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The Baltic Declaration

Started by ledeper, November 19, 2007, 11:19:41 AM

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The Baltic Declaration

Issued Karlstad  August 12,1908

The Baltic league is neutral, and cannot have treaties with countries that are linked to one of the major power blocks.

The Baltic Sea,The Baltic Approaches,Scagerrak and Utland straits are declared free to peaceful use. The entrance to the baltic is however a part of the territorial waters of the Baltic League. Neighbours have a right of way states our old common law. This means Russia and Ukrainia can also use these seaways for it's navy. Warships of other nations that want to use the passage should announce their intentions in advance.

The Baltic league being neutral, states that it will do its utmost to defend neutrality. Those who violate neutrality, will face the sharp edge of our battleaxe.

We will not tolerate the misuse of our territory or waters for aggressive purposes. This would, either from the west or from the east, be a violation of our neutrality.

The Baltic Confederations commitment to neutrality and the free passage of commerce in and out of the Baltic-sea should be a wellknown fact for all powers concerned!