Bavaria, HY2, 1915

Started by Kaiser Kirk, January 14, 2009, 12:23:26 PM

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Kaiser Kirk

I think the BP and IC line up now. Finished an IC last HY, stuck it in Switzerland which had the lowest Pop:IC ratio. 

Kingdom of Greater Bavaria and Switzerland
HY 2, 1915

StatePopulation  BPICRevenue   
Bavaria and Palintate 7.103.01421.10
Wurtemberg and Baden4.952.5913.95
Sachsen and Hesse4.952.0913.95
Schlesien   5.402.51015.40
Switz 3.51.558.50
Friuli 1.120.534.12
Tirol 1.120.523.12
Total 28.1412.55180.40

War Budget: N

8.61 budgetary allowance Military
0.1 BP capacity

Other Income:
$8.88 Military from France for construction of Tender and Mushroom Class MS
$4.20 Military from Gran Columbia for hull plating to specifications,
$3.00 Civilian from Gran Columbia for railway construction materials, wireless materials, and undersea telegraph cable.

Total : $108.92
Civilian Budget : $47.03
Max Military Budget : $61.89

Military Budget


Army Maintenance: $21.70

Army Construction: $17.2 , BP:  2.6
Raise 2 Baseline reserve corps
Raise 2 10" railroad artillery


Aeronautical Construction: $0.50 , BP:  0
$0.4 for one type 2 Zeppelins to replace the 2nd 1909 version
$0.1 for 100 x 1910 Aircraft

Aeronautical  Maintenance: $0.99


Navy Maintenance: $0.72

Navy Construction: $9.77 , BP: 8.00

$3.75, 3BP : 3,000t plating for Grand Columbian vessel Avenger and
$3.75, 3BP : 3,000t plating for Grand Columbian vessel Tirador

$0.475, 0.38BP  :  French Collier Comète to French specifications, 5,381t light, building time 14 months, laid down 2/14, 5,000 tons prior, 381 tons added Completed

$0.95, 0.95 BP.  T5 Type 3 : Bavarian Lachs Class Tender laid down, 7,000 tons light, building time 16 months, laid down 1/15, 1,000 tons prior, 950 tons added.

6x French Minesweeper Mushroom to French specifications, mercantile standard, 449light, building time 6 months, laid down 2/15, 0 tons prior, 449 tons added
Laid down in T1, T2, T4, T6, T7, M1 completed
Cost : $0.449*1.25*.25*6= $ 0.84 , BP = 0.449 *.25*6 = 0.67BP

Naval Infrastructure Construction : $6, BP: 0 
$5 and 0 BP towards construction of Type 1 Harbor at Grado on the River Natisone (total invested $15/15 , BP 2/2) Complete
$1 and 0 BP towards construction of Type 2 Harbor at Porto Nagaro on the River Carno (total invested $14/30 , BP 3/3)

Military Railroad construction : $0 , BP: 0
Merchant Marine Construction: $0 , BP: 0

  Research: $5

$0.25 Digesting GC tech, Torpedoes 1908 Cutting Edge (+3): 7000@26, 3000@35, 100kg warhead, imp. wet heater, 1t, 21", HY 2 of 2
$0.25  Digesting GC Tech, Amphibious warfare 1905 Advanced (+1) shallow draft barges and shallow draft support ships, HY 1 of 2
$0.25 Research 180mm BL gun, HY 2 of 4
$0.25 Research 150mm BL gun, HY 2 of 4

$1--  1915 : Light Infantry 1915 Cutting Edge (+1) 6/2 (HY#2, Start H1/1915)
$1--  1910: historical 1914 aircrafts (HY#4, start H1/1914)
$1-- 1914: Engines up to 3000HP, 200HP Aeroplane engines (1916) (HY#4, start H1/1914) completed
$1-- 1905 Advanced (+1): Tear-producing substances, chlorine, plague fleas and rats etc.(HY#3, start H2/1914)

Other Expenses: $0.0,  0.0  BP

$0.0 and 0.0 BP to ammunition stockpile +0000t  (39,000t +0000t new)

Total Military: $61.88 , 10.6BP
$0.01 unspent, sent to Civilian budget

Civilian Budget
Civilian Budget : $47.03+.01

Foreign Aid :  $7.25 
$0.25 to members of the Greek Nationalist Faction.
$0.25 to members of the Greek Modernist Faction
$0.50 to members of the Greek Centrist Faction
$2.00 to the Greek Provisional Government

$1 to Rumania, to foster a better  relationship
$1 to the Mughal Empire,  to foster a better relationship
$2 to the Ghana coast,
                          $0.50  improving harbor infrastructure
                          $0.25  improving local infrastructure
                          $1.00  exploring economic opportunities
                          $0.25  "gifts"
$0.25 by Duchy of Kattowice to members of Polish Nationalist groups

Other Expenses: $4,  2  BP
$1 to research into the development & testing of Bergius process
$1 to subsidize BASF's establishment of surplus ammonia factory using Haber-Bosch process
$2 and 2BP to produce 2,000 tons civilian material for Gran Columbia.

Infrastructure Investment   
$0 to BP development (Total 0/ 150) 
$35.78  to IC development (Total 35.78 / 75) 

Surpluses :
$0.0 Civilian Budget
$0.0 Military Budget
0.0 BP

Army Data Sheet

UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   
IJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Erfurt 
IIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Gorlitz 
IIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   A 1.25   0   Karlsruhe 
IVJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Freiburg
VJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Udine
VIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Stuttgart
VIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   München
VIIIJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Passau
IXJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Dresden
XJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Nürnberg
XII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 3.25   0   Breslau
XIIII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 2.5   0   Liepzig
XIIIIII Garde INF100Elite   5   3   M 2.5   0   Frankfurt
XIVJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Plauen 
XVJäger  INF100Reg   3   1   R 0.20   0   Treviso
XVIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.25   0   Balzano
XVIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 1.25   0   Chemnitz
XVIIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 1.25   0   Görizia
XIXGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.25   0   Zurich
XXGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 1.25   0   Bern
XXIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.25   0   Altdorf
XXIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   A 1.25   0   Salzburg
XXIIIGebirgsjäger MTN100Reg   5   1.5   R 0.25   0   Innsbruck
XXIVJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Trento
XXVJäger  INF100Reg   5   3   R 0.25   0   Trieste


UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   
XXVI KavallarieCAV100Green2.50.75M1.250.0Kattowice


UnitDesignation  TypeStrengthTraining   Rating   Artillery   Readiness Upkeep   Ammo   Stationed   
1 FortressINF100Green0.50.3M0.250.0F1
2 FortressINF100Green0.50.3M0.250.0F2
3 FortressINF100Green0.50.3M0.250.0F3
4 FortressINF100Green0.50.3M0.250.0F4
5 KommandoSpc100Green0.50.15M0.250.0Oppeln
6 MarineSpc100Green0.50.15M0.250.0Grado

XI......I.Garde : 1905 motorization
XI......I.Garde : 1905 armored car brigade

Railroad Artillery

NumberBuilt TypeStrengthTraining   Readiness Upkeep   Stationed   
2 I/191510"100GreenM0.3 Nürnberg

F1......Trient                        Advanced Fortress, Garrisoned by 1st Brigade
F2......Triest                        Advanced Fortress, Garrisoned by 2nd Brigade
F3......Treviso-Jesolo          Line, Peace Garrison 3rd Brigade, War XIV
F4......Treviso-Pederobba   Line, Peace Garrison 4th Brigade, War XV

Aeronautical Data Sheet
Type..........No   .Model........Built             ...Status         ..Upkeep   ....Location
Zepplin   ...2   .type 2   .......I/1909            ......a..............   .$0.2............Trente
Zepplin   ...2   .type 2   .......II/1909      ..   ......a..............   .$0.2...........Trieste
Zepplin   ...2   .type 2   .......I/1910            .......a..............   .$0.2...........Munich
Zepplin   ...2   .type 2   .......II/1910            ......a..............   .$0.2..........Salzburg
Zepplin   ...1   .type 2   .......I/1915            ......a..............   .$0.1............Trente
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......I/1909            ........a..............   .......      ...   Trente
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1909      ..   .......a..............   .......      ..   .Trieste
Hanger.   ..1   .type 2   .......I/1910            ........a..............   .......   ..      .Munich
Hanger   ...1   .type 2   .......II/1910            ......a..............   .......   ...      .Salzburg
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1912            .......a..............   .......      ...   .Liepzig
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1912            .......a..............   ...............   .Freiburg
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1912            .......a..............   ...............   .Munich
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1912            .......a..............   .......   .....   .Udine
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1914            .......a..............   .......   .....   .Stuttgart
Airfield   ....1   .1910   .........I/1914            .......a..............   .......   .....   .Breslau
Planes.....100   .1910   .........I/1912            .....a..............   .0.0125   ....25/airfield
Planes      100    1910           I/1914                 a                  0.025         50/fied 5-6
Planes      100    1910           I/1914                 a                  0.025         25/field 1-4
Planes      100    1910           I/1915                 a                  0.025        50/field 5-6

Navy Data Sheet

Class..........No...   .Disp   ...Cost.............Total   .....LD/Com/R..Status..Upkeep...Location
Augsburg   ..2   ...3,500   ..$3.500..........$7.0000.....1906      ......a....0.084350   .Trieste
TB-1...........10........501.....$0.62625......$6.2625.....1907..........a.....0.161875   .Trieste
K. Brauerei...1..   1,400   ...$1.4         ......$1.4      .....   1909         .a      0.035000   Trieste
Minerva...      1   ..1,700   ...$1.7         ......$1.7      .....   1909         ..a      0.042500   Trieste
TB-11...........8........750.....$0.9375........$7.5   .........1912-13.....a.....0.18750......Trieste

Coastal Batteries
CB210mm..12      ..0.......$0,25.............$3,00..........1902..............a.......0.075....Trieste


Trieste, Type 3 Port
Stablimento Tecnico Triestino, Naval Constructors.

Construction Facilities
T1. Type 3, Slipway 220 meters/721 feet
T2. Type 3, Slipway 220 meters/721 feet
T3. Type 2, Slipway 170 meters/557 feet
T4. Type 1, Slipway 120 meters/393 feet

T5. Type 3, Dry-dock 220 meters/721 feet
T6. Type 2, Dry-dock 170 meters/557 feet
T7. Type 1, Dry-dock 120 meters/393 feet

Monfalcone - no military port facilities
Construction Facilities
M1. Type 2, Slipway 170 meters/557 feet

Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest