The Mithlond Conference, July 1908

Started by The Rock Doctor, October 23, 2007, 08:00:11 AM

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Quote from: Desertfox on November 04, 2007, 04:24:13 PM
"No it is not agreeable, termination of Swiss contributions to the Kra Canal will only be conducted if Siam is left unmolested. The modified point 9 leaves a window of oportunity for imperialistic nations, to infring on the rights of Siam. The soverign rights of small nations are paramount in the eyes of the Swiss."
Then what the hell are you doing there?

The Netherlands will never sign a treaty that restricts its soverginity or its relations with a third, uninvolved part.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


"Mantaining the freedom of the Kingdom of Siam in the face of imperialistic threats."

OOC Since the time the 1st Treaty of Bangkok was signed, Siam has gained the Andamans, a 'free' canal, a massive increase in the Siamese Navy, Laos, and other goodies. NS has gained, the rights to build a canal, and brownie points with the Siamese. Clearly the Swiss-Siamese Alliance has helped the Siamese alot more than the Swiss. And unlike the French and Dutch, the Swiss have not taken a single square foot of Siamese land.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The DKB and Empire of Japan offer to pay 8$ each to the Kingdom of the Nederlands to help in rebuilding the NOI. Thus the demand of compensation from the Swiss Confederation can be dropped.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Desertfox on November 04, 2007, 04:39:21 PM
"Mantaining the freedom of the Kingdom of Siam in the face of imperialistic threats."

OOC Since the time the 1st Treaty of Bangkok was signed, Siam has gained the Andamans, a 'free' canal, a massive increase in the Siamese Navy, Laos, and other goodies. NS has gained, the rights to build a canal, and brownie points with the Siamese. Clearly the Swiss-Siamese Alliance has helped the Siamese alot more than the Swiss. And unlike the French and Dutch, the Swiss have not taken a single square foot of Siamese land.
Threats that would not exist if it were not for the close association with the Swiss....

Put it like this: The Swiss out of Siam, in all and every way, directly or indirectly, is a red line for the Netherlands, unless treaty have such a point, the Netherlands will not sign it. If that point or any other in the treaty will try and restrict the relations between the Netherlands and uninvolved country, may it be the Baltic confederation, new Zion, Franji or Siam, we will not sign it.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Quote from: Borys on November 04, 2007, 04:41:16 PM
The DKB and Empire of Japan offer to pay 8$ each to the Kingdom of the Nederlands to help in rebuilding the NOI. Thus the demand of compensation from the Swiss Confederation can be dropped.

Why on earth should you? It was not you who got it destroyed.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.

The Rock Doctor

"One could argue that the Netherlands brought it upon themselves by becoming involved in a matter between France, Firanj, and New Switzerland.  Your Allies are working to secure a peace that the Swiss will agree to - if you continue to make additional demands, you may find yourself on your own to fight the Swiss.  Is this worth that risk?"


Are the New Swiss happy with the Japanese quantification of damages?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote9.  New Switzerland terminates contributions to, and any claim of ownership for, the Kra Canal, in return for which the Netherlands acknowledges the right of the Siamese to seek other investors to complete said project.
I don't see how the above, 'restricts the relations' between Siam and the Neatherlands, unless by 'restricting relations' you mean you mean not being able to dictate to the Siamese how they should run their country. Oh and BTW the Siamese looked for friends: The Chinese ignored them, the Germans sold ships but stopped there, the Mughals where enemies, the Austrians nearly got them invaded, and the French/Dutch where hated imperialistic invadors. That left only the Swiss to turn to.

Note also that you want NS to do, what you yourself do not want to do.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The Japanese damage assesment is spot on.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 04, 2007, 04:55:16 PM
"One could argue that the Netherlands brought it upon themselves by becoming involved in a matter between France, Firanj, and New Switzerland.  Your Allies are working to secure a peace that the Swiss will agree to - if you continue to make additional demands, you may find yourself on your own to fight the Swiss.  Is this worth that risk?"
No additional demands have been made, these Dutch demands have been on the table since the first draft of the first talks.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.

The Rock Doctor

Minister Torres asks, "If the Netherlands and New Switzerland can not come to terms on Item Nine and the issue of Timor, are the other Allies and New Switzerland prepared to sign a treaty that omits Points Three and Nine, with the amendments agreed to on Items Six and Seven?"


"The Swiss Confederation can accept such a Treaty"
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The Count practically did not listen to Torres speaking. He was scribling on the latest version of the terms. His jaw was set. He cast an unkind look at the Dutch diplomat and declared - "Pacta sunt servanda!". The Alliance is no more. The two Germanic Powers and hopefuly the Empire of Japan will sign a Peace Treaty with the Swiss Confederation as laid out below. If the Kingdom of the Nederalanden wishes to remain in state of war with the Swiss, then we shall have no part in it.

"1.  Formosa is ceded to a member of the Alliance, other than the Middle Kingdom.

"2.  Hainan is ceded to a member of the Alliance, other than the Middle Kingdom

"3.  EMPTY -

"4.  New Guinea - in its entirety - shall revert to pre-war borders, shall be disarmed, and shall have deployed to it a neutral observation team that shall inspect and enforce the island's disarmed state.  Gran Colombia will commit to participating in such an endeavour.

"5.  New Amsterdam and Tasmania shall be evacuated by Allied forces and revert to Swiss jurisidiction.

"6.  The Aleutian Islands are ceded to Japan.

"7.   Japan shall evacuate Tinian and Aquijan, which shall revert to Swiss jurisdiction. Japan will pay the Swiss 9$ and 0.5BP for damages to the Saipan facilities.

"8.  Swiss transfers of Keeling, Christmas and the Swiss Chagos to Orange shall be recognized by the Allies as a full and proper jurisdictional transfer.

"9.  New Switzerland terminates contributions to, and any claim of ownership for, the Kra Canal, in return for which the Habsburgs, DKB, and Japan acknowledge the right of the Siamese to seek other investors to complete said project.

"10.  All costs incurred as a result of the war are borne by the warring parties.

"11.  Full and expeditious transfer of prisoners of war, and the right of civilians to emigrate if their territory changes jurisdiction as a result of the above.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Well in response to the Austrian offer the Netherlands will offer the Swiss the following:
1: Immediate armistice, effective until H2/1909.
2: Evangel of all prisoners of war
3: Handover of all Dutch territories in Asia to the Republic of New Switzerland on the 1st of July 1909 in return for $200, paid in instalments of $10 every half year.
This in a non-negotiable offer.

This is due to Dutch beancouters coming to the conclusion that the defence will cost more then it is worth in an environment of backstabbing Austrians, mad Swiss and hostile Iberian
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Quote from: Korpen on November 04, 2007, 02:44:39 PM
Quote from: The Rock Doctor on November 01, 2007, 01:27:59 PM
"Gentlemen - and Lady", Minister Torres says with a sigh, "I fear we are approaching an impasses.  The key problems now seem to be the disposition of New Guinea and Saipan, and the Allies' view that they are owed a pound of flesh, as it were, from the Swiss.  Let me introduce a different lense with which to examine territorial disposition.

"7.   Saipan and other North Marianas islands under dispute, shall be transferred, with Madrid's consent, to neutral Iberia, which owns the remainder of the North Marianas.

Apart from point 7 the suggestion is by and large acceptable.
However, considering Iberians aggressive posture against the Netherlands and unflinching support for the Swiss, the conduct, we see no difference in practical terms between the island in Iberian or Swiss hand (here or in other places), in fact remaining in Swiss hand is preferable if those two there the choices. Luckily, that is not the case, and we suggest they is should be handed to a nation that has been neutral, unlike Iberia. Our suggestion would be the UNK or the Baltic confederation, but also France would be an option.

Iberian ambassador and his aids get up and leaves the conference.

When word reaches Madrid about the Dutch statements the following occurs.

1) The Dutch Ambassador and the entire diplomatic mission is declared Persona Non Grata and given 48 hours to leave Iberian territory.

2) The Iberian mission in the Hague is recalled, the Hapsburg diplomatic mission is requested to look after Iberian interests in the Netherlands.

3) The Cortes Generales is called into emergency session.

4) All Iberian convoys are recalled to port.