The Mithlond Conference, July 1908

Started by The Rock Doctor, October 23, 2007, 08:00:11 AM

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The Rock Doctor

The following diplomatic note is delivered by Minister Eduard Torres to his Dutch and Swiss counterparts in Mithlond.  Copies are delivered to all other attending parties for their information.

QuoteDear Sir/Madam:

In the past few days it has become evident that the terms of peace between the Netherlands and New Switzerland have created a significant geopolitical problem.  This problem may, if unchecked, send the world back into war, on a scale perhaps bloodier than the one just concluded.

Specifically, there is considerable discontent amongst the world community at the thought of New Switzerland acquiring the oil-rich, and strategically located, East Indies.  New Switzerland has a reputation for adventuring and disregard of diplomatic protocols - a reputation I can accept as being grounded in truth, given the experiences of my countrymen in Jamaica.  There is fear amongst some world powers that the Swiss will incorporate the economic strength of the East Indies and use its strategic location to attack an innocent power.  I agree that this is conceivable.

Through formal and informal channels, I have learned that a coalition of powers is gathering with the intention of confronting New Switzerland and forcing it to relinquish the East Indies.  If the Swiss refuse, which would be in character for them, the result will be another war.

This troubles Gran Colombia.  It will be the worst kind of gunboat diplomacy.  It will send a message that the Netherlands - and all other nations by extension - does not have the right to dispose of its assets and liabilities as it sees fit.  It is a message that third parties can interfere in a lawful transaction between the Dutch and Swiss, or, by extension, any other pair of nations.  It is a message to the Swiss, in particular, that there is no value in diplomacy, and no benefit in trying to better one's self.

Unfortunately, I expect these messages will be lost in the hysterical and irrational demonization of New Switzerland that seems so trendy these days.

Therefore, I would ask the Netherlands and New Switzerland to spare the world the grief that will come.  I urge you to revise the terms of your peace by returning to your pre-war borders and signature of an indefinite non-aggression pact. 

If the Netherlands remains determined to dispose of the East Indies, consider alternatives.  I can speak for my government in saying that Gran Colombia would take on the financial commitment previously agreed to by New Switzerland, accept the burden of responsibly developing the East Indies, maintain free passage of strategic waterways, and allow extraction and use of the East Indies' natural resources in accordance with free market principles.

I urge you to consider my words seriously, for global peace and the lives of millions depends on your actions.

Diplomatic representatives are advised that Minister Torres will be remaining in Mithlond until matters are sorted out, and that President Alizandro will interrupt his European travels to track matters from the Gran Colombian embassy in Madrid. 


"Rohan agrees with the assessment of this letter and finds the Dutch act of vengeance rather disturbing.  It is almost on the order of selling one's house to the man that had an affair with your wife just as you divorced her and he leaves her as well.  The supposed aftermath suggests it may be even worse, such as also selling your children to the man and he sells them into slavery and them rents out rooms of your house as an opium den and for prostitution."

"Rohan however agrees that it cannot interfere directly with the Dutch and Swiss agreement, as the sovereignty of these nations is paramount.  It however does foresee a great disturbance in the Pacific should this come to pass."


"The Chair has a question for the Austrian and Swiss governments.  When will your treaty take affect and when will the cease fire be implamented that stops the violence?"


"The bulk of Swiss forces can stand down as soon as a week's time. For some lone raiders it might take longer, but at least 95% of our forces can stand down by August 1st."
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Pubilus Rutilius Rufus: Italia would also offer to take over Part or All of the Purchase, in interest of promoting Stability in the region.  It is firmy belived in Rome that the world Powers will not allow this sale to go forward in its curent form.  As for thoes at this conferance I canot say for we are all still in a state of shock, I urge the Swiss to partition the sale up if the dutch will not do so.  Your curent posistion is not one of great strength, and the people of Italia have no wish to see the region decend into another bloody war.
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


The Iberian ambassador returns to the conference and makes the following statement.  "I have been instructed by my government to make the following statement.

We have received rumors that several nations such as France, Italy, The United Norman Kingdom and the Confederate States of America are considering military action and of course the Middle Kingdom has stated it is going to do so very clearly.  If these nations wish to take action they view as being in there own self interest so be it.  All nations are expected to do that; just understand that Iberia will do the same.  I will speak as plain as I can, if other nations take military action we will have no choice but to do the same.

As Iberia has broken off diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of the Netherlands and so my government  cannot make this request through normal channels.   As such I request at this conference a clear statment from the Netherlands government as to what as to what its intentions are.  If we receive no clearly reply to this request within 24 hours I will have another statement to make.  At the same time Iberian ambassadors at every capital where both Iberian and the Netherlands have an embassy will be handing over a message making the same request."   


Peace is turning out to be worst than war. I thought this was supposed to be a 'Peace' Conference... Reminds me of the 'Peace' Fleet.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Eeri silence from the French side ...   tumbleweed blowing by in a dry dusty wind.

The Rock Doctor

A junior Gran Colombian aide nervously jokes, "The world is happy if the Swiss engage in diplomacy, provided that they lose at it."


I didn't do it.  It wasn't me.  I asked for rational talks that lead to a peace, not irrational choices that can lead to a bigger conflict.


Ithekro, it seems that every peace conference involving New Swiss just acts as a can opener opening a bigger can of worms.


And the irony is that I didn't even ask for the DEI! The Peace Terms NS offered the Neatherlands can be found here:
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock

The Rock Doctor

The Swiss didn't open this can; the Dutch did.  Let's see whether or not they reconsider putting the worms on the plate before we all start stabbing at the plate.


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 07, 2007, 12:30:47 PM
The Swiss didn't open this can; the Dutch did.  Let's see whether or not they reconsider putting the worms on the plate before we all start stabbing at the plate.

Yah this is the Dutch pulling out of the area combined with the near universal problems the rest of the planet has with the Swiss.  The Swiss aren't directly at fault but there past actions are behind whats errupted here.


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 07, 2007, 12:30:47 PM
The Swiss didn't open this can; the Dutch did.  Let's see whether or not they reconsider putting the worms on the plate before we all start stabbing at the plate.

This is true however the situation is unacceptable for France, look at it strategically they are cut off from French Indochina, by a power that is shall we say less than friendly to France.  in my case im stuck im trying to improve relations with France, and the CSA, UNK is a traditional French ally and can be expected to back a french position.  Hence my offer to buy part of the purchase even though realistically I would be unable to defend it, it provides France with "friendly" lines to their territory.  Thus avoiding another freaking war which would slow down the sim.

Believe me Italia doesn't want another war, for now we are content to build up our fleet.  The action taken by the Netherlands However may end up forcing our hand (Italia is in much the same situation they were in pre WW1/WW2 surrounded by much stronger neighbors and trying to pick a path that would best protect them).  

The GC purchase offer was im sure for much the same reason, while they would have even greater problems defending said purchase it would still offer France "friendly" lines to their colony
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War