Monsieur Grange.

Started by maddox, July 23, 2009, 04:21:25 PM

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Born in the slums of 1869 Paris, Piere Grange seemed to be destined for the state coal mines as a recedivist.

But, the determination of his parents, the dole granted to said parents and his own cunning did keep Piere out of trouble, until the faitfull year 1888.
During a razzia he was taken, and on his way to the court for crimes he didn't commit, a young diplomat with political connections and influence took him under his wings.

Georges Rimauld did see potential in a young man almost his age, with the knowledge of the people of the lowest class, but capable of fitting in any strata of society, so the election to become his aid was logical.

During Premier Jardans and Minister Rimaulds time in office, Piere's influence grew, and came to the attention of the then head of Securité, and future Premier Palpaté .

Only utter determination, and total loyality to the French state- not law, nor politicians or money could sway Grange from his chosen path- gave him the strength to accept, and endure the corrupt religious freak Palpaté was.
Granges subtile warnings to Ministers Paixhans and Capet cut the path to destruction the Eye worshipping Palpaté was following.

This had as results
  • -that in 1906 Premier Palpaté was killed at El Dorado, a modern city filled with cannibalistic Eye worshippers and slaves, as an ultimate but futile attempt of the Anuhuac Emperor (in exile) to gain full command over the French might.
  • - in 1908 Piere Grange was promoted to functional head of Securité
Since then, Monsieur Grange in his several roles as aide to the ministry of Foreign Affairs, conselor to ministers, and head of Securité did everything in his power to support and maintain Glorious France.

Unfortunatly, times are changing, and Glorious France, even with every dirty trick, every cunning plan he made up together with his growing group of beautifull ladies, smart men didn't ofset the stupidities of the "elected leaders of France".

Only in Admiral Geon he sees a kindred spirit. And the 2 men did become friends.