The Mithlond Conference, July 1908

Started by The Rock Doctor, October 23, 2007, 08:00:11 AM

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Quote from: Borys on October 31, 2007, 06:09:28 AM
- Splendid! - exclaimed the Old Goat ... err Old Warhorse Przewalski.
- let us call* for the Siamese envoy#, for the Iberians, the Swiss - if they truely wish to remove this item from the peace negotiatons in a honourable manner - and the Siamese to work out something on the Canal business.

* - not being a Great Power, the Siamese may be invited to forward an opinion on affairs concerning them directly
# - not being a Great Power, the Siamese dd not have Ambassadors, but their Legations were headed by Minisiters or Envoys
No need, they are no the issue here.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!

The Rock Doctor

Just before the coffee break actually happens, however, Eduard Torres manages to slip in the following:

"With respect, it is an issue.  If New Switzerland breaks their previous treaty in order to gain this new treaty, what good is their signature on this new treaty?

"I think the Swiss are aware that in order to gain a peace treaty with the Alliance, they will have to remove themselves from the Kra project.  Give them an opportunity to do so legally, and in good faith, and their subsequent signature of a peace treaty to end this war will be more meaningful both to themselves and to the international community that will judge their future conduct."

...then Torres heads for the coffee, hoping that it is Colombian...


Quote from: The Rock Doctor on October 31, 2007, 06:49:41 AM
Just before the coffee break actually happens, however, Eduard Torres manages to slip in the following:

"With respect, it is an issue.  If New Switzerland breaks their previous treaty in order to gain this new treaty, what good is their signature on this new treaty?

"I think the Swiss are aware that in order to gain a peace treaty with the Alliance, they will have to remove themselves from the Kra project.  Give them an opportunity to do so legally, and in good faith, and their subsequent signature of a peace treaty to end this war will be more meaningful both to themselves and to the international community that will judge their future conduct."

Sure, but extracting switzerland from and treaties with Siam is switerlands problem, not one for this conference.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.

The Rock Doctor

"It is a matter for this conference, as the current terms of peace can not be honorably met by the Swiss until they've negotiated with the Siamese.  So while those talks need not happen at the conference, they must still take place now", Torres notes. 

"I'm curious - the Swiss are a charter member of the New Beleriand Canal project.  Should we be discussing their future involvement in that project also?"


"If I may interject in this debate over a canal.  I would suggest that the issue is not so much the Swiss aid in the constrution of this canal in Siam, but actually that the Dutch do not wish there to be a canal in Siam at all.  Such a structure may hurt their mercintile trade around Singapore once Kra is completed.  It is a logically conclusion that this part of the peace is meant to make the canal's construction next to impossible and secure the Dutch trade routes in Southeast Asia.  That or the removal of Swiss aid in Saim leaves the way clear for Dutch forces to take the land and make the issue moot in its entirety."


Iberia has its own reasons for wishing to involve itself in the canal project.  If the Netherlands wishes to come out and say that they do not want it finished they are free to do so but as of yet there stance has been to just remove the New Swiss Condeferation from the project.


Quote from: Ithekro on October 31, 2007, 08:20:48 AM
"If I may interject in this debate over a canal.  I would suggest that the issue is not so much the Swiss aid in the constrution of this canal in Siam, but actually that the Dutch do not wish there to be a canal in Siam at all.  Such a structure may hurt their mercintile trade around Singapore once Kra is completed.  It is a logically conclusion that this part of the peace is meant to make the canal's construction next to impossible and secure the Dutch trade routes in Southeast Asia.  That or the removal of Swiss aid in Saim leaves the way clear for Dutch forces to take the land and make the issue moot in its entirety."
Trade routs are not even a secondary concern, the abillities for Pirates and its supporters to move freely between the pacific and the Indian ocean IS a concern. As any observer can see, this is what the Allied demands are all about, to remove piratical (read: Swiss) influence from the indian ocean and western pacific, allowing peacefull trade to flourish.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


"That is true.  My view is but a theory."

"I would note that in the peace talks for the Asian War some seven years ago the most damaging elements of the talks seem to be the stubborn nature of the participants.  I would like to see more peacemaking and less grandstanding this time around, less I have to stab yet another table just to make a point."

The Rock Doctor

"Just make sure our Italian colleague isn't pounding it with his fist at the same time."


yews please dear Publius is a rather old man and being stabed could rather depress him ^.^
"He either fears his fate too much,
Or his desserts are small,
Who dares not put it to the touch,
To win or lose it all!"

James Graham, 5th Earl of Montrose
1612 to 1650
Royalist General during the English Civil War


OOC The Dutch made objections to the Canal well before any Swiss "piracy" (which remains unfounded), piracy is just a lame excuse to stop the canal. Since the canal is nott in any way related to the current war I don't saee why it should be part of the current discussions.

IC "The current treaty with Siam ends in 1915, perhaps we can come to an agreement that said Treaty will not be renewed?"

QuoteBut that might be too much to expect from a state whose greatest heroes are women-beating, child-raping pirates...
"The Swiss take offense from said statement. If you have evidence to support such, show it. If not keep these uneccessary comments to yourself, concentrate on the matter at hand, or let the dueling pistols do the talking."
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: Desertfox on October 31, 2007, 10:21:56 AM
OOC The Dutch made objections to the Canal well before any Swiss "piracy" (which remains unfounded), piracy is just a lame excuse to stop the canal. Since the canal is nott in any way related to the current war I don't saee why it should be part of the current discussions.
And they underlying reason for that was a feeling that the swiss were volatile, untrustworthy and violent, i think this war have shown with perfect clarity the truth of those fears.

QuoteIC "The current treaty with Siam ends in 1915, perhaps we can come to an agreement that said Treaty will not be renewed?"

QuoteBut that might be too much to expect from a state whose greatest heroes are women-beating, child-raping pirates...
"The Swiss take offense from said statement. If you have evidence to support such, show it. If not keep these uneccessary comments to yourself, concentrate on the matter at hand, or let the dueling pistols do the talking."
Typical swiss, no capacity for conversation, but the first reaction is always to use violence when they do not get all they want.
The proof of the matter have alrady been lain before the world.

If the Swiss want to dispute the truth then they should have over all of the pirates involved so that can stand trial in the Netherlands. I promise you they will get a fair trial, after all, we want to see them hanged.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.

The Rock Doctor

"Trading insults will not help either side achieve peace, nor will it particularly impress the rest of us.  We know you are at war.  We know you do not like each other.  Set your emotions aside and concentrate on doing what is needed to be done."


"Ah yes that reminds me, as the current treaty stands, it does not include provisions for the mutual exchange of ALL prisioners. That must be included."
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock