Ottoman Empire 1916 H2

Started by miketr, October 18, 2009, 07:29:15 PM

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Ottoman Empire, July 1916


War Budget: N

Other Income: $-3.2 to Hapsburgs for "admin" costs of Albana-Macedonia and investments
Other Income: +10 spending off illegal rainny day fund.

Total Budget: 59.88
Army Maintenance: $11.1
Army Construction: $
Navy Maintenance: $3.87
Navy Construction: $7.715 / 7.25 BP

--Project ID spent this half (already spent / needed to finish)
Kanuni Sultan Süleyman   need 14.5 $/BP received 8.87 $/BP & this half 4.37 $/BP
TB-Kiliç   need $.9375 / 0.75 BP, receivd 0.375 $0.469 and this half 0.375 $0.469
TB-Yatagan   need $.9375 / 0.75 BP, receivd 0.375 $0.469 and this half 0.375 $0.469
TB-Balta   need $.9375 / 0.75 BP, receivd 0.375 $0.469 and this half 0.375 $0.469
TB-Mizrak   need $.9375 / 0.75 BP, receivd 0.375 $0.469 and this half 0.375 $0.469
TB-Gürz      need $.9375 / 0.75 BP, receivd 0.375 $0.469 and this half 0.375 $0.469

Upgrade 4 Light Infantry Army corps $8 & 1 BP


roll over to H2   

Sending to breakers
Nothing this half

--Ammo Reserve
----BP 9.063  worth of Ammo (can't be switched)
----$9.063 worth of Ammo (can't be switched)

Research: $3
--Naval Guns
----1902 Guns (1916 H1) (half 2) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Amphibious Technology
----1905  Advanced (+1) shallow draft barges and shallow draft support ships (1916 H1) (half 2) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Naval Propulsion
----Oil Fired boilers (1916 H1) (half 2) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Destroyer and TB Tech
----1908 Cutting Edge (+3): triple TTs - max 12, displacement 1000t (1916 H1) (half 2) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--BB/AC Architecture
----1906 Cutting Edge (+3): Superfiring turrets, all centerline, triple turrets (1916 H2) (half 1) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

----1905 Advanced (+1): (1916 H2) (half 1) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Line Infantry
----1905 Advanced 5/3: (1916 H2) (half 1) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Rangefinding, Fire Control and Gunnery
--(development takes twice as long as a normal tech)
----1908: centralized FC, early directors - 12kyd (1916 H2) (half 1 of 4) ($0.25) w/ foreign aid Netherlands

--Special Units Weapons (Cavalry/Light&Mountain Infantry Weapons - more
----1915 (1916 H2) (half 1) ($1)

Finished Tech
--Light Cruiser Architecture
----1910 Cutting Edge (+5): twin gun mounts (h2 1913) (half 6) (100% chance)

--Army Mobilization and Reserves:
----1910 Cutting Edge (+3): can bring units from reserve to active status in seven days.  (h2 1913) (half 6) (100% chance)

--Army Mobilization and Reserves:
----1910 Cutting Edge (+3): can keep 3 reserve units for each active (H1 1914) (half 4)

--Naval Propulsion
----1909: Engine year 1912, Max. Turbine power 20000HP/Shaft (H1 1911) (half 4) (finished 1913)

--Special Units Weapons (Cavalry/Light&Mountain Infantry Weapons - more
----1905 Advanced (+1) (H2 1910) (half 5) (finished 1913 H1)

--CBR warfare:
----1905 Advanced (+1) (H2 1910) (half 5) (finished 1913 H1)

--Torpedo Technologies
----1899 Baseline (0):3000@26, 1500@30, 100kg warhead(+0 dam.), early wet heater 1t, 18" (H1 1906-H1 1908)

--Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
----1900 Advanced (+1): Land and airship engines up to 200HP, 50HP aeroplane engines (H1 1906-H1 1908)

--Special Units Weapons (Cavalry/Light&Mountain Infantry Weapons - more mobile than Line INF, with half the Artillery rating)
----1895 Baseline (0) 4/1 (H1 1906-H2 1908)

----Year 1900 (Dated) w/ foreign aid $0.25 H1 1909 (2nd half)

--Naval Artillery Shells
----1905 Advanced (+1): Armour-Piercing  w/ foreign aid $0.25 H1 1909 (2nd half)

--Heavier-than-Air Aircraft
----1902 Advanced: Primitive flying machines: Wright Flyer, Langly Aerodrome etc. 1906 historical year w/ foreign aid $0.25 H2 1909 (2 half)

--Naval Propulsion
----1905 Cutting Edge w/ foreign aid $0.25 H2 1909 (2 half)

--Internal Combustion Engines (Land, submarines, and air)
----1905 Cutting Edge(+3)(H2 1908) (4 half) (done)

--Torpedo Technologies
----1905 Advanced (+1): 5000@26, 2200@35, 100kg warhead, imp. wet heater, 1t, 18" (H2 1908) (5 half)

Other Expenses: $0

Total Military: $

Rainy Day Fund:
--total $10

Industrial Investment: $37.028
--37.028 towards BP total: 37.028+7.331 = 7.331 / 150

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: miketr on October 18, 2009, 07:29:15 PM

Other Income: +10 spending off illegal rainny day fund.

We still haven't gotten a ruling on that
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


All the same I am getting rid of it on the assumption it is illegal.
