Odd fact and titbits about the Royal Netherlands Navy.

Started by Korpen, August 16, 2009, 11:20:33 AM

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Due to the fairly high number of Muslims (mainly Malays) all rations are pork-free.

Smoking is not allowed aboard warships  (or in the army for that matter)as it is considered both a direct (the pipe or cigar setting fire to something) and indirect ( that the smoke form tobacco ill hide the smoke from something real burning) fire hazard.

Compared to the real world  ships can be said to be "British" in concept, but Swedish/German in engineering details (such as sliding wedge breech blocks and separate diesel generators for electricity and the hotel load).

Normally, about 10% to 15% of the ships crew is from the Korps Mariniers. Apart from their normal shipboard duties they usually for the boarding parties and landing detachment for a ship.

All modern (post 1906) capital ships carries 1-2 shrapnel rounds for each gun stored in the turret, for rapid defence against destroyers and torpedo boats at closer ranges.

Since the 1906 war the shells on larger Dutch warships have bags of dye added as an aid to distinguish the shells splashes of different ships.

Frigates routinely practice gunner at over 200hm, but the cost of the intense gunnery practice result in much higher peacetime upkeeps (exept for the range, that goes for most smaller ships as well).

The Marine got the largest military tanker fleet in the world; 17 tankers in service with a total payload of more then 120 000 ton of fuel.

...more will be added when i remember it... :)
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.