Minister Rimauld

Started by maddox, November 11, 2007, 12:12:22 PM

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QuoteAs son of Diplomats, George Andreas Nicholay Rimauld 's carreer in the Ministry of Foreign affairs seems logic. And it shows in his curriculum vitae.  

He was born at the consulate in St Petersburg, Russia, 1864. Were his parents, Louis and  Dorothea Rimauld had their posting. His mother was also a very gifted teacher. This gave young George a flair for languages and history.

He lived in Russia until his father died of a stroke,and his mother returned to her parental house in Paris.

After a periode of adjusting and a brief stint in the navy- cut short by non published reasons- he joined the Socialist Party, and made a steady climb trough the ranks as a very capable orator and gifted politician.
His pacifistic stance and his humanitarian plans over the world endeared him with the French people.
The cummulation of this adoration was the winning of the post as Minister of Foreign Affairs by a well earned election victory.

Unfortunatly, his pacifistic stance didn't do much good for the peace in the French parliament,and his opponent in politics seems the energetic Minster of Defence  DeCreme, from the Liberals.

The adagio that power corrupts was proven to be right, and minister Rimauld had to reseign. But his friends arranged an judistical escape from the potential punishment in the state coalmines.
As envoy in Malawi he had to make do with the feeble means he could gather.

The climate didn't agree with Envoy Rimaild and after a few months disease took its toll.  Only the fast travel to an Orange Republic hospital, and subsequent stay in a sanatorium could have been the salvation , alas fate had other plans.

During the early stages of the latest, and probably last Zulu Wars, a band of rampaging Zulu's found the sanatorium were he was a patient.  Non of the patients or nurses survived.