new Orange ships and projects

Started by Nobody, September 21, 2009, 03:53:01 AM

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Well, I know the seakeeping is low- but at 700', I think things do kinda start to get relative.
It's probably a boat that makes it's crew miserable and can't steam very fast at all into any appreciable weather, but does OK on flat seas.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Thats a fast Battle Ship not a Battle Cruiser..... in the historical sense.  She is way way to heavily armored to be a Battle Cruiser.
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


Things I've noticed from Springsharp:

The following HELP seakeeping:
Main belt
Upper belt
Deck armor
Torpedo Bulkhead
Longer Midbreak length

Things that HURT seakeeping:
End belt
Turret armor
Barbette armor
Misc weight
Underwater torpedoes(No idea why)
CT armor
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Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim