Ultimatums re-issued

Started by maddox, March 07, 2007, 12:58:36 PM

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The fact.

To many people adding their spice to the dish makes it bad.

3 Player/mods to avoid an workoverload or a slowing down forum if/when a single mod has no time available.
Proposed people  P3D, Ithekro and Borys

1 Forum admin.  Leo already indicated he has no intention to do so.  I suggest Phoenix. But others are welcome to apply.

World map.   To be settled and set as soon as possible.
Open country's get a basic background and a logical setup BP's and population. And a guideline of the history. (again, loads to write)

Starting date Q1 1906, with 1905 the transition year.  Nobody will lose "economic or military power gained in the  N-verse". (except myself, as France is a Moloch without use in the new setup)

Based on the current rules, but with tweaks.  A limited group will work on this. This to avoid to many cooks brewing. Shamelessly I insert myself as 1 in this group. Need at least 1 other ruletalker (P3D)
If we want to start in a week time , then we have a lot of work to cover.
Rule changes will be beaten to dead in a closed forum.

Any objections?



I am not sure if I will make a good moderator - I am conceited, stubborn, and sometimes too agressive.
The rest is OK.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The moderators have the joy in this to be able to discus the worlds pace and moves behind the scenes.


QuoteThe moderators have the joy in this to be able to discus the worlds pace and moves behind the scenes.
*volunteers self for moderator job, gets kicked out* ;D

World map is almost finished.

Id say we should have some (limited) say on the rules, not alot but some.

Everything else OK.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Sounds reasonable to me.

Suggest we also work out fleets for the NPCs, at least in outline ("4 x B 8 x CL" etc.) if not in detail.


Marek's Spanish fleet was pretty good (6 BB, 2 AC, 13 PC, 27 DD), and we should have some of the fleet lists for some of the other NPC navies, shouldnt be too much of a problem.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Exactly what does a moderator have to do.  I've not done it before so I would need to know.


My objections is against the old rules. They are broken, can be (and were) exploited and irrealistic. When I started on Navalism 3, one of my goal was to have realistic rules, as tweaking the old ones cannot solve the issues. Then Borys' and mine initiative was merged with the common move to leave van Owen. The backup forum was up before navalism.org - I wanted to have a ready sim (world+rules) before N2 collapsed, but apparently I misjudged the speed N2 would take to

I was willing to play N2 with the old rules, but if they are used in N3, then any changes to the sim would be cosmetic at most, and, to tell the truth, I won't see much reason to play here - I'd go back to van Owen's board or continue with mine on my own...
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


I like how the new rules are shaping up. They need some work but look nice.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



No objection to what everyone else is happy with.  I cannot be a moderator (no time)


Quote from: P3D on March 07, 2007, 08:25:43 PM
I was willing to play N2 with the old rules, but if they are used in N3, then any changes to the sim would be cosmetic at most, and, to tell the truth, I won't see much reason to play here - I'd go back to van Owen's board or continue with mine on my own...
A pity.
As you know, N2 with cosmetic changes is my favourite solution. I got on board for N3 because at that time there was no alternative to N2 at Owen's.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


My intention, asking Leo to get me a forum was to continue Navalism.

Not start a completely new game.
But navalism without the old mistakes. Most of them made by me, for the record.

Realism has 1 big disadvantage.   Hindsight.
I do agree the rules allowed abuse.  But the 3 mod system will cancel out this.  If 2 of the 3 mods don't like an idea, it just disappears, gets deleted. Ergo, the offender, even inside the rules, won't get far with it.

I myself am a supporter of the N-verse idea.  Based in real technology, naval and civilian alike. But allowing own creativity and research.  Of course, restricted to what is affordable and applicable in a realistic timeframe.
The core of this idea is Springsharp version 2.


Borys and Ithekro are demoted from regular members to global moderators.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas