Trying to get Value for Money

Started by mentat, March 04, 2009, 09:41:07 AM

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Seems like a good idea - so as my first time on SS tried to design a multi-purpose BC/Fast BB

Intended to perform multiple roles:

In Home Waters:

- Support Light forces whenever they have to move into more exposed positions

- With the Main Battle Fleet - combine spearheading Scouting forces as necessary - with joining the Battleline and concentrating on sections of the Enemy Line


  - provide rapid reactionary capability to re-inforce Cruiser forces on Overseas stations

So - plenty of scope to keep them busy. Have also assumed not everyone yet has 15" gun tech - of course is nice to have but makes it bigger, more expensive and perhaps less useful/deployable - too much status/be tied to the main gun line

Hope this uploads OK (have had more problems uploading than creating the file lol) - very interested in feedback on the design and the idea to get all-round capability to make best use of expensive asset:

  {\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs18 Tiger, BAE BBC Battlecruiser laid down 1916\par
\tab 31,439 t light; 32,859 t standard; 34,879 t normal; 36,495 t full load\par
Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught\par
\tab 765.00 ft / 765.00 ft x 104.00 ft x 28.00 ft (normal load)\par
\tab 233.17 m / 233.17 m x 31.70 m  x 8.53 m\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all aft\par
      18 - 5.10" / 130 mm guns in single mounts, 66.33lbs / 30.08kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      6 - 3.50" / 88.9 mm guns in single mounts, 21.44lbs / 9.72kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      16 - 1.20" / 30.5 mm guns in single mounts, 0.86lbs / 0.39kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
\tab Weight of broadside 11,178 lbs / 5,070 kg\par
\tab Shells per gun, main battery: 110\par
\tab 8 - 22.0" / 558.8 mm submerged torpedo tubes\par
   - Belts:\tab\tab Width (max)\tab Length (avg)\tab\tab Height (avg)\par
\tab Main:\tab 13.0" / 330 mm\tab 460.00 ft / 140.21 m\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m\par
\tab Ends:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 305.00 ft / 92.96 m\tab 8.00 ft / 2.44 m\par
\tab Upper:\tab 5.00" / 127 mm\tab 280.00 ft / 85.34 m\tab 12.00 ft / 3.66 m\par
\tab   Main Belt covers 93 % of normal length\par
   - Torpedo Bulkhead:\par
\tab\tab 3.50" / 89 mm\tab 540.00 ft / 164.59 m\tab 14.00 ft / 4.27 m\par
   - Gun armour:\tab Face (max)\tab Other gunhouse (avg)\tab Barbette/hoist (max)\par
\tab Main:\tab 15.0" / 381 mm\tab 8.00" / 203 mm\tab\tab 11.0" / 279 mm\par
\tab 2nd:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 1.50" / 38 mm\tab\tab 2.00" / 51 mm\par
   - Armour deck: 3.50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 12.00" / 305 mm\par
\tab Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, \par
\tab Geared drive, 4 shafts, 111,568 shp / 83,230 Kw = 28.50 kts\par
\tab Range 9,000nm at 12.00 kts\par
\tab Bunker at max displacement = 3,637 tons\par
\tab 1,275 - 1,658\par
\tab\'a34.673 million / $18.694 million\par
Distribution of weights at normal displacement:\par
\tab Armament: 1,397 tons, 4.0 %\par
\tab Armour: 11,614 tons, 33.3 %\par
\tab    - Belts: 5,231 tons, 15.0 %\par
\tab    - Torpedo bulkhead: 979 tons, 2.8 %\par
\tab    - Armament: 1,539 tons, 4.4 %\par
\tab    - Armour Deck: 3,588 tons, 10.3 %\par
\tab    - Conning Tower: 276 tons, 0.8 %\par
\tab Machinery: 4,157 tons, 11.9 %\par
\tab Hull, fittings & equipment: 13,970 tons, 40.1 %\par
\tab Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,441 tons, 9.9 %\par
\tab Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 0.9 %\par
Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:\par
\tab Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):\par
\tab   54,629 lbs / 24,779 Kg = 44.4 x 13.5 " / 343 mm shells or 8.2 torpedoes\par
\tab Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.23\par
\tab Metacentric height 7.7 ft / 2.4 m\par
\tab Roll period: 15.7 seconds\par
\tab Steadiness\tab - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 66 %\par
\tab\tab\tab - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.45\par
\tab Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.32\par
Hull form characteristics:\par
\tab Hull has low quarterdeck \par
\tab Block coefficient: 0.548\par
\tab Length to Beam Ratio: 7.36 : 1\par
\tab 'Natural speed' for length: 27.66 kts\par
\tab Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %\par
\tab Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50\par
\tab Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0.00 degrees\par
\tab Stern overhang: -2.00 ft / -0.61 m\par
\tab Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):\par
\tab    - Stem:\tab\tab 28.00 ft / 8.53 m\par
\tab    - Forecastle (18 %):\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Mid (70 %):\tab\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Quarterdeck (18 %):\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m (24.00 ft / 7.32 m before break)\par
\tab    - Stern:\tab\tab 18.00 ft / 5.49 m\par
\tab    - Average freeboard:\tab 23.06 ft / 7.03 m\par
\tab Ship tends to be wet forward\par
Ship space, strength and comments:\par
\tab Space\tab - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 91.4 %\par
\tab\tab - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 198.7 %\par
\tab Waterplane Area: 55,420 Square feet or 5,149 Square metres\par
\tab Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111 %\par
\tab Structure weight / hull surface area: 183 lbs/sq ft or 895 Kg/sq metre\par
\tab Hull strength (Relative):\par
\tab\tab - Cross-sectional: 0.97\par
\tab\tab - Longitudinal: 1.32\par
\tab\tab - Overall: 1.00\par
\tab Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate\par
\tab Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent\par
\tab Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily\par{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs18 Tiger, BAE BBC Battlecruiser laid down 1916\par
\tab 31,439 t light; 32,859 t standard; 34,879 t normal; 36,495 t full load\par
Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught\par
\tab 765.00 ft / 765.00 ft x 104.00 ft x 28.00 ft (normal load)\par
\tab 233.17 m / 233.17 m x 31.70 m  x 8.53 m\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all aft\par
      18 - 5.10" / 130 mm guns in single mounts, 66.33lbs / 30.08kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      6 - 3.50" / 88.9 mm guns in single mounts, 21.44lbs / 9.72kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      16 - 1.20" / 30.5 mm guns in single mounts, 0.86lbs / 0.39kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
\tab Weight of broadside 11,178 lbs / 5,070 kg\par
\tab Shells per gun, main battery: 110\par
\tab 8 - 22.0" / 558.8 mm submerged torpedo tubes\par
   - Belts:\tab\tab Width (max)\tab Length (avg)\tab\tab Height (avg)\par
\tab Main:\tab 13.0" / 330 mm\tab 460.00 ft / 140.21 m\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m\par
\tab Ends:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 305.00 ft / 92.96 m\tab 8.00 ft / 2.44 m\par
\tab Upper:\tab 5.00" / 127 mm\tab 280.00 ft / 85.34 m\tab 12.00 ft / 3.66 m\par
\tab   Main Belt covers 93 % of normal length\par
   - Torpedo Bulkhead:\par
\tab\tab 3.50" / 89 mm\tab 540.00 ft / 164.59 m\tab 14.00 ft / 4.27 m\par
   - Gun armour:\tab Face (max)\tab Other gunhouse (avg)\tab Barbette/hoist (max)\par
\tab Main:\tab 15.0" / 381 mm\tab 8.00" / 203 mm\tab\tab 11.0" / 279 mm\par
\tab 2nd:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 1.50" / 38 mm\tab\tab 2.00" / 51 mm\par
   - Armour deck: 3.50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 12.00" / 305 mm\par
\tab Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, \par
\tab Geared drive, 4 shafts, 111,568 shp / 83,230 Kw = 28.50 kts\par
\tab Range 9,000nm at 12.00 kts\par
\tab Bunker at max displacement = 3,637 tons\par
\tab 1,275 - 1,658\par
\tab\'a34.673 million / $18.694 million\par
Distribution of weights at normal displacement:\par
\tab Armament: 1,397 tons, 4.0 %\par
\tab Armour: 11,614 tons, 33.3 %\par
\tab    - Belts: 5,231 tons, 15.0 %\par
\tab    - Torpedo bulkhead: 979 tons, 2.8 %\par
\tab    - Armament: 1,539 tons, 4.4 %\par
\tab    - Armour Deck: 3,588 tons, 10.3 %\par
\tab    - Conning Tower: 276 tons, 0.8 %\par
\tab Machinery: 4,157 tons, 11.9 %\par
\tab Hull, fittings & equipment: 13,970 tons, 40.1 %\par
\tab Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,441 tons, 9.9 %\par
\tab Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 0.9 %\par
Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:\par
\tab Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):\par
\tab   54,629 lbs / 24,779 Kg = 44.4 x 13.5 " / 343 mm shells or 8.2 torpedoes\par
\tab Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.23\par
\tab Metacentric height 7.7 ft / 2.4 m\par
\tab Roll period: 15.7 seconds\par
\tab Steadiness\tab - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 66 %\par
\tab\tab\tab - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.45\par
\tab Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.32\par
Hull form characteristics:\par
\tab Hull has low quarterdeck \par
\tab Block coefficient: 0.548\par
\tab Length to Beam Ratio: 7.36 : 1\par
\tab 'Natural speed' for length: 27.66 kts\par
\tab Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %\par
\tab Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50\par
\tab Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0.00 degrees\par
\tab Stern overhang: -2.00 ft / -0.61 m\par
\tab Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):\par
\tab    - Stem:\tab\tab 28.00 ft / 8.53 m\par
\tab    - Forecastle (18 %):\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Mid (70 %):\tab\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Quarterdeck (18 %):\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m (24.00 ft / 7.32 m before break)\par
\tab    - Stern:\tab\tab 18.00 ft / 5.49 m\par
\tab    - Average freeboard:\tab 23.06 ft / 7.03 m\par
\tab Ship tends to be wet forward\par
Ship space, strength and comments:\par
\tab Space\tab - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 91.4 %\par
\tab\tab - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 198.7 %\par
\tab Waterplane Area: 55,420 Square feet or 5,149 Square metres\par
\tab Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111 %\par
\tab Structure weight / hull surface area: 183 lbs/sq ft or 895 Kg/sq metre\par
\tab Hull strength (Relative):\par
\tab\tab - Cross-sectional: 0.97\par
\tab\tab - Longitudinal: 1.32\par
\tab\tab - Overall: 1.00\par
\tab Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate\par
\tab Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent\par
\tab Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily\par
}{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\fs18 Tiger, BAE BBC Battlecruiser laid down 1916\par
\tab 31,439 t light; 32,859 t standard; 34,879 t normal; 36,495 t full load\par
Dimensions: Length overall / water x beam x draught\par
\tab 765.00 ft / 765.00 ft x 104.00 ft x 28.00 ft (normal load)\par
\tab 233.17 m / 233.17 m x 31.70 m  x 8.53 m\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring\par
      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes)\par
\tab   on centreline, all aft\par
      18 - 5.10" / 130 mm guns in single mounts, 66.33lbs / 30.08kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Breech loading guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      6 - 3.50" / 88.9 mm guns in single mounts, 21.44lbs / 9.72kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
      16 - 1.20" / 30.5 mm guns in single mounts, 0.86lbs / 0.39kg shells, 1916 Model\par
\tab   Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts \par
\tab   on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts\par
\tab Weight of broadside 11,178 lbs / 5,070 kg\par
\tab Shells per gun, main battery: 110\par
\tab 8 - 22.0" / 558.8 mm submerged torpedo tubes\par
   - Belts:\tab\tab Width (max)\tab Length (avg)\tab\tab Height (avg)\par
\tab Main:\tab 13.0" / 330 mm\tab 460.00 ft / 140.21 m\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m\par
\tab Ends:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 305.00 ft / 92.96 m\tab 8.00 ft / 2.44 m\par
\tab Upper:\tab 5.00" / 127 mm\tab 280.00 ft / 85.34 m\tab 12.00 ft / 3.66 m\par
\tab   Main Belt covers 93 % of normal length\par
   - Torpedo Bulkhead:\par
\tab\tab 3.50" / 89 mm\tab 540.00 ft / 164.59 m\tab 14.00 ft / 4.27 m\par
   - Gun armour:\tab Face (max)\tab Other gunhouse (avg)\tab Barbette/hoist (max)\par
\tab Main:\tab 15.0" / 381 mm\tab 8.00" / 203 mm\tab\tab 11.0" / 279 mm\par
\tab 2nd:\tab 2.50" / 64 mm\tab 1.50" / 38 mm\tab\tab 2.00" / 51 mm\par
   - Armour deck: 3.50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 12.00" / 305 mm\par
\tab Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, \par
\tab Geared drive, 4 shafts, 111,568 shp / 83,230 Kw = 28.50 kts\par
\tab Range 9,000nm at 12.00 kts\par
\tab Bunker at max displacement = 3,637 tons\par
\tab 1,275 - 1,658\par
\tab\'a34.673 million / $18.694 million\par
Distribution of weights at normal displacement:\par
\tab Armament: 1,397 tons, 4.0 %\par
\tab Armour: 11,614 tons, 33.3 %\par
\tab    - Belts: 5,231 tons, 15.0 %\par
\tab    - Torpedo bulkhead: 979 tons, 2.8 %\par
\tab    - Armament: 1,539 tons, 4.4 %\par
\tab    - Armour Deck: 3,588 tons, 10.3 %\par
\tab    - Conning Tower: 276 tons, 0.8 %\par
\tab Machinery: 4,157 tons, 11.9 %\par
\tab Hull, fittings & equipment: 13,970 tons, 40.1 %\par
\tab Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,441 tons, 9.9 %\par
\tab Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 0.9 %\par
Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:\par
\tab Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):\par
\tab   54,629 lbs / 24,779 Kg = 44.4 x 13.5 " / 343 mm shells or 8.2 torpedoes\par
\tab Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.23\par
\tab Metacentric height 7.7 ft / 2.4 m\par
\tab Roll period: 15.7 seconds\par
\tab Steadiness\tab - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 66 %\par
\tab\tab\tab - Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.45\par
\tab Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.32\par
Hull form characteristics:\par
\tab Hull has low quarterdeck \par
\tab Block coefficient: 0.548\par
\tab Length to Beam Ratio: 7.36 : 1\par
\tab 'Natural speed' for length: 27.66 kts\par
\tab Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %\par
\tab Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50\par
\tab Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 0.00 degrees\par
\tab Stern overhang: -2.00 ft / -0.61 m\par
\tab Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):\par
\tab    - Stem:\tab\tab 28.00 ft / 8.53 m\par
\tab    - Forecastle (18 %):\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Mid (70 %):\tab\tab 24.00 ft / 7.32 m\par
\tab    - Quarterdeck (18 %):\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m (24.00 ft / 7.32 m before break)\par
\tab    - Stern:\tab\tab 18.00 ft / 5.49 m\par
\tab    - Average freeboard:\tab 23.06 ft / 7.03 m\par
\tab Ship tends to be wet forward\par
Ship space, strength and comments:\par
\tab Space\tab - Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 91.4 %\par
\tab\tab - Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 198.7 %\par
\tab Waterplane Area: 55,420 Square feet or 5,149 Square metres\par
\tab Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111 %\par
\tab Structure weight / hull surface area: 183 lbs/sq ft or 895 Kg/sq metre\par
\tab Hull strength (Relative):\par
\tab\tab - Cross-sectional: 0.97\par
\tab\tab - Longitudinal: 1.32\par
\tab\tab - Overall: 1.00\par
\tab Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate\par
\tab Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent\par
\tab Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily\par


Yuk - first of all would like advice on how to upload without all the yukky 'tab' marks!

  Apologies - not an easy read ...


Quote from: mentat on March 04, 2009, 09:45:54 AM

Yuk - first of all would like advice on how to upload without all the yukky 'tab' marks!

  Apologies - not an easy read ...
What did you save the report as?
Normally it works fine to just copy it directly from the "report" page in springsharp.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Thanks - now - why didn't I think of that ...

Yes - I've copied the file because my laptop didn't seem happy with the SS program left running - but the result is yukky - now I know  ;D  Cheers


Well - apologies for the first version - hopefully here's a more user-friendly one (please read with the initial intro. blurb above):

Tiger, BAE BBC Battlecruiser laid down 1916

Displacement: 31,439 t light; 32,859 t standard; 34,879 t normal; 36,495 t full load


Length overall / water x beam x draught 765.00 ft / 765.00 ft x 104.00 ft x 28.00 ft (normal load) 233.17 m / 233.17 m x 31.70 m  x 8.53 m

      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Model Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes) on centreline, all forward, 1 raised mount - superfiring

      4 - 13.50" / 343 mm guns (2x2 guns), 1,230.19lbs / 558.00kg shells, 1916 Mode  Breech loading guns in turrets (on barbettes) on centreline, all aft

      18 - 5.10" / 130 mm guns in single mounts, 66.33lbs / 30.08kg shells, 1916 Model  Breech loading guns in deck mounts  on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts

      6 - 3.50" / 88.9 mm guns in single mounts, 21.44lbs / 9.72kg shells, 1916 Model Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts

      16 - 1.20" / 30.5 mm guns in single mounts, 0.86lbs / 0.39kg shells, 1916 Model Anti-aircraft guns in deck mounts on side, evenly spread, all raised mounts

Weight of broadside 11,178 lbs / 5,070 kg Shells per gun, main battery: 110

8 - 22.0" / 558.8 mm submerged torpedo tubes

   - Belts: Width (max)\ Length (avg)\ Height (avg)

    Main:13.0" / 330 mm 460.00 ft / 140.21 m 16.00 ft / 4.88 m
    Ends:2.50" / 64 mm\ 305.00 ft / 92.96 m\ 8.00 ft / 2.44 m\
    Upper: 5.00" / 127 mm\ 280.00 ft / 85.34 m\12.00 ft / 3.66 m\
    Main Belt covers 93 % of normal length

   - Torpedo Bulkhead: 3.50" / 89 mm 540.00 ft / 164.59 m\14.00 ft / 4.27 m\

   - Gun armour: Face (max)\ Other gunhouse (avg)\ Barbette/hoist (max)\
      Main: 15.0" / 381 mm\ 8.00" / 203 mm\ 11.0" / 279 mm\
       2nd: 2.50" / 64 mm 1.50" / 38 mm\ 2.00" / 51 mm\

   - Armour deck: 3.50" / 89 mm, Conning tower: 12.00" / 305 mm\


Oil fired boilers, steam turbines, Geared drive, 4 shafts, 111,568 shp / 83,230 Kw = 28.50 kts

Range 9,000nm at 12.00 kts

Bunker at max displacement = 3,637 tons

Complement:1,275 - 1,658

Cost: $18.694 million

Distribution of weights at normal displacement:

Armament: 1,397 tons, 4.0 %
Armour: 11,614 tons, 33.3 %
  -  Belts: 5,231 tons, 15.0 %
  - Torpedo bulkhead: 979 tons, 2.8 %
  - Armament: 1,539 tons, 4.4 %
  - Armour Deck: 3,588 tons, 10.3 %
  - Conning Tower: 276 tons, 0.8 %
   -  Machinery: 4,157 tons, 11.9 %
   - Hull, fittings & equipment: 13,970 tons, 40.1 %
   - Fuel, ammunition & stores: 3,441 tons, 9.9 %
   - Miscellaneous weights: 300 tons, 0.9 %

Overall survivability and seakeeping ability:

Survivability (Non-critical penetrating hits needed to sink ship):

54,629 lbs / 24,779 Kg = 44.4 x 13.5 " / 343 mm shells or 8.2 torpedoes

Stability (Unstable if below 1.00): 1.23

Metacentric height 7.7 ft / 2.4 m

Roll period: 15.7 seconds

Steadiness - As gun platform (Average = 50 %): 66 %

Recoil effect (Restricted arc if above 1.00): 0.45

Seaboat quality  (Average = 1.00): 1.32

Hull form characteristics:

Hull has low quarterdeck
Block coefficient: 0.548
Length to Beam Ratio: 7.36 : 1
'Natural speed' for length: 27.66 kts
Power going to wave formation at top speed: 49 %
Trim (Max stability = 0, Max steadiness = 100): 50

Bow angle (Positive = bow angles forward): 30.0 degrees
Stern overhang: -2.00 ft / -0.61 m
Freeboard (% = measuring location as a percentage of overall length):
    - Stem: 28.00 ft / 8.53 m
    - Forecastle (18 %): 24.00 ft / 7.32 m
    - Mid (70 %):\24.00 ft / 7.32 m
    - Quarterdeck (18 %):\tab 16.00 ft / 4.88 m (24.00 ft / 7.32 m before break
    - Stern: 18.00 ft / 5.49 m
     - Average freeboard:\tab 23.06 ft / 7.03 m
     Ship tends to be wet forward

Ship space, strength and comments:
-  Hull below water (magazines/engines, low = better): 91.4 %
- Above water (accommodation/working, high = better): 198.7 %
-  Waterplane Area: 55,420 Square feet or 5,149 Square metres

Displacement factor (Displacement / loading): 111 %
Structure weight / hull surface area: 183 lbs/sq ft or 895 Kg/sq metrer
  Hull strength (Relative):
   - Cross-sectional: 0.97
   - Longitudinal: 1.32
   -  Overall: 1.00

Hull space for machinery, storage, compartmentation is adequate
Room for accommodation and workspaces is excellent
Good seaboat, rides out heavy weather easily

The Rock Doctor

There are a lot of positives about the design, but:

-The torpedo bulkhead's height seems very limited.

-I think the AA suite is perhaps twice to three times what is actually warranted for the time.

I'd question the eight torpedo tubes, as well - I don't recall capital ships usually having more than four or five, so this seems like a lot.


Hi - thanks for reply.

What prompted the design was the much greater utilisation of fast heavy units (well designed or not) due to their ability to get in place and back out more quickly.

I've often had the impression mainstream BBs mostly gather rust in harbour and don't earn their crust - except as deterrents

Any thoughts on whether more Players might build more ships with this kind of all-rounder profile? - I have seen a few - eg CSAs Enterprise

I agree with your points:

Torp Bulkhead - yes, it should run from the double bottom to above sea level - I will adjust it

AA guns - actually wanted to list the 30mm (intended for close-in defence) as MGs - but wasn't allowed, I'll put them in as QF

The TTs - I was thinking for the BC role - the usual 4 is rather ineffectual - trying to find something to be a bit quirky on, but was also thinking they would be the first (and probably never used) item to go in a later refit

Given the need for more tonnage on the TB - they can go now




The MK CCBB's have a lot more tubes.


A big issue... a mistake that I also made on a similar ship:

Main: 15.0" / 381 mm\ 8.00" / 203 mm\ 11.0" / 279 mm\
       2nd: 2.50" / 64 mm 1.50" / 38 mm\ 2.00" / 51 mm\

This means that ONE PAIR of your main guns are protected by 15" of armor.
It also, unfortunately, means that the other pair (in the #2 gun slot) is protected by only 2.5" of armor. Fixing that will knock a dent in the ship, thought not a very large one.
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


Thanks for spotting - given no. of pages in the model - a lot of cross-checking is required.

I'll have to increase tonnage to sort this - can't have main turrets with 2.5" face armour !!!

Luckily my expectatin/target was 34-35k st - which it hit at some prev. pts - no such thing as a free lunch :)
