Polish resistance

Started by Kaiser Kirk, October 28, 2009, 12:41:14 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

Polish resistance

King Frederick Augustus II of the House of Wettin, of the Kingdom of Saxony, Grand Duke of Silesia sponsered the creation of the County of Katowice in 1915.

King Frederik II is the direct male descendent of the last Duke of Warsaw, Frederick Augustus I, and the last elected King of Poland, Augustus III The Saxon. Augustus III was also properly Grand Duke of Lithuania.The next King of Poland, King Stanislaw Poniatowski came to the throne via a Ukrainian* backed coup de'at, and cannot be considered a righful King.

King Frederik II quietly considers himself the rightful ruler of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and guardian of its peoples.

Prince Czartoryski, Duke of Katowice is a member of the exiled branch of the Czartoryski family.  The Czartoryskis have been a prominent Polish noble family for centuries, and he comes from a long line of Polish nationalists, with his Grandfather being exiled.  Prince Czartoryski has lived in Paris and Kracow, but married a member of the Wettin family, moving to Dresden.

The Prince, using his nationalist contacts, has been, with the support and cover of King Frederick II, supplying first funds and more recently arms.  This is a covert effort, developing slowly.

Frederick Wettin, King of Saxony, Duke of Silesia, Elector, member of the  legislature, Feldmarshal, and commander of the Army of Saxony....  has also introduced to others commanders who later gave odd orders, albeit no paperwork links them to him.  

As such a handful German Kommando teams are training Polish resistance fighters under the impression it is a lawful order.

From I/ 1916  To II / 1919
$ 7.336 civilian

7 Dated (4/2) brigades worth of military materials.  
Plus miscellaneous supplies gleaned from the surplus from the upgrades of 8 Gebergjaeger corps, 1 Cav division, 3 Lt. Inf Brigades, 10 Line Inf Corps.

*original timeline it was Russian backed.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest