Punta Arenas weather

Started by Walter, November 24, 2007, 06:33:42 AM

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60 degrees Farenheit or 60 degrees Celcius?


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Well, I can understand the use of "summer heat" when it is Celcius (though (quickly looking around) the highest temperature recorded is 58 degrees), but 60 degrees F is in my eyes a very comfortable 15.6 degrees Celcius, not really sweaty weather (unless one is wearing 20 layers of winter clothing or is participating in some strenuous activities).
... unless the reporter is Mr. Freeze. :D

The Rock Doctor

Live in a cool climate long enough and you'll perceive temperatures differently.  The locals might indeed consider it "hot".

There were times in Iqaluit where I'd be outside thinking, "Ooh, it's nice out!", and then come inside later and hear it was -25 Celsius.


Considering that the Dutch average July temperature is almost the same as the Punta Arenas average January temperature, I would still say that the 15 degree temperature is quite acceptable.

... about what you said, originally I wanted to say "... unless the reported normally lives on Antarctica" :)


Punta Arenas' weather is more harsh than the Nederlands'. It it is probably as pleasant as Narvik's or Reykyavik's. If not damper.
Rock Doctor got the joke. And the locals are warmly dressed, being unused to such benign weather.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


A bloke from a company I work with visited Patagonia in October. In Ushaia (souther coast of Tierra del Fuego) it was sweltering hot - 8 degrees Celsius :)
To the locals' surprise, they did not get any sleet for a week!
Punta Arenas was similarly "tropical".
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Why do you think I was so happy to sell it? ;D
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


*grabs his thin Southron blood and runs in fear*
So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in old Baghdad;
You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
We gives you your certificate, an' if you want it signed
We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you whenever you're inclined.


They do honeymoons.
Special discounts for May, June and July apply.
See, she liked it:
I loved this line:
Yes, my husband did take me to the Ushuaia garbage dump on my honeymoon. At least it had cute piglets in it that you had to stay away from because mama charged you (as well as our only sighting of some type of bird that I'm supposed to remember). [Husband's note: Bird = White-throated Caracara. And garbage dumps are great places to bird the world round. Sad but true.]

Are Americans genetically altered as to be incapable of writing bErg?
I've seen Lemburg, Wirttemburg, now - icebUrg ....

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


What a lovely day!
6 °C

Partly cloudy

    * Feels Like: -
    * Wind: W 33km/h

    * Relative Humidity: 70%
    * Pressure: 99.900 kPa
    * Visibility: 99,999.0 km
    * Ceiling: 20000 ft
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Borys on December 09, 2007, 11:54:26 AM
Are Americans genetically altered as to be incapable of writing bErg?
I've seen Lemburg, Wirttemburg, now - icebUrg ....
Over on this side of the pond most "Berg's" are Burgs.  Pittsburgh, Hamburger, burgler, the other Pittsburg in Kansas, and so on.
"All treaties between great states cease to be binding when they come in conflict with the struggle for existence."
Otto von Bismarck

"Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world."
Kaiser Wilhelm

"If stupidity were painfull I would be deaf from all the screaming." Sam A. Grim


burg = town
berg - mount(ain)
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!