
Started by miketr, March 17, 2007, 04:43:10 PM

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It looks like I have chosen a strange time to make a return to navalism.  From what I have been told via an EZBOARD PM, the sender knows who they are, and looking around here and the old forum something rather nasty happened within the last few weeks.  As a founding member of the old forum I feel very bad about its apparent passing.

I would be interested in being given some info as to what is going on.  By that I am not interested in a blow by blow of whatever the mud slinging was at the other forum.  I wasn't there and it's not my place to judge.  What I am looking for is what's the status of this forums game, rules situation options for new players, ect.



We are ironing out the last wrinkles in the ruleset. P3D is rule's guru now.
Most of previous incarantin's storyline had been retained.
Setting is quasi-earth as can be seen in the Maps thread.
New players can chose from one of two Russia's, one Italy, Bavaria-on-the-Med, one Spain or Iberia, India. The bloke who wanted to play CSA is not showing signs of life for a week or so. If you have an idea for something else which is not very outlandish it might be accomodated.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Some of the older players had issues with playstyles of newer members. Van Owen reappeared, and got into argument with players. Also, this coincided with other players leaving/planning to leave the sim for IRL reasons.
Me and Borys started on working on a spin-off, I got to be admin here, and 90% of the old forum gang started appearing here, as everyone had some issues with the old setup. Van Owen learned about it in a few weeks and quite naturally got offended that no one told him about it. Also, accounts and posts of half of the old members got deleted - it turned out to be the initiative of some recently promoted admin without van Owen's consent. As Borys kept archiving the forum so not much was lost, it's just a bit more work, but it burned all the bridges.
FWIW, I settled my differences with van Owen (thanks to the postman).

Economic rules are completely new, shipbuilding itself did not change much, tech tree was overhauled.
There are still several nations available to play, current not landlocked NPCs with some coast are:
Italy, Iberia, Bavaria, Argentina, Persia, Mughal, Vijanagar, Kiev, Russia, Bengal, Nigeria, Malgas, West Australia, Egypt, New Zion - Ethiopia, Siam.

All with a varying level of power and technological advancement.

I am keeping CSA reserved for Carthaginian, he is in touch with me.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Alright then...  I will be hanging out at both places for now; as I said I feel bad about what happened at the old forum.  I am going to see about having a chat with Van Owen to see what his plans are.

As this place...  Whats the situation with Iberia (Spain / Portugal) and Egypt.  Consider me interested and looking for more info on them.



Iberia was united in personal union under one crown, and Brazil, effectively abandoned by France also joined looking for some protection.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


And Spain looks like the following:

          Pop BP IC  GDP Revenue
Spain      20 4  24 2200 44.00
Portugal    6 1.5 9 2500 15.00
Canarias  0.5 0 0.5 2000 1.00
Puerto Rico 1 0 0.5 1100 1.10
Brazil     20 2 12 1280 25.60
Philippines 6  0 3  1100 6.60
Total   53.5 7.5 49 1744 93.30

Add some misc coaling stations on islands.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Iberia is practically guarantied to have the Habsburgs as Good Friends.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


On Borys' suggestions I'd grant an additional 0.5BP on the Philippines.

Added later. And another 1million people.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


And practiclly guaranteed to have the Swiss as enemies!
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Iberia maybe is not "bery powerful", but still no lightweight:
For comparison this is "me", the Habsburgs:

pop/  BP/    IC/GDP/Revenue

55  10.6 BP  71 IC  $2296 GDP/cap  $126 revenue

53.5  7.5 BP   49 IC    1744  93.30

You should be able to afford a 300,000 navy.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I will try to put my starting tech together tonight.  I am confused on the spending spree, I am going to start with in effect 20 years worth of warships / army?
