Empire of Italia HY2 1915

Started by ctwaterman, January 16, 2009, 12:36:17 AM

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Empire of Italia 1915 H2

Pop       BP         IC         Rev       
Italy 35.5110.54681.51
Burundi2.78002.0 4.16
Eritrea 1.09 001.02.02
It. South Africa2.78024.16
Somalia 2.78024.16
Novo Lipari .1800.04
Limited War Time Standing 21.78 Civilian Income rolled into Military Budget

Civilian $ Roll Over2
Military $ Roll Over2
BP Roll Over3.5
Civilian Budget This HY 33.69
Military Budget This HY77.41
BP Budget This HY14.5
3.5 BP Rollover is From France doing Infrastructure Upgrades as part of a trade.
$2 Military and $2 Civilian is from GC and the Peace Treaty

Civilian Build's
Location/Item$ this Hy $ Total
IC Italia0 13.88
Tunis 33.69 33.69
Military Build's
Item $ BP ($spent/BP spent/Months/ Complete)
BB 1913 7 5 (21/22/30/ 37)
Rail Road ISO 2 1 (2/1/6/ 6)
Update 7 Airfields 3.5 3.5(3.5/3.5/6/ 6)
Internal Security 2 0(0/0/0/ 0)
Update 3 Arm Car Reg 6 3 (6/3/ 6/ 6)
Motorize 4 Corp 4 2 (4/2/6/ 6)
Purchase from France 15 0 (15/0/6/6)
The Purchase from France is the Purchase of Rebar for Port upgrades 2BP.
Parts for 2 1500 DD for France 3 BP
Keels and Start on parts of 2 Italian AC 6 BP
Parts and Rebar for Shore Batteries 4 BP

Research & Development
Project Name: $ Turn (X of Y)
1914: IC Engines (1 of 6)
1913 (+5) Torpedoes (1 of 6)
1915 Light Armor (1 of 6)
1905 Subs [CSA] .25  (2 of 2)
1910 ASW [France] .25  (2 of 2)
1911 Naval Guns [France] .25  (2 of 2)
1910 Mobilization Opt 1 [France] .25  (2 of 2)
1910 Mobilization Opt 2[CSA] .25  (2 of 2)
AoN/Sloped Armor[France] .25  (2 of 2)
1916 Aircraft [CSA] .25  (2 of 2)
1912 DD Tech[France/NS] .25  (2 of 2)
1910: CBR 0 (3 of 6)

Notes on R&D –
1913 (+5) Torpedoes on Hold
1910 CBR On Hold


Army Maint Cost: 28.45
Navy Maint Cost: 5.45
Total Military $ Spent: 77.41
Total BP Spent: 14.5
Unspent Civilian $:0.0
Unspent Military $:.0.0
Unspent BP: 0.0
Start Scraping 15 Sloops from France, and
BB-2 Roma, BB-5 Venice, BB-3 Sardina, BB-6 Milian
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along