Need SS for Turkish CD Forts...

Started by miketr, November 30, 2007, 11:51:24 AM

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If someone has the desire / free time I need the following please.

1) twin 280 turrets
2) twin 250mm turrets
3) single 200mm weapon

Each as its own SS.

The Turkish budget is going to be a total mess...  The navy won't be a problem, $2.73.  I have no clue how I am going to work the army one out...  The forts alone might break the bank...  13 Corps fortified lines alone.  I think I will have to gut the active army, have the forts in reserve, also reduce the forts in size and a cash / BP reserve for war time.  Its going to be ugly....

By the way anyone know where Al Ru'ays is?


Çanakkale & Gallipoli Peninsula Environs
6 twin 280mm turrets
4 twin 250mm turrets
12 single 200mm guns in reinforced concrete casemates

Northern Entrance to Bosphorous
4 twin 280mm turrets
6 single 200mm guns in reinforced concrete casemates

Artvin (Far North East Turkey)
4 single 200mm guns in reinforced concrete casemates

Al Ru'ays (????)
4 twin 250mm turrets
6 single 200mm turrets

Kars (inland city)
4 single 200mm guns in reinforced concrete casemates

Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade (inland city)
8 single 200mm weapons in reinforced concrete towers

Land Forts
Çanakkale & Gallipoli Peninsula Environs (Three L2 Forts + Fortified Line):
Kalemegdan Fortress, Belgrade (L3 Fort):
Istanbul Environs & Kale-i Sultaniye/Topkapi (L2 Fort):
Northern Entrance to Bosphorous (L1 Fort):
Al Ru'ays (L1 Fort):
Kars (L1 Fort):
Artvin (L1 Fort):


If I remember Alikchi's mindset for this, the Ottoman Empire was building ans stocking forts like mad.  Turning turtle against the Austrians and Russians at least.  There were attempts by the moderators to create colonies and outposts for the Ottomans to rule and thus get them out from going turtle, but Alikchi would have nothing to do with that seeing that we were trying to get him to invest in navies, where as he was investing in defense by making it too painful to invade the Ottoman Empire.


OK... I will honor that desire but its going to create a tough but inflexiable military with few mobile troops.  As long as the defenses hold they will be fighting stronger than there economy...  then they come apart once past the defenses and those Garrison troops have to fight in the open.



You should reduce the land fortifications to conform to the smaller budget. Keep only a few strategic forts at lvl 1-2, and delete the rest. My rule of thumb about an army is that Ottomans should be able to maintain their army and navy fully mobilized, with ammo consumption from 100% budget. Cash reserves is also a good idea.

Forts does not need much simming. I'd suggest to sim turrets in SS3 if you really want to, and cut the coastal stuff too.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas

The Rock Doctor

There's an Al Ru'Ays (aka Al-Ruways, aka Al-Ruweis) 140 miles west of Abu Dhabi, UAE.  It's currently a petroleum-producing area.

There's an Ar Ru'ays - which is probably also spelt with an "Al" - in Yemen on the Red Sea Coast, about fifteen miles north of Mocah.  I don't see any particular strategic value in that location.  The Red Sea's too narrow to control from the shore there, there's no special resources around there.

I'd say the UAE location was the intended location - the question is whether the hydrocarbons would be known in 1909.  If not, there's no reason for the fort.


Would it be a chock point for the Persian Gulf?

Borys, I think the old records had a map of the forts in you have that one on file someplace?

The Rock Doctor

The Red Sea's a good fifty miles across there - in my preceding post, I meant to say, "The Red Sea's too wide to control..."  So it's no good as a point for shore batteries.

As a port, it'd make more sense to use the larger, established locations like Mocha or Al Hudaydah.

It's a tiny place historically - notable only for seabird conservation areas - so I don't see any reason to think it's more important in Navalism.


I no longr have any N2 files.
Due to personal stupidity.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Their is an Ar Ru'ays in Qatar on the tip.  That may be a fort that was to keep Caliphate ships and later Orange ships from coming farther up the Persian Gulf.  If it is the city in the interior, perhaps it is on the main road (or the only safe road with water anyway).

Or else we aren't seeing it for some reason.