The Mithlond Conference, July 1908

Started by The Rock Doctor, October 23, 2007, 08:00:11 AM

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NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


OOC no clash of thunder and decree from upon on high?  So whats the situation?  I am confused?



I think we all are a tad confused about it atm.  I fully expect an Ailen invasion.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!

The Rock Doctor

The Rock Doctor

Eduard Torres and his support staff were enjoying a breakfast of fruit and pastries in a private dining room in their hotel's restaurant, when an embassy employee appeared and delivered a typewritten page.  "Thank you."  He read through the sheet twice, folded it in half, and slipped it into an inside pocket in his suit jacket.  "A possible offer from the French to the Swiss.  There's some strong language that would be interesting to see in the public domain, but we shall not be the cause of that."

"Any reference to us or the Iberians?", the ambassador asked.

"Only a reference to the urban legend that we make offers and then tell the recipients they can't refuse them.  I do not recall ever couching the terms of a transaction in that manner."  He bit the tip off a triangular pastry, nibbled, and added, "Though it is not an inaccurate assessment of some of those offers."

"So essentially, the French are playing their own game without regard for our interests."

"Correct.  Most likely, France assumes it has sufficient backing from other powers to render our objections, and that of like-minded parties, moot.  From a strictly military perspective, this is probably correct", Torres agreed.

"And the other powers don't mind if France grabs the NEI?", the trade attache questioned.

"They are blinded by their hate for the Swiss and their desire to ride the coattails of the French.  Evidently, all the French schemes and atrocities of the past decade have been completely forgotten", Torres replied. 

"If the French don't care about our interests, why provide us with a copy of their offer?", the military attache inquired.

"Perhaps to influence us, perhaps in hopes that we will pass it along unofficially to other parties.  This remains an option, but I would want to think through the possible ramifications, considering that the offer could well be a red herring."

"Has anybody heard from the Dutch?", the ambassador asked.

Silence greeted the question.

"Has anybody heard of anybody else hearing from the Dutch", the ambassador asked.

Silence was again his answer.

"I see", the ambassador replied.

"Quite.  Whatever the Dutch are thinking, they are keeping close to their chests.  The Swiss appear to be rather quiet themselves", Torres added.  "We are without reliable information, unless one wishes to believe the sensationalist headlines in the Norman papers in the lobby."  The ambassador frowned at that notion.

"So, until there is more information, we will make inquiries amongst other powers to gauge their positions.  Russia and Rohan are of certain interest.  The Baltic Confederation's links to the Dutch, and Orange's link to the Swiss, both deserve a conversation.  Track down their delegations and schedule meetings with them", Torres instructed his assistant.  "Also, arrange for dinner with my Iberian colleague.  He can choose the venue if he so wishes.  We can see what the latest word from Madrid is."

The assistant nodded his understanding. 

"Also, I recall there was a Siamese person of some import somewhere.  I should chat with him about Malaya and its tin resources", Torres said.

"The Hapsburgers found him.  I'll talk to them", the trade attache replied.

"Also, telegram back to Cartagena and see what the cabinet's view on canal acceess is, and their views on Guyana."

"Dutch or French?", the assistant asked.

"The position on Surinam should only change if the ownership changes.  No, I mean French Guyana.  If future conversations with France become lively, I want to know how the cabinet will react if the French renege on that deal."

"I'll get started right away", the assistant replied.

"No rush.  Enjoy the pastries", Torres invited him.


In a small, very private and very expensive establishment, Eduard Torres sat in private room with his Iberian counter part, Don Carlos Rubio y Cabeza.

"Eduard you must try some of this, wine."  Don Carlos picked up the bottle that was sitting on the table to read the label," Coteaux du Languedoc, Banyuls, 1887 a red.  The perfect after meal drink and one of the things our French friends do so well."

"Yes speaking of our friends the French have you had any luck talking to them as of yet, Carlos?"  Eduard took a slight sip of the sweet red.

Don Carlos snorted before he answered, "They make no attempt to cover the fact that they are ignoring me and my government.  Something has come up with our Ambassador in Paris they are talking to him it seams even it's totally focused on the Swiss cruiser my government interned in the frozen wastes of the South Atlantic.  I understand he is getting to show the sites but nothing more than that."  Raising a finger as he took a deep sip of the wine and then paused to savor his drink before continuing, "I have had a talk with the lovely creature the Swiss sent over her for the talks."

Eduard Torres looked on with a raised eyebrow.

"Eduard I am wounded what type of person do you take me fore?  I am gentlemen and besides despite her rather blatant offer I am old enough to be her grand father and my wife would kill me.  Ten years ago maybe but..."

Torres shook his head, "Anything of use Carlos?"

"Yes she confirmed that the French have contacted her government and made an offer.  Involving it seams sending a special representative to the Swiss capital and that offer was passed from Paris through the foreign office in Madrid." Don Carlos said and then noticed with a slight frown that his glass was empty and the continued, "She also told me the general terms and her governments counter off."

Torres avoided rolling his eyes at his counter parts melodrama, "And I have to ask?"

Don Carlos looked as if he was slightly startled a look of being half a sleep he had a habit of failing into but those who knew him for any length of time was a cover, "Ah yes, sorry Eduard my age is fast catching up, the French offered a bit more than Swiss would be paying for it but I believe you were already aware of that.  The lovely lady said something about a gun being held to her head and the Swiss don't take kindly to such things.  There own response was... well higher..."

"And how much higher was that?"

Don Carlos said nothing and merely handed over a sheet of paper with a number written on it, a large one.

"They can't be serious the French won't pay that..."

"Keep reading Eduard..."

Torres read till the end, "They won't accept that either... Money and Land?"

"What's your governments view on all of this Carlos?"

The slightly sleep look was nowhere to be scene as he answered, "Its hard to figure how serious to take a threat when you can't even get one of the parties to talk to you beyond Parisian Opera and Cruisers, but Madrid thinks the French will attack."

"I see Carlos and what will you do about that?"

"The orders have been already sent I understand, we will get there before them and run up the Iberian Flag.  The Swiss of course were all in favor of us doing just that."

"What if the Dutch are still there when your people arrive?"

"Some in Madrid are hoping for something like that but that would be a problem, I am not privy to what was told to our people in the Philippines just that they have been given wide latitude."

"I see Carlos, I see...


OOC If there is no further replies from the French by tommorow morning, then the Swiss will make their final statement.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The French observer re-enters the room, grey in face.

Mesdames, messieurs. I beg your pardon. But I have a grave message from France.

When I telegraphed Premier Paixhans of the Dutch offer to New Switserland, I knew this would be bad. For humanity.   

The reply I got from Paris is making my worst fears come true.  If I'm allowed to bring you the words of Premier Paixhans, supported by his complete gouvernement.

QuoteGlorious France cannot accept New Swiss ownership over the trade routes to French south Indochina and French Polynesia. Nor can France accept the New Swiss cheating others by selling them potential areas of conflict.

Glorious France offered the Netherlands to take over the offer, and raise the stakes considerably. Unfortunatly, The Netherlands declined the offer. And refuses to deal with France on this matter.

After that Premier Paixhans made a more generous offer to the New Switserland gouvernement.

The reply of New Switserland is so, that they challenge Glorious France and the coalition gathered under the name of Humanity, to do the worst thing possible. 
Pay the humongous sum of $3000, and  give up French Polynesia in exchange for a ransacked Dutch East Indies.
Or go to war.
France, in its benevolent ways, doesn't see profit from war. But cannot ignore the New Swiss insults, accumulating damages, pirate sponsoring, anti civilian acts of terror, and a lot more unmentinable things.

New Switserland even pulls in innocents in their way to selfdestruction, as they threaten Glorious France with the "fact" they have bough Allies by promising parts of the NEI.
It's obvious the Iberians and the Gran Colombians are swayed by the New Swiss lies.  We of France appolegise for this harsh truth.

France, in the humanitarian way it has promoted for the last 35 years, after the last Prussian war, offers the Iberians and the Gran Colombians compensations. Just to avoid those 2 honorable countries losing on their deals with the  treacherous New Swiss.


"Would the gentleman from France and the lady from New Switzerland please clarify these statements.  Rohan would not like to see another war start during a peace conference on our soil, so I would suggest either you include yourselves into a secondary peace talks here and negotiate something that is reasonable, if not entirely satifactory with either party involved, or I suggest this matter be tabled until after the Swiss and Dutch have at least finished the paperwork for the transfere of the lands in question.  There are a lot of islands involved and potentially a significant amount of currency to change hands before the lands in question are even considered to be Swiss.  At that point other governments may protest to the Swiss government directly or through other agencies.  However currently, the East Indies are Dutch by all legal forms known to man.  I would advise that land speculation and squatter be kept to a minimum until such time as their is a defined sale rather than just a verbal agreement, as many countries would say that words alone can mean less than the promises they hold, less the paper treaty never be written, nor signed.  Once their is something official, then any rabid threats or rants may sound forth.  Until then, I would rather this body contend themselves with the treaties on hand from Austria.  Japan has not commented on this document of late.  What say the person from Japan?"


Conversation overheard between the Swiss:

"Allies? Gran Columbia? What the hell did you tell the French ambassador?"

"Well that's what you told me..."

"The hell I did. I wasn't talking about the Columbians, nor the Iberians for that matter. Did you specificlly mention them?"

"No, I just hinted at some allies."

"Then where the hell did the French get that idea? It's not even the Columbians we where talking about. And what's this about war? Now don't answer that..."

The Lady in Red stood up...

"I see we have a major misunderstanding here. We did not challenged anyone. The French asked what the price for giving up the DEI would be and we simply answered. Besides we previously contacted the French goverment as to a deal to safeguard their sea lines of communication and we where ignored.

I don't know what these 'allies' the French speak of are, probably just French propaganda at work here. The Iberians and Columbians are just business parterns with the Swiss, nothing more, nothing less.

Oh yes, the French response delayed out own.

After considerable discussions and in the interest of free trade, the Swiss Confederation agreed to a joint Iberian-Columbian proposal. The proposal will if everything goes according to plan, split the bulk of the DEI, between the nations of Iberia and Grand Columbia keeping the sea lanes of communication between the Indian and Pacific Oceans open. Iberia will receive Borneo and Singapore, Gran Columbia will receive Sumatra and Malaya, the Celebes and Lesser Sundas will go to the Swiss Confederation.

As you see, the Swiss Confederation does not stand to profit from this and the French lines of communication remain open. So why do the French want to fight? Good question, the Siamese might know..."
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Honored chairman.  

It's just the fact that the NEI are Dutch, and that it is a know fact the New Swiss are already doling out area's still Dutch to gain support for their devious, thieving piratical ways.

It's a public fact that New Swiss was offered the NEI for the feeble $300.
An amount France was ready to quintuple to the Dutch. But not 10 times as much, and French Polynesia, especialy not for the New Swiss who has caused France more losses in the last 30 years than any other situation combined.  Still France restrains its might. And New Swiss, as a people, still has a chance to be independent.

On our alligations.
The Iberians and the Gran Colombians, together with the Orange Republic are the only ones that deal with the New Swiss directly.
Of course we discount the Siamese and the New Zionese in this matter. As being already bought by the New Swiss.

Who else could the New Swiss ask to sponsor their way to anarchy?
The Orange Republic in its own right already suffered from the depridations of New Swiss, forcing the Orange Republic to take over the pirates nest of Keeling.   We of Glorious France are glad of that, but regret the monetary and humane losses the Orange Republic is taking on that " deal".

Iberia should remember who made the Iberian Iberian as is now possible. The alliance between the UNK and France, Liberating Portugal of the red plague, and the willingness of France to give Brazil back to the unified Iberian Empire.

Gran Colombia. 
Oh. France does regret the actions of a certain Monsieur Palpaté. 
And is doing penance for that. The "cheap sell" of the battleships for scrapping, the ridicolously cheap selling of the West Indies. 

But I have to be excused, I do not have more information at the moment.


"Apparently it is a new fashion to sell land that one not yet owns but others dispute in order to drag third parties into the dispute. " Standing up, the Orange ambassador looks around. "Apparently the Holland envoy left, not abiding the vultures squabbling over the still kicking body any longer..."
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


We of Glorious France agree on that statement, Monsieur le Orange republique Envoy.


Quote from: P3D on November 13, 2007, 02:02:39 AM
"Apparently it is a new fashion to sell land that one not yet owns but others dispute in order to drag third parties into the dispute. " Standing up, the Orange ambassador looks around. "Apparently the Holland envoy left, not abiding the vultures squabbling over the still kicking body any longer..."

Still there, watching the show evolve.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.