 1910 Twin Mounts for CL/DD: HY5, 1.00 KM 60% roll. Roll failed.
    - 1916 ASW: HY2, 1.00 KM
    - 1915 Underway refueling: HY2, 1.00 KM
    - 1910 Advance Intelligence: HY2, 1.00 KM
    - 12cm/L50 naval rifle: HY4, 0.25 KM Finished
    - 13cm/L45 naval rifle: HY4, 0.25 KM Finished
    - 1912 Fire Control: HY3, 0.25 KM (From Austria)
    - 21cm/L45 naval rifle: HY1, 0.25 KM
    - Twin turret for 21cm/L45 Naval Rifle: HY1, 0.25 KM
    - 1915 Float Planes/Carrier: HY1, 0.25 KM (From Italy)
    - 1906 Electric Propulsion: HY1, 0.25 KM (From Italy)
    - 1913/1916 Aircraft: HY1, 0.25 KM (From CSA)



Military Funding Remaining:
    - 8.96 KM transferred to Civilian Infrastructure Budget


Infrastructure Development: 0.00 KM and 0.0 BP
    - NONE

Economic Development:
    - 60.35 KM towards 1 IC In Brandenburg (#47), 00.00 KM required to finish
    - 75.00 KM towards 1 IC in Brandenburg (#48), 00.00 KM required to finish
    - 75.00 KM towards 1 IC in Brandenburg (#49), 00.00 KM required to finish
    - 19.81 KM towards 1 IC in Brandenburg (#50), 55.19 KM required to finish
    - 150.00 KM towards 0.5 BP in Brandenburg (#12), 00.00 KM required to finish

    - NONE

H.  CARRY-OVER: 0.00 KM, 0.0 BP

    - NONE


Addendum:  Naval Order of Battle, 01/12/18:

A/B + C  = (In Service or Working Up) / (In Reserve/Training) + Under Construction/Repair/Refit

Linienschiffe, LS:  3/0 + 0
Schlachtshiffe, SS:   5/0 + 2
Schlactkreuzer, SK:  5/0 + 0
Panzerkreuzer, PK:  3/0 + 0
Großes Kreuzer, GK:  1/0 + 0
Kleiner Kreuzer, KK:  22/0 + 5
Großes Torpedobooten, GTB:  55/0 + 6
Torpedobooten, TB: 0/0 + 0
Underseebooten, UB:  21/0 + 2

Kanonbooten, KB:  4/0 + 0
Fluss-Kanonbooten:  4/0 + 0
Minensuchen:  13/0 + 0
Minenlengen:  1/0 + 0
Vorpostenbooten:  12/0 + 0
Fischerieschutzbooten:  4/0 + 0
Kustenschutzbooten:  32/0 + 0

Hilfskreuzers:  2/0 + 0
Transportdampfen:  3/0 + 0
Leichters:  4/0 +0
Kohleschiff: 1/0 +0
Öldampfers: 0/0 +2
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Otto von Bismarck

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Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim