All there is to know about New Zion

Started by Desertfox, May 24, 2008, 09:48:07 PM

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Oficial name: New Zion
Abbreviations: NZ
Nationality: Zionites
Population: 16 million
Capital: New Jerusalem (Abis Adaba)
Official Language: Hebrew/English
Other languages: Native languages
Major religion: Judaism
Other religions: Islam, Ethiopian Christians
Monetary unit: New Shekel

Goverment: New Zion is a Constitutional Monarchy. However the King is primarly a figurehead with real power in the hands of the Council of Elders. The twelve members of the Council are appointed for life, will members of the Kenneset are elected.

Religion: The one and only true religion, under the one and only true God Almighty, the God of our fathers Abraham, Issac, and Israel. Judaism is the main religion, however there is a large minority of Ethiopean Christians and a smaller one of Muslims. Native religions are still practiced in the far reaches of New Zion.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


History of New Zion

1882 - A major wave of Jewish immigrants arrive in the Kingdom of Ethipia (then vassal to the Caliph). Among them is a former Swiss Army Officer and reknown Zionist by the name of Ahad ben Yusev of the Royal Davinic Line. Ahad distinguishes himself in the Battle of Mekele, where the Italian invaders are crushed.

1889 - Menelik II formally assumes the throne of Ethipia, is crowned Emperor. Ahad is knighted, giving a post in the Royal Guards, and marries the daughter of Menelik, Zauditu.

1896 - Italian invaders are once again defeated in the battles of Amba Alagi and Adowa.

1901 - The Caliphate of Cairo disintegrates, Menelik II takes to opportunity to declare full independance.

1903 - After two years of war Italy finally gains a foothold in Eritrea. Menelik II and Prince Wossen are killed at the Battle of Metemma.

1903-04 - A quasi Civil War ensues between General Ahad and the sole remaining son of Menelik II,  Kebede Tessema.  Casualties are low, the war intself ending with the assasination of Kedebe by his own bodyguards.

1905 - The Peace of Tel Aviv ends the Civil War. Ahad is crowned King of New Zion, while civil power is transfered from the monarchy to the Council of Elders.

1908 - New Switzerland declare that it will guarantee the independence of New Zion against all aggressors. New Zion remains neutral in the 2nd Pacific War, but assists Swiss raiders operating in the Indian Ocean.

1911 - Italian invasion of Egypt. Zionite volunteers fight in the Egyptian Army. Among them, one Moshe ben Dayan.

1912 - King Ahad falls seriously ill...
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock