Brigades and other army stuff

Started by miketr, September 01, 2009, 09:58:21 AM

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NO and NO... this is just Mike's suggestions and its awaiting the Mods imprimatur.



Official? No. Changes to the army rules other than the revised basic upkeep are still being kicked around.


Speaking of the mods any comment on what I have here?


The Rock Doctor

I haven't had a lot of opportunity to look this over, but it does seem promising.


This is a result of the talks between me and P3D.  In brief P3D wanted a flat cost progression for tanks, actually he wanted them to get cheaper over time but as I recall there was some agreeement on a flat cost.  Also he wanted them to be reduced in cost.  I was totally against such a move.  I also changed the cost of the heavy armor from 4 to 3 BP.  As to which one to use I leave that up to the mods to figure out; I have presented the different cost versions.



I really like this.

However, how are these units wargamed out?
<_kr4m3r> so many fucking criminals, its bullshit
<foniks`> heh, if we sent all the criminals to some empty continent and just left them there to die
<foniks`> and showed up like 50yrs later like, "sup?"
<foniks`> whatd u think they'd say?
<FoSZoR[bg]> something along the lines of, "G`Day mate"


Quote from: hooper82 on October 12, 2009, 07:08:12 AM
However, how are these units wargamed out?

It depends on who is moderating the combat.  When I moderating the combat, I did corps vs. corps attacks and a slidding odds table using 2d10 for resultion. I added in modifiers for things like unit moral, dug in, artillery advantage, etc.



Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


I think the answer to the question posed by the bump is: we have not adopted these in the rules, and even if we are going to, we're not going to during a war. At least, that's how I see it.

One should note that at about the time this thread was active, we *did* update the armor upkeep tables in the rules.