Speak here...

Started by Desertfox, May 24, 2008, 09:49:08 PM

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May the wrath of God be upon you if you speak bad of his chosen people...

Comment on New Zion go here.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The Rock Doctor

Do you want, and would New Zion warrant, a full forum with sub-boards within it?


For me personally, it doesn't matter. But if it helps you guys, go ahead.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Do you have the proper tech to use the Wright Fathom (a.k.a AEG G.IV)? 1916 aircraft? 150hp engines? Your tech list is short and you do not have those techs, and looking at the tech lists and reports of NS (from whom you get your techs), they do not have those techs either.

... also I do not see the upkeep of the planes in your report or the construction/purchase of the planes while you have in my opinion a significant number of planes (200+). You don't pay for them, you don't have them.

... but that is my opinion.


I just got those techs from NS recently. Note that it is not the AEG G.IV but a downgraded version of it, plus it is still in the experimental phase which is why I only have 10 of them.

Upkeep of such a small number of planes is way to small to be significant and can be covered by the airship upkeep. Also at least half of the planes I had before there were any aircraft rules, and buying penny packets of say 10 aircraft just doesn't merit a notice. Plus I haven't built any of them, all of them are Swiss built and I've thrown enough money the Swiss way.

"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Well, then you should indicate that it is a downgraded version of the AEG G.IV to avoid stupid questions from people like me... and as far as I know, you upgraded the range (unless you used another source than wiki)... and the engines need to be downgraded further to 120hp.

Also since everything on the NZ airforce has been posted November 27, it seems more like it just appeared out of thin air. Maybe you should have posted it a lot earlier as to avoid accusations by a stupid Dutchman. :D