New Switzerland

Started by Desertfox, March 07, 2007, 04:37:54 PM

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I was thinking in terms of style, as this is Thrawn we are dealing with here.  Was that your idea or Foxy's?

But foreign aid might be in order...or at least an arms supplier for a backwater such as Australia.

Hainan is the trade off is what you had after the war with Taiwan.  I'd not much, but its still close to the mainland.  Hong Kong is in ruins.  There is nothing there for the Swiss to hold on to save bad memories, broken buildings, and mountains of graves.  A decision to leave would be wise otherwise that would just became a place of greater sarrow as the number of dead increase a thousand fold.  That harbor is probably mined and thus the area is useless to the Swiss in any respect.  This is a cut your losses and redeploy to more critical lands.


It was my idea to have Grand Admral T. in Firanj, actually. :)

I can easily backdate my previously planned 'Victoriasee Kreuzer' to suit the Elven Lakes of Western Australia...


Quote from: Ithekro on March 18, 2007, 09:11:10 PM
There is nothing there for the Swiss to hold on to save bad memories, broken buildings, and mountains of graves. 
LOTR type of exposition:

There is nothing there for the Sons of Wilhelm Tell ... nothing, but Death.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The same could be said for China, why does China want it? Chinese losses where five times as heavy and in 3 battles (that I remember) not one inch of territory was gained. For NS Hong Kong is a symbol of defiance much like Malta was for the UK.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Why? Because China HAS it. And is not inclined to cede it to her own enemies. The symbolic defiance lasted not too long.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Save that the Swiss were renting Hong Kong from China, thus the landlord returns to remove the tenents...they find it takes blowing up the house to get the tenents to leave...but the landlord still owns the property dispite it being worthless.  Maybe they'll sell it later, but the principle is still the same.


In the "old board" I looked at Hong Kong as if it was Dresden.

A pile of rubble.  But Phoenix and Desertfox gave me another point of view.  Desertfox by his insistence the 250mm railguns of Phoenix couldn't shell the harbor. And Phoenix by her determination to eradicate everything.

Hong Kong is the Cartago of the Far East. Judging the female cruelty she displayed often enough, I can easely imagine that after the retreat of the New Swiss and the tsunami of the Taal disaster, she did send in 50 000 coolies to remove everything remotely looking like civilisation, and after that, plowing the ground with salt and brimstone. 

For me it is a done deal. Hong Kong is a clean slate. A nice location waiting for development. But with a very unwilling landlord.


Going by Ithekro's 50,000 tons, this is what NS built after 1902:

1xBC Alliance 14,000t

1xBB United States 8,000t+ under construction

Launceston "free"
Melbourne 4,500t

3xLC 6,000t

8xDD Van Hake class 5,600t

15xDD Littlestone class 4,000+ 5 under construction

2xAC Atair class "rebuilt" 5,000t

1xAC Antares under construction -5,000t

Total 47,000 tons

Not finalised,ust a rough draft.

On the ACs I was going to rebuilt 2 of the Sirus (now Atair)class ships. Here I will just have them finished to the rebuilt specs, however I will still pay the equivalent of the rebuild cost and Antares will not be finished yet.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


And out of curiousity, what of your Lake Fleet?  Or would it be better to start building those in 1906? 


Well Im hoping to get about half of it free* (its about 6,000 tons), building the other half after 1906. But if thats not possible I can probably squeeze it in.

* It was my idea, those ships are going nowhere else and the muslims get the same amount free too.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


We might be able to do that.  However I imagine it would be a the cst of our ships being rather dated.  I might be using some of the old Caliphate warships and the Swiss might be using the same, or...heh heh...ironclads at best.


This is what I have in mind for the Great Lakes Fleet. Geneva, Lake Eyre, and the Kangaroos will be 1906 ships. The Murrays will use ex-Tuna 6" turrents, the Turbinias I already have. But a few ironclads will be fun, Ill let you have Merrimac, Ill take Monitor :-P

1 Great Lakes Cruiser CG 2x8", 22kt
NSS Geneva

2 Great Lakes Gunboats GG 6x6", 17kt
NSS Murray
NSS Darling

1 Great Lakes Minelayer MG 4x6", 17kt
NSS Lake Eyre

2 Great Lakes Gunboats GG 1x6", 17kt

2 Great Lakes Destroyers DG 2x5", 22kt
NSS Kangaroo
NSS Koala

10 Great Lakes Torpedoboats TG 1x3", 2x18" TT, 22kt
TG-1 class

5 Torpedo Boats TB 4x18" TT, 30kt
Turbinia class

1 Harbor Patrol AG, 1x3", 15 kt
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


I was thinking of using the round battleship the Caliphate playr liked for the old ships, but I've not seen any of those in a while...or at least what the Caliphate had that might make a few selections less difficult.


Those round BBs might actually work in the confines of the Lakes at least as strait defence ships.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock