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Baltic News 1.quarter 1908.

Started by ledeper, November 05, 2007, 02:24:53 PM

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31/12 1907  Karlstad.
Under a lavish ceremony in Karlstad the new Huskarl corps is sworn in by Halcyon,the Primeminsters majordomo.They are in the direct command of the residing P.Ms and will serve also as a internal securityforce.

14/1 1908 Karlstad.
Gen KrakenĀ“s ailing health gets worse and he is admitted to hospital,suffers a stroke.

17/1 08 Gen.Kraken dies peacefull in bed.

18/1 08 4 days of national mourning

23/1 08 Statefuneral.

End February begining of March rising activity at the navalbases in Hamburg and Bergen,rumours say that 1. and 3. Flottilia is getting ready for fleet excersises in the Atlantick.

12/3 08 1.Flottila leaves Hamburg and is bound for Reykyavik,for to rendevouz with 3. Flotilla.

15/3 08 3. Flotilla leaves Bergen for Reykyavik.

18/3 08 1and 3. flotilla arrives in Reykyavik,and after a short stop for recoaling both flotilla leaves together with Bb Isnebel,Cr Istid ,Cl Njord and a coolier for joint fleet excersises.They sail through Denmark Strait a head a N-E.course


Good. One suggestion. Maybe send PMs to the players runing your neighboring countries. So that you guys get to know another, establish what your relations are.
For instance, the news of these March manouevers can be very exciting for the Normanner. Should the fleet be recalled from the South Atlantic? Should the Army mobilise?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!