My Warship Designs

Started by BC Renown, June 07, 2008, 07:24:53 AM

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BC Renown

I am really not sure where or even if I should be posting this here. Admittedly, none of these were developed with Navalism in mind but since they fit the time line, I thought I'd share them with you. They were originally posted over on the 'Warships Projects Board.

A more lightly armed but more thoroughly protected version of HMS Tiger;

My idea of an American battlecruiser;

Light Cruisers;

A redesigned HMS Invincible;


The Rock Doctor

Very nice, Monty, thanks for sharing.  I  hadn't seen the American BC before - very slick.


Nice. The Dominator is Superb!

I keep on regretting not taking up the 5,5" calibre. This way I'd be able to nick :) both the Grenadier and Highflier.

Hmm, what's the thing btween the stacks on the cruisers?
IMO both designs should have a 3rd and 4th stack, respectively, instead of the Q gun.
And then they could pass off as ships with 6" guns :D
Especialy that on the Highflier a twin TT could appear next to the 3rd stack, as it would no longer be fored over by the Q gun.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


  :o  :o  :o

Superb Monty.

Somme interresting ideas for futur BB & BC designs.

BC Infallible, 18000T is praticaly the max limit for the small Peru Armada.

Jef  ;)
"You French are fighting for money, while we English are fighting for honor!"
"Everyone is fighting for what they miss. "

BC Renown

Thanks guys, I really appreciate your comments.

Borys, the "thing between the funnels on the cruisers" are searchlight platforms with a light on extensions on either side. The whole idea of adopting the lighter guns was to increase their number and to provide an overall higher sustained rate of fire. This also meant reducing the torpedo tubes from 4x2 and 4x3 respectively to 2x3. Adding an extra funnel to either design would have gone against the whole premise of the design. Admittedly, "Highflyer" was an attempt to provide six main guns on a 5 - 6" gunned "Ceres" sized hull. As it turned out, she was much closer to the 6 - 6" gunned "Danae" in size and possibly not worth the effort, except for her higher rate of fire.

Jef, "Infallible" was designed as an out and out slap in the face to the "Invincible"design. True, the RN did not favour superfiring owing the concussive effect (caused by muzzle blast) on men in the sighting hoods of the lower turret. Yet, by superimposing one turret and eliminating one other allows for the same six-gun broadside as the eight-gunned "Invincible". "Invincible" could indeed fire an eight-gun broadside but only if the target was dead on the broadside. It was pretty much the same for forward firing -six guns ideally, four guns really. Of course, on extreme aft bearings, "Invincible" has a four-gun arc whereas "Infallible has only two. That, I think, is a small price to pay for the increased protection afforded by the omission of one turret.

Jason, I have always liked HMS Tiger except for the fact that her 9" belt was not extended to cover the fore and aft magazine spaces. By adopting a lighter main and secondary armament on "Dominator" I figured on rectifying that problem. The ram bow had to go as well. "Crockett's"design originated with USS Utah. Wanting to keep the same armament (albeit with different aft layout) and to increase speed, it was necessary to increase length by some 140' and to reduce the thickness of the main belt by 4". Both "Crockett" and "Dominator" only work if one is permitted an earlier use of the "all or nothing" armour protection system.
