Habsburgs 2 HY 1914

Started by Borys, November 09, 2008, 03:10:31 AM

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                          pop/  BP/    IC/GDP/Revenue
Austria               54,7      14,5    64   2200   $118
Malta                   1,14      2      9   3250   $10
Serbia                  2,75        0,5    2             $4,2 
Paraná               3,5     0      3   2667   $6,1
Spitzbergen#        0,0       0      1              $1
Brasil special –     n/a      n/a     1             1,2$
Filipinas special  –     n/a      n/a     1             1,2$
Patagonia             0,01      0      0             $0
                        62,05M   17   80  $2296  $141,7 revenue

Population of Austria is almost static, due to emigration to Parana (0,6M) and Serbia (0,2M);
Albadonia:  4,6M, 0.5 BP, 2 IC – 2$ to Habsburgs, 0,5BP and 2,4$ to Ottomans

# - the c.1000 poor frozen sods up there are digging coal like frenzied lemmings
* 2 HY of immigration not included;
9$ from GC for steel - 4th tranche of 4
8$ from sale of military technology – one off
4$ repayment of debt by Iberia - one off

Peacetime – 91,85$ for Military and 70,85$ for Civilian ends, plus 2$ Albadonia
17BP total

Heer – peacetime status:
16 Heimwehr Baseline Infantry Corps - 128 = 3,2$ (2,5% of cost per Report - 0,2$ each)
4 Landwehr Advanced Infantry Corps - 40  = 5$ (12,5% of cost per Report – 1,25$ each)
1 Landwehr Stellung Baseline Corps – 4$ = 1$  (12,5% of cost per Report - 1$ each)
4 Landwehr Advanced Specialist Corps - 40 = 5$ (12,5% of cost per Report - 1,25$ each)
4 Advanced Reichswehr Infantry Corps - 40 - 10$ (25% of cost per Report – 2,5$ each)
4 Reichswehr Advanced Specialist Corps - 40 – 10$ (25% of cost per Report – 2,5$ each)

34,2$ - of which 2$ from Albadonia, thus 32,2$ from Habsburg budget

Stored Ammunition:
- two Advanced Infantry Corps

Thus spending on the Army – 32,2$

Kaiserlich und Koeniglich Kriegsmarine (KKK)
Fleet upkeep:
4 LS (1x28, 2x22, 14x1) = 84000
1 Monitor - 7800
3 KK (a 4000) = 12000
2 KK (a 2600) = 5200
6 KA (a 2600) =  13000
1 Imperial yacht = 3000
3 Z (a 750, DR) = 3,375
18 GTB (a 400, DR) = 10800
5 GTB (a 420, DR) = 2625
6 GTB (a 400, DR) = 3600
35 TB (a 250, DR) = 13125
8 MS (a 600) = 4800
6 MS (a 400)= 2400
Note to self – DR = Destroyer rules
c.165,725 tonne-dollars

Fleet auxiliaries– (15000) – 15000

Danube Flotilla – 342 tons
c. 190,000 tons x 4% (of construction cost per Report) = c.7,6$ +1$ for Hags– c.8,6$ for junior service

8,6$ on floating thingies


Research – 17/3 = c.5,5 = 6$ max:
1$ 1908: Night Fightning - basic tactics, searchlight, night scopes (3rd HY)
1$ 1912: Primitive FC computers - 18K yards – 5th HY - double time
1$ 1910: CBR - Cutting Edge (+3): Phosgene (3rd HY) – countermeasures only
1$ 1910:  Historical 1916 tanks – 1st HY
1$ 1908:  Advanced (+1): High angle anti-air guns (20-40mm) = 5,000 feet – 1st HY
0,25$ - gun development – 5,3" gun – 3rd of 4HY
0,25$ - gun development – 4,5" gun – 3rd of 4HY
0,5$ - digestion - 1905 Cutting Edge(+3):Diesel engines, Land, airship and naval engines up to 750HP, 75 HP aeroplane engines - 1st HY out of 2

6$ on research


Military Construction – 16,5$
4$ and 0BP to upgrade Type 2 Base at Pola to Type 3 (0$ and 0BP remaining – 7th HY)
4,5$ and 0BP to upgrade Type 2 Base at Malta to Type 3 (5,5$ and 0BP remaining – 7th HY)
4$ and 0BP to upgrade Type 0 Slip at Malta to Type 1 (0$ and 0BP remaining – 4th HY)
4$ and 0BP to upgrade Type 0 Slip at Fiume to Type 1 (0$ and 0BP remaining – 4th HY)
4$ and 0BP to upgrade Type 0 Slip at Pola to Type 1 (0$ and 0BP remaining – 4th HY)

67,3$ and 0BP spent so far

Naval Construction
SMS Arpad – at Fiume (2 slip) 4,9BP, for 22/22BP; laid down JUL12, launched AUG14, trials OCT15, to fleet JAN16;
22$ - paid 7$ in 2/1914, for 22/22
SMS Babenberg – at Pola (2 dock) 4,9BP, for 22/22BP; laid down JUL12, launched AUG14, trials OCT15, to fleet JAN16;
22$ - paid 7$ in 2/1914, for 22/22
both ships carried a 4 month initial delay due to low funding in 2/1912, which is included in their construction schedule; in 1/1913 a further 5 month delay occured – which is included in the schedule above, for 9 months delay in total;

M19 - 0BP for 0,6BP out of 0,6BP, at Pola (0 slip), Laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
0,6$ - paid 2/1913
M20 - 0BP for 0,6BP out of 0,6BP, at Pola (0 slip), Laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
0,6$ - paid 2/1913
M21 - 0BP for 0,6BP out of 0,6BP, at Pola (0 dock), Laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
0,6$ - paid 2/1913
cost of all 3 Minensuchboot -  1,8$  and 1,8BP – paid in 2/1914

Z7 - at Fiume (1 slip) - 0BP of  0,75BP for 0,75/0,75BP; laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
Z8 - at Fiume (1 slip) - 0BP of  0,75BP for 0,75/0,75BP; laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
Z9- at Dubrovnik (1 slip) - 0BP of  0,75BP for 0,75/0,75BP; laid down JUL14, launch JAN15, trials AUG15, to fleet NOV15
cost of all 3 Zerstoerer - 3,4$ and 2,25 BP - paid in 2/1914

small fry in total - 5,2$ and 4,1BP – fully paid
14$ and 9,6BP for battleships – now finally fully paid for
19,2$ and 13,7BP total ship construction costs

86,5 and 13,7BP spent so far
SMS Srbja - at La Valetta (2 dock) – 1,1BP of  1,1BP for 1,1/4,1BP; laid down JUL14, launch FEB15, trials OCT15, to fleet JAN16
SMS Tschrnahora - at La Valetta (2 slip) - 1,1BP of  1,1BP for 1,1/4,1BP; laid down SEP14,  launch APR15, trials DEC15, to fleet MAR16
SMS Makedonia - at Pola (2 slip) - 1,1BP of  1,1BP for 1,1/4,1BP; laid down SEP14,  launch APR15, trials DEC15, to fleet MAR16

1,1$ on each cruiser, for 1,1$ out of 4,1$ - paid 2/1914

89,8 and 17BP spent
2$ on Special Operations
91,85$ spent

70,85$ Civilian
2$ on ferrying settlers to Parana and setting them up - 2HY
(1,2$ to set up 50,000 desperate souls as settlers in Patagonia – will finish in 2/1915 – already paid, as memory note)
0,85$ for further work on Patagonian railroads

25$ paid towards new IC in Albadonia, was 50$, for 75$ of 75$
25$ paid towards new IC in Serbia, was 50$, for 75$ of 75$
18$ paid towards new IC in Greece, was 36$, for 54$ of 75$

I hope I didn't mess up everything - I suspect my fleet figures might be off a bit - if necessary I can cut the La Valetta upgrade.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Edited - added 4$ from Iberia, all into Malta base expansion.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Tampered with Research and Naval Facilities - I added digestion of a tech I had forgot to add.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!