France HY 02 1917. Le Boudin

Started by maddox, November 10, 2009, 08:29:16 AM

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France      1917 HY 2      
   Population   BP   IC   Revenue
Province Name:            
France   48   27   151   $199,00
North Africa   8   2   8   $16,00
Quebec   5   4   16   $21,00
Ceylon   4   1   4   $8,00
Calcutta   18   1   11,25   $23,60
West Africa   4   1   4   $8,00
Totals:   87   36   194,25   $275,60

Other Income: $   Civilian   Military      
Green Cross Aid   0   0      
Moved from Military   0         
Ceylon and Calcutta WT Budget   0   0      
Payment from  Bharat   50         
Rollover Last HY      0,51      
Total Other Income:   50   0,51      

Roller Last HY   0   0,23   
Scrap CL 02 thru 03      0   
Scrap SL 43 thru 46      0   
Total Other Income:   0   0,23   

         $   BP
Total Budget         275,60   36
Military Budget         138,31   36,23
Civilian Budget         187,80   0
Army Ammo Expenditures         0,00   0
Army Maintenance         25,74   0
Navy Maintenance         23,14   0
Air Ship Maintenance         3,03   
Expendible Military Budget         86,40   36,23

IC build investments.
Russia         65,00   65   10   
Quebec         75,00   75,00   0,00   
France         50,00   75   0

   Military Budget Expenditures                     
Name/Location   $   BP/Turn   $ Spent   BP Spent   $ to Comp   BP To Com   Time   Build Time
Montemedy   7,00   6,25   24,73   23,76   15,27   16,24   36   49
Britannie GBB   0,00   2,28   87,50   70,01   0,00   0   66   72,7
Montemedy Repeat   5,00   5   10,00   10   30,00   30   18   49
To Civilain Budget   2,20                     
Refurbish Glorie II   9,25   2,8   9,25   2,8   0,00   0   6   7
Defensive Spies   5,00   0                  
Refit Magenta & Marceau   2,61                  6   6
Refit Valeur & Chival   3,50                  6   7
Refit Danton, Mirbeau, Diderot   4,38                  6   6
Refit Pegasse & Griffon   1,55                  6   4
Basic refit Léopards.                        
Rebuild NtG   5,62   3,04   16,85   11,04   0,00   0   18   18
Repair/Refit  Magnificent   0,00   0   5,38   5,38   0,00   0   18   21,5
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,4   2,00   2,4   3,85   3,45   6   15
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,4   2,00   2,4   3,85   3,45   6   15
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   6   15
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   6   15
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   6   15
Protected Cruiser   2,00   2,39   2,00   2,39   3,85   3,46   6   15
2 Single Citadel Fortress   8,00   1   8,00   2,39   0,00   0   6   6*
3 Citadel Fortress   6,00   1,5   6,00   1,5   6,00   0   6   12*²

* At Port Suez ans Port Said. The 2 Kronstadts are the core of these.
*² At Djibouti Island. Coastal defences in progress.

Total $ Spent   80,85
Total BP Spent   36,23

R&D Projects   Max R&D Budget =         12
Project Name   $ Cost   #HY   Com/Ongo/Roll   
1910: 1914 Aircraft [Italia]   0,25   2 of 2   Ongoing   
1910: Motorization [Italia]   0,25   2 of 2   Ongoing   
1914 Anti Aircraft Guns   1   4 of 6   20%   
1915 All Im KC Armor   1   6 of 6   100%   
1915 Cutting Edge Radar   1   6 of 12   Ongoing   
1915 Naval Artillary   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
1917 Engine Year 1920   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
1908: Mine Warfare [Italia]   0,25   1 of 2   Ongoing   
1915 Air Ships   1   6 of 6   100%   
1915 Underway Refueling`   1   6 of 6   100%   
1916 ASW   1   2 of 6   Ongoing   

Munition supply, disperced over the sedan Fortress and the Ligne DeCreme
7.78 Kton.