Gran Colombia - Basic History

Started by The Rock Doctor, March 07, 2007, 08:18:12 PM

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The Rock Doctor

A History of Gran Colombia (from a Eurocentric viewpoint, anyway)

1500:  Rodrigo de Bastidas explores the waters around Colombia

1508:  Vasco Nunez de Balboa lands in Uraba and begins the conquest of the local natives.

1525:  The city of Santa Maria la Antigua del Darien is founded.

1533:  The city of Cartagena is founded.  With the coast now under Spanish control, power is projected inland.

1548:  Civil government is established with an Audiencia at Santa Fe de Bogota

1564:  Captaincy-General of  New Granada is created, a sub-division of the Vice-royalty of Peru

1717:  New Granada is re-established as a vice-royalty, due to long line of communication from Lima.

1808:  First uprisings against Spanish rule

1816:  After several years of inconclusive fighting, Simon Bolivar, El Libertador, seizes Angostura (now named for him). 

1819:  New Granada is free of Spanish rule.

1821:  Gran Colombia is created, encompassing what we know as Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, and Ecuador by 1822.  Bolivar is named President; Francisco de Paual Santander as Vice-President.

1824:  Bolivar killed at Ayacucho by Spanish forces; Santander appointed President (deviation from history)

1825:  Spanish forces are finally defeated.

1826:  Rebellious elements in Caracas are suppressed.

1830:  Further uprisings in Caracas leads to First War with the Island Commonwealth, as that nation's involvement is detected  Gran Colombia wins and suppresses the uprising once more.

1837:  Second War with the Island Commonwealth results from failed Gran Colombian efforts to overthrow the Commonwealth goverment.  The Commonwealth wins this one.

1849:  Third War with the Commonwealth nearly fragments the Republic as the Commonwealth moves to reduce Colombian naval power.  Gran Colombian businessmen led by Jose Alizandro manage to organize a force of armed merchentmen, which attack Commonwealth trade and force a stalemate.  In the aftermath, Alizandro has little trouble being elected Vice-President the following year.

1854:  Alizandro elected president.

1862:  Railroad across the Darien Isthmus is completed.

1863:  Fourth War with the Island Commonwealth begins, and ends in an inconclusive stalemate.  Alizandro utilizes the conflict to acquire dictatorial powers that he never does give up.

1880:  The Commonwealth instigates a fifth war and achieves its primary aid, the destruction of the Armada.

1882:  Jose Alizandro passes away at a ripe age and is succeeded by his son Pedro.

1887:  Studies initiated on a possible canal across the Darien Isthmus.

1890:  Construction initiated on the Darien Canal, employing large amounts of manual labor and later mechanized equipment such as steam-shovels.

1892:  Investigations of unacceptable corruption at the Canal project result in more efficient management being the execution of a number of personnel.

1896:  Pedro Alizandro dies and is succeeded by his son Enrico.

1897:  Penal workers moved to work on the canal.

1901:  A small fleet of ACM refugees is granted asylum and citizenship.  First notice of a refugee problem along the Brazilian border.  Covert support to Spanish rebels.

1902:  Gran Colombian explorers discover El Dorado, the hidden Anahuac city in the Amazon.  French sabotage against the Canal, culminating in a battle between French naval forces and Colombian cruisers screening a convoy of Swiss "contractors" bound for San Cristobol.

1903:  Intrigues against Spain culminate with Cuba's governor being coerced into seceding from Spain and requesting statehood in Gran Colombia, which is of course granted.  Northwestern Brazil also annexed.  The earlier eruption of Taal in the Philippines affects agricultural markets, but does not materially harm Gran Colombia.  President Enrico Alizandro assisinated, obstensively by an Anahuac spy, in December.  He is succeeded by his son Rey.  Substantial construction on the Darien Canal completed.

1904:  Gran Colombia mobilizes to attack El Dorado, commencing operations in April.  Construction begins on the Pimichin Canal linking the Orinoco and Amazon watersheds.  Troubles in the Island Commonwealth lead to Gran Colombian intervention and annexation.

1905:  El Dorado destroyed in January.  Darien Canal opens in July.

The Rock Doctor

I haven't forgotten, but I can't mention everything either.

Could the good admin person - whoever that actually is - set up two sub-cateogries in the Gran Colombian folder:  "Ejercito" and "Armada"?  Thanks

The Rock Doctor

Best thing about keeping the country essentially the same is that I can get started on filling out the encyclopedia.  It may not be obvious from the main page, but I'm doing that now.  You guys with new nations can play catch-up later.