French HY01 1915

Started by maddox, December 16, 2008, 08:07:30 AM

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Country Name:   1915 HY 1         
   Population   BP   IC   Revenue
Province Name:            
France   48   25   144   $192,00
North Africa   8   3   8   $16,00
Quebec   5   6   15   $20,00
Ceylon   4   1   4   $8,00
Calcutta   18   2   18   $36,00
West Africa   4   0   4   $8,00
Indochina   16   3   8   $17,60
Totals:   103   40   201   $297,60
Other Income: $   Civilian   Military      
Green Cross Aid   -10   0      
Rollover Last HY   0   0      
Total Other Income:   -10   0      
Other Income: BP   Civilian   Military      
Roller Last HY   0   0      
Total Other Income:   0   0            
         $   BP         
Total Budget         $297,60    40         
Military Budget         $148,80    40         
Civilian Budget         $138,80    0         
Army Ammo Expenditures         0   0         
Army Maintenance         61,65   0         
Navy Maintenance         28,05   0         
Air Ship Maintenance         1,8            
Expendible Military Budget         $57,30    40         
         Civilian Expenditures:            
IC Build Locations:         $ This HY   $ Total   $ To Complete      BP
France New         75,00   75   0      
         16,60   16,60   58,40      
France         47,20   75   0      
BP Build Locations:                     
Misc Builds:                     
Civilian Totals $:         138,8   Civilian BP Totals:         0                     
   Military Budget Expenditures                        
Name/Location   $   BP/Turn   $ Spent   BP Spent   $ to Comp   BP To Com   Time   Build Time   Notes:
Payment to Bavaria   8,88                        
Masque GBB   6,00   6,03   59,25   52,81   4,45   10,89   24   72,7   Secret
                           11.78 BP from Storage
NS DD Project   4,50   2   4,50   2   4,50   2   6   10,5   
Defensive Spies   2,00   0                     
Demarce IV   3,00   3   3,00   3   5,75   5,75   6   18   
Demarce IV   3,00   3   3,00   3   5,75   5,75   6   18   
Demarce IV   3,00   3   3,00   3   5,75   5,75   6   18   
Demarce IV   3,00   3   3,00   3   5,75   5,75   6   18   
Demarce IV   3,00   3   3,00   3   5,75   5,75   6   18   
Italia Port Project      0,19                     
French Port in Bandama   5,00   0,5                     
Type 3 Floating DD   7,00   12   7,00   12   5,00   0   6   18   
Total $ Spent   57,13                        
Total BP Spent   35,72      Rollover Military $         $0,17         
         Rollover Civilian $         $0,00         
         Rollover BP         $4,28         
   R&D Projects   Max R&D Budget =         13,33
   Project Name   $ Cost   #HY   Com/Ongo/Roll   
   1906 Electric Drives   1   5 of 6   Roll 60%   
   1910 Mobilization 5 days [CSA]   0,25   1 of 2   Ongoing   
   1908 DD [Italia]   0,25   1 of 2   Ongoing   
   1915 All Im KC Armor   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Cutting Edge Radar   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Cutting Edge Infantry   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Cutting Edge Specialists   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Futuristic CBR   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Air Ships   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1915 Underway Refueling`   1   1 of 6   Ongoing   
   1910 Subs [CSA]   0,25   1 of 2   Ongoing   
      Research Costs:   8,75         
   Notes and Stored Stuff   Quantity         
   Ammo French 5/3 Inf Corp   18,78         
   Armor and Guns for New BB   11,78   Brest         

Kaiser Kirk

Quote from: maddox on December 16, 2008, 08:07:30 AM
Payment to Bavaria   8,88                        

Hmm, I only accounted for the $1 for the finished vessels of the Mushroom class.
While the collier I was going to charge for when complete next HY.  Still if you wish to pay now, then  I can go back and spend another $7.88
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on December 16, 2008, 12:59:09 PM
Quote from: maddox on December 16, 2008, 08:07:30 AM
Payment to Bavaria   8,88                        

Hmm, I only accounted for the $1 for the finished vessels of the Mushroom class.
While the collier I was going to charge for when complete next HY.  Still if you wish to pay now, then  I can go back and spend another $7.88

Supposedly you have another $8.88 comming next HY as well
Just Browsing nothing to See Move Along


Quote from: Kaiser Kirk on December 16, 2008, 12:59:09 PM
Quote from: maddox on December 16, 2008, 08:07:30 AM
Payment to Bavaria   8,88                        

Hmm, I only accounted for the $1 for the finished vessels of the Mushroom class.
While the collier I was going to charge for when complete next HY.  Still if you wish to pay now, then  I can go back and spend another $7.88

I thought the deal was clear.

All your left over BP's (7 for now) to build the tiny mushrooms and 1 large collier. 

A shortened version of our PM communication.

QuoteFrance wishes to order 30 Mushroom class minesweepers, and with the intention to order more if that is possible. This will represent an order of Pricetag $ 4.22 and BP 3.375.
To make it a bit easier to work, $5.

The other BP's can be spend on the first dedicated French collier. In effect, France is willing to pay a total of $16.76 for the 30 mushrooms and the large collier.

Kaiser Kirk

I was simply charging as vessels were completed is all, not up front.
Did they beat the drum slowly,
Did they play the fife lowly,
Did they sound the death march, as they lowered you down,
Did the band play the last post and chorus,
Did the pipes play the flowers of the forest


Then suddenly a trainwagon with French stamped gold bullion is arriving, with all the right paperwork attached. (I think this will be a nice short in the newsroom)