Rohan H1/1915

Started by Ithekro, December 27, 2008, 01:00:22 AM

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Rohirrim Naval Construction
and Expenditures of the Riddermark.
1915 First Half Year Report
January 1 - June 30, 1915

Population: 76.5
BP:  27
IC: 123
Revenue: 197.50 (+$27.82 for H2/1915)

Normal Growth funds:
+1 BP = $98.75 ($83.00 remaining)

Rohan's military budget is $98.75

Total Army upkeep: $29.00
Maintenance: 394.4x2.5% = $13.33
Spent $42.33 in upkeep.

Thus $56.42 remains.

Department of Hobbits: $1

$55.42 remains

Newly Budgeted Vessels of the Mark:

Belted Cruiser Gundabad = $8.30
Belted Cruiser Methedras = $8.30

Total = $16.60

$ 38.82


New 15.5"/42 cal Cannon/Twin Mount
H1/1914 + H2/1914 + H1/1915 = $1
Fire Control:
1912: primitive FC computers -18kyd
(H1/1912 + H2/1912 + H1/1913 + H2/1913 + H1/1914 + H2/1914 + H1/1915) = $1
Naval Propulsion:
Geared Drives:
(H2/1913 + H1/1914 + H2/1914 + H1/1915) = $1
Naval Propulsion:
Electric Drive:
(H2/1913 + H1/1914 + H2/1914 + H1/1915) = $1
Naval Propulsion:
Engine Year 1916:
(H1/1915) = $1
Armor Technology:
Improved Krupp Cemented Armor Type
(H1/1915) = $1
Motorized HQ
(H1/1915) = $1
Light Armor:
Armored cars
(H1/1915) = $1
Anti-aircraft Weapons:
Cutting Edge (+3) 40-80mm artillery/15,000 feet
(H1/1915) = +1
Line Infantry Technology:
Cutting Edge (+3)
(H1/1915) = $1
Light Infantry/Cavalry Technology:
Cutting Edge (+3)
(H1/1915) = $1

Remainder $27.82



Remainder $27.82

Army Upkeep:

Active Units:
10 Infantry Corp (rating of 5)
Cost: $10 upkeep 1/8: $1.25 each x10 = $12.50
2 Cavalry Corp (rating of 5)
Cost: $8 upkeep 1/8: $1.25 each x2 = $2.5
4 Cavalry Corp (rating of 5)
Cost $8 upkeep 1/4: $2.50 each x4 = $10

8 Infantry Corp (rating 5)
Cost: $10 upkeep 1/40: $0.25 each x 8 = $2
4 Cavalry Corp (rating 5)
Cost: $8 upkeep 1/40: $0.25 each x 4 = $1.00

Total Army size: 28

Total upkeep: $29.00

Naval Upkeep:

Active Fleet
Ship or class - year laid down (Standard Displacement in tons)


Narm – laid down in 1909 (24,458)
Aragorn – laid down 1909 (24,458)
Fengel – laid down 1907 (21,522)
Helm Hammerhand – laid down 1907 (21,522)
Walda – laid down 1904 (17,565)
Freawine – laid down 1902 (17,565)
Shadowfax - laid down 1899 (15,589)
Arcadia - laid down 1899 (15,589)
Brytta - laid down 1898 (15,652)
Elfwine - laid down 1897 (15,652)
Eomer - laid down 1895 (15,625)
Theoden - laid down 1893 (13,342)
Goldwine - laid down 1894 (13,342)

= 231,881 tons


Felaróf – laid down in 1909 (20,849)
Firefoot = laid down in 1908 (15,474)
Windfola – laid down in 1907 (15,474)
Snowmane – laid down in 1906 (15,474)

= 67,271 tons

Coastal Battleships:


Combat Cruisers:

Valandil – laid down 1906 (13,991)
Calmacil – laid down 1901 (9,324)
Romidacil - laid down 1898 (9,324)
Narmacil - laid down 1897 (9,324)
Ostoher - laid down 1896 (9,202)
Eldacar - laid down 1893 (6,928)

= 58,093 tons

Armored Cruisers:

Brethil (ex-Hill) – laid down 1892 (10,185)
Dorthonion (ex-Sherman) - laid down 1892 (10,185)

= 20,370 tons

Belted Cruisers:

Taniquetil – laid down 1912 (8,294)
Cloudyhead – laid down 1908 (9,055)
Redhorn – laid down 1908 (9,055)
Silvertine – laid down 1907 (9,055)
Dwimorberg - laid down 1904 (6,246)
Irensaga - laid down 1904 (6,246)
Starkhorn – laid down 1903 (6,469)
Nevrast (ex-Toothfish) - laid down 1895 (3,108)
Minas Harthad (ex-Bluefin) - laid down 1892 (4,763)
Aros (ex-Snapper) - laid down 1890 (2,198)
Ramdal (ex-Salmon) - laid down 1890 (2,198)

= 66,687 tons

Protected Cruisers:

Minrimmon - laid down 1902 (4,163)
Methedras – laid down 1895 (2,177)
Caradhras - laid down in 1895 (2,177)
Gundabad - laid down 1891 (1,508)
Celebdil - laid down 1891 (1,508)
Yaquina (ex-Laredo) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Karok (ex-Torreon) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Kusa (ex-Wilmimgton) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Coqu (ex-Abilene) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Kusa (ex-Socorro) – laid down 1891 (1,977)
Umpqua (ex-Tucson) – laid down 1891 (1,977)

= 23,395 tons


Gárulf – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Gálmód – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Elfhild – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Eohdwyn – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Eledhwyn – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Eogladden – laid down 1913 (1,000)
Éomund – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Forthwini – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Fram – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Frumgar – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Léod – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Marhwini – laid down 1912 (1,000)
Húrin – laid down in 1912 (730)
Golasgil – laid down in 1912 (730)
Duinhir – laid down in 1912 (730)
Dervorin – laid down in 1912 (730)
Duilin – laid down in 1912 (730)
Derufin – laid down in 1912 (730)
Forlong – laid down in 1910 (730)
Hirluin – laid down in 1910 (730)
Fastred – laid down in 1910 (730)
Erkenbrand – laid down in 1910 (730)
Dúnhere – laid down in 1910 (730)
Déorwin – laid down in 1910 (730)
Guthláf – laid down in 1910 (730)
Harding – laid down in 1910 (730)
Herefara – laid down in 1910 (730)
Herubrand – laid down in 1910 (730)
Horn – laid down in 1910 (730)
Grimbold – laid down in 1910 (730)
Challenging Rabbit – laid down 1907 (765)
Falling Elk – laid down 1907 (765)
Balanced Eagle – laid down 1907 (765)
Gentle Dragon – laid down 1907 (765)
Dancing Bear – laid down 1907 (765)
Running Wolf – laid down 1907 (765)
Blue Hand – laid down 1904 (805)
Hallow Field – laid down 1904 (805)
Nia Rampage – laid down 1904 (805)
Gallant Runner – laid down 1904 (805)
War Dawn – laid down 1904 (805)
First Dawn – laid down 1904 (805)
Ramheart – laid down 1904 (805)
Middleton – laid down 1904 (805)
Shearfoot – laid down 1900 (805)

= 36,975 tons

Torpedo Boats:

Radburg – laid down 1902 (154)

= 154 tons


Himling (ex-Generoso) - laid down 1885 (6,115)
Tolfalas - laid down 1885 (2,923)
Tol Morwen - laid down 1888 (2,923)
Tol Fuin - laid down 1889 (2,923)

= 14,884 tons


Tol Eressea – laid down 1913 (10,444)
Balar – laid down 1913 (10,444)
Almaren – laid down 1913 (10,444)

= 31,332 tons


Queen Emeraldas – laid down 1897 (7,982)
Star of Earendil – laid down 1895 (6,640)

= 21,262 tons

Coastal Batteries:

= 2,800 tons

Total Active Fleet 533,307 tons
Maintenance: 533.307 x 2.5% = $13.33

Navy Construction:
Newly Budgeted Vessels of the Mark:

Belted Cruiser Gundabad = $8.30
Belted Cruiser Methedras = $8.30

Total = $16.60

Under Construction:

at Forlond

S2 idle
S2 idle
D2 idle
D3 idle

at Harlond

S2 idle
S1 idle
D3 idle
D1 idle

at South Mithlond

S3 Idle
S3 Construction begins on the Battleship Peregrin (3,404 tons delivered) 34,627 tons needed, will require 1,309 days to complete (finishes during H2/1918) – 31,223 tons needed to complete.
S3 Construction continuess on Battleship Eorl (3,404 tons delivered) 34,627 tons needed, will require 1,309 days to complete (finishes during H1/1918) – 31,069 tons needed to complete.
S1 idle
D3 Construction continues on Battlecruiser Arod (3,810 tons delivered) 20,919 tons needed (+1,000 for Fire Control refit on stocks – done H2/1911), will require 895 days to complete (finishes during H2/1912) – 0 tons needed to complete. (Completed)

at North Mithlond

S2 idle
D2 Idle
D2 Idle
D1 idle
D1 idle

at Dol Amroth

S2 idle
S2 idle
D2 idle
D2 idle

at Pelargir

S1 idle
S1 idle
D2 idle
D1 idle

at Umbar

D1 idle
D1 idle
D1 idle
D1 idle

New Beleriand:

at Vinyamar (Corinto)

S2 idle
S1 idle
D2 idle
D1 idle

at Eglarest (Bluefields)

S2 Construction ends on Belted Cruiser Taras (3,794 tons delivered) 8,294 tons needed, will require 519 days to complete (finishes during H2/1914) – 0 tons needed to complete. (Completed)
S2 Construction begins on Belted Cruiser Gundabad (1,294 tons delivered) 8,294 tons needed, will require 519 days to complete (finishes during H1/1916) – 7,000 tons needed to complete.
D2 Construction begins on Belted Cruiser Methedras (1,294 tons delivered) 8,294 tons needed, will require 519 days to complete (finishes during H1/1916) – 7,000 tons needed to complete.
D2 idle

at Brithombar (Puerto Cabezas)

S3 Construction continues on the Battleship Aldor (2,000 tons delivered) 27,759 tons needed (+1,000 for Fire Control refit on stocks – done H2/1911), will require 1,103 days to complete (finishes during H1/1914) – 15,334 tons needed to complete
S1 idle
D3 Construction continues on the Battleship Samwise (2.000 tons delivered) 27,759 tons needed, will require 1,103 days to complete (finishes during H2/1914) – 15,334 tons needed to complete
D1 idle

at Ammon-In-Gelydh (San Jaun del Sur)

S3 Construction continues on Battlecruiser Hasufel (3,000 tons delivered) 20,919 tons needed, will require 895 days to complete (finishes during H2/1913) – 9,112 tons needed to complete.
S1 idle
D3 Construction continues on Battleship Uplond (1,000 tons delivered) 28,897 tons needed, will require 1,137 days to complete (finishes during H2/1916) – 24,447 tons needed to complete
D3 Construction continues on Battleship Berold (2,000 tons delivered) 28,897 tons needed, will require 1,137 days to complete (finishes during H1/1916) – 24,447 tons needed to complete
D1 idle

South America:

at Puerto Montt

D1 idle

27,000 tons of material used.


Ships of the Fleet: June 30, 1915 of the Sixth Age

Ship type - number in service (repair/refit/reserve) under construction (undergoing work for foreign power)

Battleships: 13 (0) 6
Battle Cruisers: 5 (0) 1
Combat Cruisers: 6 (0) 0
Armored Cruisers: 2 (0) 0
Belted Cruisers: 12 (0) 2
Protected Cruisers: 11 (0) 0
Destroyers: 45 (0) 0
Torpedo Boats: 1 (0) 0
Colliers: 4 (0) 0
Tenders: 3 (0) 0
Privateers: 2 (0) 0