Where base - Paranagua or Desterro?

Started by Borys, March 22, 2007, 09:06:55 AM

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I am torn between two places in Habsburg Parana where I can build a Nanal base.
one is paranagua - a series of deep bays with single entrance, well defended by an island in the middle of the strait. Mountians with deep gorges make access from nearby Brasil difficult.


The other option is Desterro (Florianopolis), where I have two bays, connected by a  narrow but deep 30 meter - passage.  A beneft I see here is that I have two possible exits - to the north and south of the Island of Santa Katarina. And a possible blokading enemy will not know which I will, as the hilly island wil shields my movements. Coal plumes can be faked or masked.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I'd go with Florianopolis. Larger city = better shore leave.  ;D

The Rock Doctor

I like the harbor at Paranagua better, but Desterro's further away from the borders with Iberian Brazil - less likely to have a "Port Arthur" style problem with that one. 

Florianopolis was, I recall, also a hotbed of French/Brazilian politics, so keeping some large floating guns in its vicinity might not be a bad thing.