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International News 1916

Started by miketr, February 15, 2009, 05:57:10 PM

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A message from Burma to the RRC dated sometime in early August:

Burma wishes to take this opportunity to inform the Reformist Republic of China, in the interest of our newly refreshed neighborly relationship, that Burma is very seriously considering an offer by Iberia to greatly upgrade our military port at Sittwe and to build a railway connecting that port with the Rangoon-Mandalay railway. In exchange, Burma might grant Iberia a twenty-five year lease for use of that port.

While we hope that the RRC does not find this possible arrangement objectionable, we felt it important to give the RRC a chance to comment on it.


The reply from the RRC:

The RRC cannot tell Burma what to do, but wishes to give advice regarding this deal. By all means, go forward with this, but be wary that you are not being taken advantage of.


With everyone's indulgence, I moved Blooded's post re: Siamese-Dutch war to the meeting room thread on that subject, since he is pursuing OOC information.

See that post here:


A reminder that evil never rests... HA! HA! HA! HA!

QuotePoola, Bharat
Fall, 1916

Vengalil Krishnan Krishna Menon
The Foreign Guru

"How goes the war between the infidels?"  Mogambo asked from his cushion.  While his tone was almost casual his eyes lanced the Bharat Minister of War with a fierce intensity.

Menon hoped that Mogambo couldn't see the flutter of his heart as he was asked the question.  "The war drags on master.  Reports speak of continued land battles, commerce raiding and inconclusive naval actions."

Mogambo paused to consider the information.  From his cushion the Foreign Guru reached a thin claw like finger into the bowel in front of him.  A bloody bit of flesh was drawn out.  The Foreign Guru said quietly, "Morgoth head my prayer so that I may work to free you from your imprisonment!"  The Guru then drew an obsidian dagger from his cloak and slowly cut the flesh into strips and ate them one by one.  As the Guru ate each bit he whispered "I add your power to my own... your soul to serve mine for eternity..."  Mogambo waited for the Guru to finish and looked on with casual interest.  While the Bharat gazed at the foreigner with a combination of terror and perhaps envy.

Finished with his combination meal and offering the Guru asked Menon, "You have replaced your losses from the Calcutta war, yes?" 

Menon nodded and then said, "In numbers yes but it will be some time for the troops to reach full efficiency because of the heavy losses some units sustained.  The Gurkha's in particular took heavy losses and some of our other units not much better."

"That is fine... much of your army never was used in the fighting, yes?  Those units that kept watch on the Muslims to your north never saw fighting and are fresh still, yes?" The Guru asked in a voice that dripped with venom and more than a hint of barely contained madness.

"Ah... Yes that is true those units are fully intact."  Menon confirmed hastily.

The Guru nodded, "I suggest you find a use for them then."

A smile grew slowly across Mogambo's face, "That is a good idea..." Mogambo gave a small chuckle and then continued, "That is a very good idea.  Minister the infidel enclaves they continue to hunker behind their defenses?"

Menon asked quietly, "Ah master which enclave?  The Baltic or Brandenburg enclave?"

Mogambo gave another slight chuckle and then gave an answer that caused the Ministers heart to seize with terror for a moment, "Why both of course..."

Stumbling for words, "Ah... Master...  Yes both continued to shelter behind their defenses and both have been reinforced since last year."

Mogambo chuckle turned into a deep throated laughter, "All the more to offer to Kali... Yes Mogambo is pleased..."

To be continued...

QuotePoola, Bharat
Royal Palace

Fall, 1916

Majesty Chhatrapati Shahu IV, Maharaja of Bharat
Pranab Mallaiah Pawar, Prime Minister
Somanahalli Govindrao Mukherjee, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sharadchandra Kumar Krishna, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Europe)

"Majesty I have a most important matter to report to you." Pawar the Prime Minister of Bharat asked.  The aged PM with his balding head stood waiting the response of his sovereign.

Shahu the fourth of the name, often thought what it would have been like in his ancestor's time.  Of course the first Chhatrapati Shahu started his reign with foreign control from Delhi and civil war fighting; a cousin for his fathers throne.  Looking at his long time Prime Minister the Maharaja gave a slight smile, "Of course Mr. Pawar.  I assume because of the presence of Mr. Mukherjee and Mr. Krishna that this important matter has something to do with foreign affairs?"

Pawar gave a slight nod of his head, "His Majesty would be correct.  The Brandenburg Government has contacted us about their war with the Netherlands."

The Bharati Maharaja frowned, "I hope they don't expect us to join their foolish war.  Especially against the Netherlands as the Netherlands was one of few nations to provide us with any type of aid during our recent war with France."

Pawar gave a quick shake of his head, "No majesty they aren't asking for that.  They are contacting us about the Baltic Confederation."

Shahu was confused and looked between the men who stood before him, "And???"

Pawar turned to Krishna and gave him a quick motion with his hand.  Krishna cleared his voice and then said, "Brandenburg is asking us to declare war on the Baltic Confederation and seize their colony on our North West border.  In exchange they are willing to give us Goa."

The Maharaja yawned, "Are they offering anything else Mr. Krishna?"

"No Majesty just the port and surrounding area of Goa which is heavily developed I might add." Answered the Undersecretary for European Affairs.

The Maharaja stroked his beard with one of his bejeweled fingers as he listened, "I understand that the Brandenburgers have always disliked the Baltic Confederation viewing them as usurpers but why now?  What good does such a move do Brandenburg and especially at the cost of one of their own colonies."

Mukherjee gave a brief bow, "Maharaja if I might?" The Maharaja gave a nodded of his head and the Bharati foreign minister continued, "Brandenburg has threatened war over the aid that the Baltic Confederation is giving the Netherlands.  It seams several Baltic Ships have been involved in the fighting."

"Ah...  So they wish us to distract the Baltic Confederation by forcing them to fight us." The Maharaja said and then paused for a moment, "Mr. Pawar your thoughts?   My Kingdom was recently at war with the most powerful nation in the world and my army suffered terrible losses.  Is this a wise move?"

"I would have to talk to Mr. Menon and his generals but the last reports showed that we have made good our losses.  It is possible but I worry how the Mughal's would react.  They sat by during our war with France but they might not do the same if we took Gujarat and received Goa.  Once we receive Kolkata from France and those two other territories would give us a massive edge over the Mughal's."  Pawar answered.

The Maharaja nodded and his eyes narrowed as he thought the matter over, "Very well then contact the Mughals and sound them out.  See what they make of the matter.  Also demand more from Brandenburg."

The under-secretary was surprised, "More Majesty?"

"More Mr. Krishna, Goa is rightfully ours.  My father should have seized it when that nation... what was it called?" 

"Associacao Comericial do Mundo" supplied the foreign minister.

"Yes... the Associacao Comericial do Mundo.  My father should have seized it when that nation collapsed.  Goa is rightfully ours.  Also if Brandenburg is willing to give us Goa they might be willing to give more.  Squeeze them Mr. Krishna if they are so desperate to go down this path we should be able to get more out of them."  The Maharaja said in a voice the brooked no dissention.

"Anything in particular I should... seek to acquire Maharaja?"   Asked the diplomat.

The ruler of Bharat gave a slight chuckle, "All they are willing to give and then ask for a little bit more just to be sure.  Also make no promises before we commit ourselves we must consider all the possibilities."

The three ministers bowed and then the Prime Minister asked, "Shall I tell Mr. Menon to begin working on a plan to fight the Baltics?"

The Maharaja shook his head, "No not yet.  This is to be kept secret tell as few people as possible.  See to all matters your selves."

The three ministers backed out

Kaiser Kirk

OOC : Wouldn't Goa with a single fortified baseline Corps be lesser difficulty as Gujarat with four advanced corps, without alienating the Dutch or risking conflict with the Mughal? Not to mention the ESC isn't fighting a war and so *can* contest, while the DKB is a little busy...
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Who can understand such alien minds?


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on September 01, 2009, 09:10:41 PM
OOC : Wouldn't Goa with a single fortified baseline Corps be lesser difficulty as Gujarat with four advanced corps, without alienating the Dutch or risking conflict with the Mughal? Not to mention the ESC isn't fighting a war and so *can* contest, while the DKB is a little busy...

Your asking for logic out of Mogambo's bunch?  These people think other humans are afternoon snacks and worship alien powers from beyond this world.

As to the Maharaja if you note they have refused to commit themselves to a specific path at this time.  The DBK offer is an interesting one as that gets them both colonies and from their point of view the major problem is the Mughal's.  Also there are other problems one is how the Dutch will respond, another is Orange and others.  Bharats government was willing to fight France so taking risks is clearly within their range of possible actions.

Thanks for reading and responding!

The Rock Doctor

Mogambo does seem a few bricks shy of a wall, in an entertaining-while-he's-on-a-different-continent kind of way.

Kaiser Kirk

Well the Mughals are the only area in the region Bavaria has been attempting to gain some trading ties and some influence. Perhaps they could be encouraged to tear off a chunk of an overextended Bahrat :)
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Hmmm.... Obviously I need to stop procrastinating and finish up the Mughal Empires 1916 reports....

And no a larger stronger Bhaarat is definetly not in the Mughal Empires best interest especially considering that the Mughal Empire still controls nearly all of Northern Bharat around Delhi.  ;)

Durring the French / Bharat war the Mughal Empire mobilized and moved large numbers of troops to the border with Bharat.  Some of the Militia even crossed that border to take revenge for family members killed in the Anti-Christian / Anti-Muslim rioting.  The border betweent the two being quite porus.

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