Firenj Fleet

Started by hooper82, October 12, 2009, 07:05:00 PM

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Quote from: Guinness on October 13, 2009, 07:44:13 AM
Not true. Most of the interwar US DDs also carried reloads. The Japanese ships had provision for rapid reloading. The extra fish were stored in devices which when the tubes were aligned correctly allowed the torpedoes to be rolled into the empty tubes very quickly. American reloads, on the other hand, were stored in racks amidships and required use of a boom and block and tackle, etc. These were not expected to be used while in battle, but rather were a way of extending combat effectiveness on expected long western pacific deployments. Some US ships eschewed the reload system and instead shipped 6 or more tubes on each beam.
Thank you for pointing out and correcting my errors.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: hooper82 on October 13, 2009, 07:48:01 AM
So, thoughts re: armament?
A) 4x4.7" guns and 6x21" torps
B) 5x4.7" guns and 3x21" torps

Which do you prefer?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Agreed. Especially in this period, the torpedoes are the primary armament, and the guns are the secondary. 4 is probably the minimum number of torpedoes for a boat this size, and six is preferable.


I agree too with:

Quote...A) 4x4.7" guns and 6x21" torps

Jef  ;)
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "


Quote from: TexanCowboy on October 13, 2009, 04:42:10 PM
Well, it really depends what your going for. If Korpen was here, he would say the B design is better. If your looking at future use, which is foresight, which is sort of cheap, go for the B design, as its easier to replace the guns with Dual-Purpose.

DP guns won't be fitted until 1935, thats 18 years away.  These DD's are going to be old and tired then, and while I probably will refit them, they'll still be relegated to 2nd line roles.  And, stripping that 5th gun off will allow me to upgrade to Long Lances Long Pointy Stick Torpedoes!
<_kr4m3r> so many fucking criminals, its bullshit
<foniks`> heh, if we sent all the criminals to some empty continent and just left them there to die
<foniks`> and showed up like 50yrs later like, "sup?"
<foniks`> whatd u think they'd say?
<FoSZoR[bg]> something along the lines of, "G`Day mate"


Quote from: hooper82 on October 13, 2009, 05:05:29 PM
Quote from: TexanCowboy on October 13, 2009, 04:42:10 PM
Well, it really depends what your going for. If Korpen was here, he would say the B design is better. If your looking at future use, which is foresight, which is sort of cheap, go for the B design, as its easier to replace the guns with Dual-Purpose.

DP guns won't be fitted until 1935, thats 18 years away.  These DD's are going to be old and tired then, and while I probably will refit them, they'll still be relegated to 2nd line roles.  And, stripping that 5th gun off will allow me to upgrade to Long Lances Long Pointy Stick Torpedoes!

You could name them Harpoon Torpedos...
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


But what would we name our missiles?  ;)

I'm calling them the Haliberdier torpedoes.


I'm calling them Orion Project ::)


Haliberdier sounds better.  :)


Ok, we MAY be jumping the gun a little considering they are 15 years away...but, I'm naming them "Long Pointy Stick with a Rock that goes Underwater"

or LPSWARTGU for short.
<_kr4m3r> so many fucking criminals, its bullshit
<foniks`> heh, if we sent all the criminals to some empty continent and just left them there to die
<foniks`> and showed up like 50yrs later like, "sup?"
<foniks`> whatd u think they'd say?
<FoSZoR[bg]> something along the lines of, "G`Day mate"


Quote1918: (+8) 20000@26, 15000@30, 10000@35, 300kg warhead (+2) 3t weight, 24"

3 years away. Closer than you would think.

And Maoria has that name. Name yours something Islamic.


After more consideration and the need for a systemic naming convention, the future "Long Lance Inspired" torpedo system will be named -

Type 21 mo1 SUPLAR

Type 21, Mod 1, Stick; Underwater; Pointy; Long, Awesome, Rock
<_kr4m3r> so many fucking criminals, its bullshit
<foniks`> heh, if we sent all the criminals to some empty continent and just left them there to die
<foniks`> and showed up like 50yrs later like, "sup?"
<foniks`> whatd u think they'd say?
<FoSZoR[bg]> something along the lines of, "G`Day mate"


i would say the bc is a bit of an odd duck

i was planing a bigger bb [16k tons] to follow the ulma and hijji [12k tons] classes

with a pair of cls for escorts

that and rounding out the buld scedual with a pair od radio stations and some proto dd,s and a new gun desine eather 380mm l40 or 330mm l50[not sure if this is right]

this is based on the idea that the firanjian navy is more for defence

on the dd,s desine A

and the torpedoes should be extra long range stick of boom or elrsb pronunced el-saarb


Not really. Considering Franji's main opponents, a BC is very wise, all the more so since I have a plan for a 33 knot BC I'm considering selling.  8)

It's a good ship, for what it does.


Ah long as you think your coastline is already sufficiently protected.