Army TO&E

Started by Korpen, June 26, 2007, 02:35:30 PM

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TO&E of Infantry Corps
   Five Infantry Divisions.
   Korps artillery assets
   Korps Command assets

Infantry Division: ~8200 men
   Three infantry regiment each of about 1500 men and 8 77mm QF guns.
   Cavalry/Fusilier* battalion ~400 men
   Divisional artillery regiment (longer range guns & howitzers)
   Divisional logistics.

*Depending on terrain, in the tropics there is no point in trying to use horses, so recon is conducted by light infantry instead.

The higher echelon equipment is not fleshed out as to honest, I have no idea about how much, and of what type is suitable.

As can be seen, a Netherlands division is between 1/2 and 1/3rd the size of most other countries divisons.

Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.