Requesting Offers to Build

Started by TexanCowboy, September 19, 2009, 03:22:08 PM

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I need someone to build me this monster. Up to its gills in armour, I present to you, the

Mastrovitic, Romania Light Battleship laid down 1917 (Engine 1912)

   18,458 t light; 19,568 t standard; 21,075 t normal; 22,281 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
   559.27 ft / 557.00 ft x 64.00 ft x 28.00 ft (normal load)
   170.47 m / 169.77 m x 19.51 m  x 8.53 m

      6 - 12.00" / 305 mm guns (3x2 guns), 864.00lbs / 391.90kg shells, 1917 Model
     Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
     on centreline ends, majority forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring
     Main guns limited to end-on fire
      2 - 12.00" / 305 mm guns (1x2 guns), 864.00lbs / 391.90kg shells, 1917 Model
     Breech loading guns in a turret (on a barbette)
     on centreline amidships
      8 - 5.00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62.50lbs / 28.35kg shells, 1917 Model
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts
     on side, evenly spread
      8 - 5.00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62.50lbs / 28.35kg shells, 1917 Model
     Quick firing guns in deck mounts
     on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts
      6 - 1.00" / 25.4 mm guns in single mounts, 0.50lbs / 0.23kg shells, 1917 Model
     Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts
     on centreline, evenly spread
   Weight of broadside 7,915 lbs / 3,590 kg
   Shells per gun, main battery: 150

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   15.0" / 381 mm   557.00 ft / 169.77 m   16.00 ft / 4.88 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 154 % of normal length

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   14.0" / 356 mm   10.0" / 254 mm      10.0" / 254 mm
   2nd:   14.0" / 356 mm   10.0" / 254 mm      10.0" / 254 mm
   3rd:   11.0" / 279 mm   4.00" / 102 mm            -
   4th:   11.0" / 279 mm   4.00" / 102 mm            -
   5th:   2.00" / 51 mm         -               -

   - Armour deck: 3.50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 14.00" / 356 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 2 shafts, 40,658 shp / 30,331 Kw = 23.00 kts
   Range 8,098nm at 12.00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 2,713 tons

   873 - 1,136

   £3.098 million / $12.393 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 989 tons, 4.7 %
   Armour: 9,297 tons, 44.1 %
      - Belts: 4,946 tons, 23.5 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0.0 %
      - Armament: 2,206 tons, 10.5 %
      - Armour Deck: 1,915 tons, 9.1 %
      - Conning Tower: 230 tons, 1.1 %
   Machinery: 1,621 tons, 7.7 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 6,251 tons, 29.7 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 2,617 tons, 12.4 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 1.4 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     27,471 lbs / 12,461 Kg = 31.8 x 12.0 " / 305 mm shells or 3.0 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.01
   Metacentric height 2.6 ft / 0.8 m
   Roll period: 16.7 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 47 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 1.09
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.11

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck
   Block coefficient: 0.739
   Length to Beam Ratio: 8.70 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 23.60 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 50 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 40
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 5.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: 0.00 ft / 0.00 m
   Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
      - Stem:      25.96 ft / 7.91 m
      - Forecastle (20 %):   16.52 ft / 5.04 m
      - Mid (50 %):      16.52 ft / 5.04 m
      - Quarterdeck (15 %):   16.52 ft / 5.04 m
      - Stern:      16.52 ft / 5.04 m
      - Average freeboard:   17.28 ft / 5.27 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 63.6 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 106.6 %
   Waterplane Area: 29,572 Square feet or 2,747 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 102 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 138 lbs/sq ft or 672 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.96
      - Longitudinal: 1.40
      - Overall: 1.00
   Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
   Room for accommodation and workspaces is adequate


No problem, French yards will build it to your specifications.

What are you willing to pay for it?

At least $23.125,and the 18.5 BP in other forms, buying French BP in $ is rather expensive.


I was looking for a poorer country, one that I can exchange techs for for it.


Especialy a poorer country can ill afford building a BB for another country without a large $ injection.

In any case, you can reduce the $ pricetag with 25% , but then the maintenance/upkeep cost is increased with 25%.


By that, I mean countries I can exchange tech with, in lieu of cash or BP.


1)Does Romania have AoN tech?

2)Wasted material. Too thick belt. 13.5-14" is fine, use weight saved to increase barbette armor.

3)170.47m > 170m limit on type 2 Slip/Dock

4a)L:B is high, BC is HUGE (0.739). She's a floating brick.

4b)Above makes her unstable/unsteady. Kills flotation and gunfire accuracy.

Wider is your friend here. Go 7:1 L:B, see what happens. She'll get heavier true, but she's almost worthless in combat w/ a 47% gunfire and 1.01 stability. ANY Underwater damage, or flooding for other reasons and you're SOL.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


Thats not AON. The entire ship is coated in 15'' armour.


The the belt will be exposed once the ship starts to move. The ship - under the freeboard - is unprotected.



Quote6 - 12.00" / 305 mm guns (3x2 guns), 864.00lbs / 391.90kg shells, 1917 Model
    Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
    on centreline ends, majority forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring
    Main guns limited to end-on fire
If you increase beam to 23m/75,5 foot ,the Main guns limited to end-on fire ,limitation disappear ,also since you dont have Light Cruiser Architecture - Main battery in deck mounts/casemates :1910 Cutting Edge (+5): twin gun mounts (require hoists); powered gun mounts; unrestricted weapon armor your sec gun is limited to 1" armor.
E.G  or alternate design for Mastrovitic:ROMANIA, Enter country Enter ship type laid down 1917 (Engine 1912)

   16.000 t light; 17.069 t standard; 19.038 t normal; 20.614 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
   557,74 ft / 554,27 ft x 75,46 ft x 26,25 ft (normal load)
   170,00 m / 168,94 m x 23,00 m  x 8,00 m

      6 - 12,00" / 305 mm guns (3 mounts), 864,00lbs / 391,90kg shells, 1917 Model
     Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
     on centreline ends, majority forward, 3 raised guns - superfiring
      2 - 12,00" / 305 mm guns (1x2 guns), 864,00lbs / 391,90kg shells, 1917 Model
     Breech loading guns in a turret (on a barbette)
     on centreline amidships
      8 - 5,00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62,50lbs / 28,35kg shells, 1917 Model
     Quick firing guns in deck mounts
     on side, evenly spread
      8 - 5,00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62,50lbs / 28,35kg shells, 1917 Model
     Quick firing guns in casemate mounts
     on side, evenly spread
      6 - 1,00" / 25,4 mm guns in single mounts, 0,50lbs / 0,23kg shells, 1917 Model
     Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts
     on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts
   Weight of broadside 7.915 lbs / 3.590 kg
   Shells per gun, main battery: 150

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   14,0" / 356 mm   360,27 ft / 109,81 m   10,42 ft / 3,18 m
   Ends:   Unarmoured
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   14,0" / 356 mm   10,0" / 254 mm      10,0" / 254 mm
   2nd:   14,0" / 356 mm   10,0" / 254 mm      10,0" / 254 mm
   3rd:   1,00" / 25 mm   1,00" / 25 mm            -
   4th:   1,00" / 25 mm   1,00" / 25 mm            -
   5th:   1,00" / 25 mm         -               -

   - Armour deck: 3,50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 14,00" / 356 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 2 shafts, 37.592 shp / 28.044 Kw = 23,00 kts
   Range 8.100nm at 14,00 kts
   Bunker at max displacement = 3.545 tons

   809 - 1.053

   £2,911 million / $11,643 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 989 tons, 5,2 %
   Armour: 6.318 tons, 33,2 %
      - Belts: 2.266 tons, 11,9 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 0 tons, 0,0 %
      - Armament: 1.843 tons, 9,7 %
      - Armour Deck: 1.994 tons, 10,5 %
      - Conning Tower: 215 tons, 1,1 %
   Machinery: 1.499 tons, 7,9 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 6.893 tons, 36,2 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3.039 tons, 16,0 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 1,6 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     24.943 lbs / 11.314 Kg = 28,9 x 12,0 " / 305 mm shells or 3,1 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1,03
   Metacentric height 3,5 ft / 1,1 m
   Roll period: 17,0 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 62 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0,81
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1,23

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has a flush deck
   Block coefficient: 0,607
   Length to Beam Ratio: 7,35 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 23,54 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 48 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 10,00 degrees
   Stern overhang: 0,00 ft / 0,00 m
   Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
      - Stem:      19,69 ft / 6,00 m
      - Forecastle (20 %):   16,47 ft / 5,02 m
      - Mid (50 %):      16,47 ft / 5,02 m
      - Quarterdeck (15 %):   16,47 ft / 5,02 m
      - Stern:      16,47 ft / 5,02 m
      - Average freeboard:   16,73 ft / 5,10 m
   Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 68,2 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 119,4 %
   Waterplane Area: 30.790 Square feet or 2.861 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 109 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 155 lbs/sq ft or 758 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0,96
      - Longitudinal: 1,50
      - Overall: 1,00
   Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is excellent
   Room for accommodation and workspaces is adequate
   Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily


I'll think about it. Tell you what. Lets make this a competition. Who can design a ship using 8 12'' guns weighing under 19,000 tons, with a offer to build it.


I would design it, but I wouldn't build it. Rather I wouldn't be able to with my packed schedule soon.

The Rock Doctor

Well, here's an option.  You have no new tech, scrap, or territory to offer me, and I suspect you want to use your BP for yourself, so we're looking at a cash deal.

It would cost Gran Colombia $22.38 and 17.9 BP to build to Romanian standards, and that's without a profit.  So - I'll build her for $75 of your civilian budget, paid equally in the five half-years it would take to construct her.

If the twin turret is placed amidships, non-superfiring, the deck armor can be bumped to 75mm.
Enter ship name, Enter country Enter ship type laid down 1916

   17,898 t light; 18,777 t standard; 19,615 t normal; 20,285 t full load

Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught
   496.70 ft / 492.13 ft x 88.58 ft x 26.25 ft (normal load)
   151.39 m / 150.00 m x 27.00 m  x 8.00 m

      6 - 12.01" / 305 mm guns (2x3 guns), 865.70lbs / 392.68kg shells, 1916 Model
     Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)
     on centreline ends, evenly spread
      2 - 12.01" / 305 mm guns (1x2 guns), 865.70lbs / 392.68kg shells, 1916 Model
     Breech loading guns in a turret (on a barbette)
     on centreline aft, all raised guns - superfiring
      12 - 5.00" / 127 mm guns in single mounts, 62.50lbs / 28.35kg shells, 1916 Model
     Breech loading guns in casemate mounts
     on side, evenly spread
      4 - 1.00" / 25.4 mm guns in single mounts, 0.50lbs / 0.23kg shells, 1916 Model
     Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts
     on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts
   Weight of broadside 7,678 lbs / 3,483 kg
   Shells per gun, main battery: 110

   - Belts:      Width (max)   Length (avg)      Height (avg)
   Main:   12.6" / 320 mm   319.88 ft / 97.50 m   14.76 ft / 4.50 m
   Ends:   3.94" / 100 mm   172.21 ft / 52.49 m   14.76 ft / 4.50 m
   Upper:   5.91" / 150 mm   319.88 ft / 97.50 m   11.29 ft / 3.44 m
     Main Belt covers 100 % of normal length

   - Torpedo Bulkhead:
      1.57" / 40 mm   319.88 ft / 97.50 m   24.74 ft / 7.54 m

   - Gun armour:   Face (max)   Other gunhouse (avg)   Barbette/hoist (max)
   Main:   12.6" / 320 mm   5.91" / 150 mm      12.6" / 320 mm
   2nd:   12.6" / 320 mm   5.91" / 150 mm      12.6" / 320 mm
   3rd:   1.97" / 50 mm         -               -

   - Armour deck: 2.36" / 60 mm, Conning tower: 12.60" / 320 mm

   Oil fired boilers, steam turbines,
   Direct drive, 4 shafts, 41,423 shp / 30,901 Kw = 23.00 kts
   Range 8,000nm at 10.00 kts (Bunkerage = 1,508 tons)

   828 - 1,077

   £2.698 million / $10.791 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:
   Armament: 960 tons, 4.9 %
   Armour: 7,675 tons, 39.1 %
      - Belts: 3,965 tons, 20.2 %
      - Torpedo bulkhead: 461 tons, 2.4 %
      - Armament: 1,658 tons, 8.5 %
      - Armour Deck: 1,393 tons, 7.1 %
      - Conning Tower: 197 tons, 1.0 %
   Machinery: 1,543 tons, 7.9 %
   Hull, fittings & equipment: 7,320 tons, 37.3 %
   Fuel, ammunition & stores: 1,717 tons, 8.8 %
   Miscellaneous weights: 400 tons, 2.0 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
   Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):
     22,797 lbs / 10,340 Kg = 26.3 x 12.0 " / 305 mm shells or 3.8 torpedoes
   Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.10
   Metacentric height 5.0 ft / 1.5 m
   Roll period: 16.6 seconds
   Steadiness   - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 55 %
         - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.48
   Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.15

Hull form characteristics:
   Hull has rise forward of midbreak
   Block coefficient: 0.600
   Length to Beam Ratio: 5.56 : 1
   'Natural speed' for length: 22.18 kts
   Power going to wave formation at top speed: 55 %
   Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 48
   Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 10.00 degrees
   Stern overhang: -3.28 ft / -1.00 m
   Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
      - Stem:      25.92 ft / 7.90 m
      - Forecastle (20 %):   22.97 ft / 7.00 m
      - Mid (50 %):      22.97 ft / 7.00 m (15.09 ft / 4.60 m aft of break)
      - Quarterdeck (15 %):   15.09 ft / 4.60 m
      - Stern:      15.09 ft / 4.60 m
      - Average freeboard:   19.27 ft / 5.87 m

Ship space, strength and comments:
   Space   - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 84.4 %
      - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 137.3 %
   Waterplane Area: 31,884 Square feet or 2,962 Square metres
   Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 104 %
   Structure weight / hull surface area: 166 lbs/sq ft or 809 Kg/sq metre
   Hull strength (Relative):
      - Cross-sectional: 0.93
      - Longitudinal: 2.08
      - Overall: 1.00
   Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate
   Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent


I could live with that. Could you move the superfiring turret to the front and put a non-superfiring one amidship and in the aft, making 8 guns in total?


Really? That's a hefty profit he's making off you! :o