What do we want?

Started by Borys, February 28, 2007, 04:07:25 AM

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Simple question - what do we want?

1 - continue Navalism

2 - start something new

I prefer 1 over 2.
I would like to continue my story arcs.



I'm rather split on this one, as I have mixed feelings towards my own UKA.

In favour of option 1, I have now finally reached the point with the UKA, that I believe that my rather grandeous naval construction schemes can be achieved with the minimum of problems. Also in favour of option 1 is that all the groundwork is ready, and no new foundations need to be laid.

In favour of option 2, I have also found the UKA to be very limiting, as the way I set it up has left me struggling for the last 5 game years, desperately trying to catch up in terms of size, quality, and number of ships. In order to fund this, I have seemed to have made the UKA increasingly unpopular, which is now leaving me very little breathing space, in which to use the UKA. Also I have noticed that the only nation that is providing any regular political banter, is P3D's Orange Republic.
A Fresh start is hard work, but with a better start up, I reckon I can create a different nation that will provide an enjoyable, and most playable one.

If pushed, I favour option 2, but have no real objections to option 1


Option 2 would indeed give us the chance to start all over. However, we were having fun as it is, why abandon that ?
Anyway, I have no real preference, as long as I can continue playing a Middle Kingdom. ;D
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


Borys and I are already working on a revised Navalism. With a more plausible world and countries, and trying to keep to what is possible in RL. Also revising rules that I am uncomfortable with.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Yes, I admit to have my hand in the pie as both horses are concerned :)
But my preference is stated in the original post.



If we go with option 2, I believe that we should retain France as a major power, with Maddox playing it, as we will need at least one powerful, if restrained empire.



If the majority wants to continue with Navalism as is, then we could just simply give van Owen an ultimatum
to accomodate those who have been playing in the sim for 1-2 years. We achieved some kind of power balance right there. If we import the site itself without half of the players, I bet the simulation won't last too long, as the Navalism world is just a bunch of nation tied up with inconsistencies, that are continuing to cause problems.

If we won't stick with the old site, we should start a new one, importing some of the characters and nations from the old sim, but making sure that we are not commiting the same errors again.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


How many N-verse players are there? And how many are here?
Full timers:
P3D - check
Earl22 - check
Borys - check
Desertfox - ?
Ithekro - ?

Half timers:
Pheonix - check
Swamphen - ?

Sleeping partners:
Does the game need them?

Van Owen
Does the game need them?

We miss three people to have the whole gaming community here.

However, the idea of asking Van Owen to transfer ownership to Maddox or one of the old timers is good. Even if the answer will be "no", it is still worth trying. It IS the simplest way.



The only problem with van Owen's appearance is that it just put Maddox' and Phoenix' authority to question - and van OWen started to exert his authority.

I think someone who was in the sim from the beginning should ask van Owen to accept that he would be relegated to simple player, handing his authority going to Maddox as he was running the sim before. Otherwise there would be too many people leaving the sim.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Who then?
Who was in the Game from the very begining?

Swamphen, Desertfox, Ithekro, Maddox - the January-March 2005 crowd.


The Rock Doctor

Hey folks,

A little birdie told me I'd find y'all here.  I didn't realize there was so much dis-satisfaction with the route the board's taken.  Interesting. 

We had a problem at Wesworld in '03 when the board owner, also a player, decided to start throwing his weight around.  After he presented us with an ultimatum, we had to relocate, which required a lot of frantic copy/pasting before the guy killed the old board.  It might be prudent to consider copy/pasting your important files from Navalism before discussing control with Van Owen.

Regarding players:  Olekit has been absent for some time and is not worth troubling yourselves over.  However, Alikchi is a good, creative player and should be actively recruited if you do go ahead with something.  I think his silence at Navalism the past while is a result of some relative geographic isolation and some real-life business.  Ithekro and Foxy are certainly worth an effort too.


I have a copy of the Navalism Board on my HDD :)

Borys, Fat Old Buzzard aka Little Birdie


To be brutally Honest, I am completely miffed by the whole END-Essaylien thing, especially as it immediately bushwacked some plans I had concerning the ACM.

I think we should firstly each save everything we want from the old forums, and then proceed by asking Van Owen to consider becoming a simple player like the rest of us, and cede his authority to Maddox & Pheonix. If the answer he gives is positive, I propose we continue with the sim, if it is negative, we are left with the simple question for ourselves, stay or go?

But first, so we are not reliant on each others hard drives, I suggest we get busy saving data.

The Rock Doctor

I realize that I've already bailed out, but if there's discussions going on about rebooting the sim, it may be possible to address my concerns:

1)  Sim continuity:  established sim history does not change, particularly to suit newcomers, unless existing players agree to it. 

2)  Less in-sim conflict:  at least, conflict involving me.  I'm more interested in constant nation development and occasional conflict than constant conflict and occasional nation development.

3)  Focus on playing nations, rather than characters:  I'm all for characterizing individuals in nations, as many of us do/did, but I didn't see much value in Van Owen's idea of allowing multiple characters per nation, ala Agrival Mars' wife.

Also worth considering:

4)  Revision to R&D:  Perhaps something simpler, and more tightly based on historical timelines, to prevent weird stuff like airship fleets with glide-torpedoes.  If the random R&D development rolls can be dropped, we can then consider:

5)  Sim administration by player consensus or a group of moderators/senior players, rather than a single moderator.  This is not intended to slight Maddox in any way, but I wonder if he'd enjoy things more as a major player without the pressure of being "da boss". 

Just thinking out loud...


QuoteI realize that I've already bailed out, but if there's discussions going on about rebooting the sim, it may be possible to address my concerns:
No Problemo, there are others who didn't bail out but just left. Joe, you're a valued and valuable member.

Quote1)  Sim continuity:  established sim history does not change, particularly to suit newcomers, unless existing players agree to it. 
BIG advantage

Quote2)  Less in-sim conflict:  at least, conflict involving me.  I'm more interested in constant nation development and occasional conflict than constant conflict and occasional nation development.
I see advantages to less conflict.  Less to sim for me.

Quote3)  Focus on playing nations, rather than characters:  I'm all for characterizing individuals in nations, as many of us do/did, but I didn't see much value in Van Owen's idea of allowing multiple characters per nation, ala Agrival Mars' wife.
The Marissa experiment was an experiment. The young lady just didn't sustain, otherwise it would be good "in between world related newpaper filling."

Quote4)  Revision to R&D:  Perhaps something simpler, and more tightly based on historical timelines, to prevent weird stuff like airship fleets with glide-torpedoes.  If the random R&D development rolls can be dropped, we can then consider:
I must admit, now I get strange results. Like countries trying desperatly aquiring turbine tech for years on end, when the tech is getting common. But also countries researching radar and succeeding in the 3th quarter.

Quote5)  Sim administration by player consensus or a group of moderators/senior players, rather than a single moderator.  This is not intended to slight Maddox in any way, but I wonder if he'd enjoy things more as a major player without the pressure of being "da boss". 

I don't like responsibities. But I took it on in the N-verse as no one else came forth.
I myself am rather content with the political sewer of France, and the story lines I can use for roleplaying. (someone to abduct a young emperor?Or steal a sword?)