Possible history adjustments?

Started by swamphen, March 03, 2007, 07:57:57 PM

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Fitting old news to a new world...?

1328...Three-way European conflict sees Swiss and Hohenzollern forces evicted from Europe by HRE forces. Both travel east and eventually settle in Australisia.

(fill in five centuries here)

1897...Swiss-Brandenburg united front stops French intrigues against Madagascar

1898...Swiss-Brandenburg Alliance signed.

1899-1900...Rohirrim-Anahuac War

1900...DKB agrees Treaty Port and friendship with Middle Kingdom.

1900-1902...Swiss-Chinese War over Treaty Port fees. HRE intervenes on side of Middle Kingdom, Orange Republic on side of Swiss. Ends in de facto Swiss and HRE defeat, Swiss losing Formosa, Hainan, Chosen, and treaty ports, Habsburgs losing South West Afrika.

1901-1902...Oman Affair; internal intrigues by Brandenburgian elements lead to DKB embarrasment, loss of a battleship, and (combined with the NS-MK war) end of NS-DKB alliance; DKB Foreign Minister Count von Bülow arrested and sentenced to death, but escapes.

1902...Third Confederate-Island Commonwealth War. Crushing defeat for IC.

1902-1904...Spanish Civil War. Semi-covert NS and DKB intervention on one side, Nordic League on the other. Attempted Norman (=UKA) intervention in Morocco ends in disaster. Ends in mutual exhaustion and formal split of Spain; loss of Cuba to Gran Colombia, Aden and Solomon Islands to DKB, Philippines to New Swiss, Morocco to independentists. Portugese nearly collapse, lose their African colonies to Orangemen.

1903...Gran Colombia annexes northwestern Brazilian provinces at their request?

1904...Island Commonwealth government collapses into anarchy. Gran Colombia winds up de facto annexing the failed state. In Africa, plague breaks out in mid-year; although mostly burnt out by year's end, it leads to the fall of the Zulus to the Orange Republic.

1904-19??...Gran Colombian operations against Anahuac-controlled Brazil


Well I was thinking about eliminating the Swiss-Chinese War, since with Japan around Korea and Shangai would not be Swiss. Hainan would still be Chinese and I want to keep Taiwan and Hong Kong (if possible).

The Spanish/HRE-Swiss War would be bigger and there would not be a Spanish Civil War (but plenty of hungry sharks). Solomons promised to DKB in exchange for help in war, results in DKB-NS break. Spanish/HRE Fleet defeated in Battle of Taiwan Strait.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Well if we bring back Japan, does that mean we get Walter to do it?

That would change the dynamic around the Middle Kingdom a bit as the Chinese-Japanese struggle for being top dog (or dragon) is historical.

Inter-Pacific troubles will depend on what happens with Middle Earth and Western North America in terms of where things are and who has what.

I know Rocky would rather this be a relatively easy switch over, and I'd like to accomidate that as best we can while still getting us a slightly bigger planet to play with.  Personally I like Gran Columbia as it is and don't want to mess that up.


Walter + Phoenix = Trouble!  ;D

The Swiss-Chinese War could be changed for a Japanese-Chinese war as historical. Japan losing Shangai, but keeping Korea.

Fortunately most of the changes will not affect GC too much. As GC can still annex Cuba during the Spanish-Swiss War.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



For Middle Kingdom history I intend to prolong the Ming Dynasty and not have the Manchus take over, makes for a better story I'm working on, together with some matriarchal influences. It will change nothing as to regarding a war with whatever neighbour I'm having at those blasted islands, only may change some of the names. But I want to mold the Chinese a bit more to my liking.

Desertfox, don't set your hopes on keeping any piece of mainland China.

I don't know this Walter yet, but if he is a good player it will be a delight to have him for a neighbour. (wrings hands in happy anticipation and emits an evil little gleeful cackle) ;D ;D ;D
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching

The Rock Doctor

Walter's Wesworld-Japan incorporates a lot of manga/anime influences.  It's a bit of a strange and humorous place, accompanied by some nefarious plots and schemes.

I'll withhold comment on "GC vs North Incan Empire" references until we settle on a map that does or does not include such an entity.


Well I put that in because I wasn't sure if there would be an Anahuac Empire here, if there is then that'd be the same as originally.


What? Not even a little treaty port like the Germans? :'(  ;D

Fine with me either way, I dont intend to get mired in China this time. Ill let the Japanese have that pleasure.

With Rohan remaining in North America I dont think we'll see an Inca Empire, thought it does sound interesting.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



(modified above to reflect Anahuac, not Incas)



For me the EK war will be quietly forgotten, and there could well be some adjustment to the UKA's Navy in order to make it suitable to transfer to the United Norman Kingdom.

The Rock Doctor

We keep talking about Japan, but has anybody actually asked Walter about this? 


The Rock Doctor

Might be an idea.

So are we going to have three trans-American canals again?  Or are some of you guys going to say, "Hey, wait a minute, I don't have any territory on the other side of that isthmus..."


Well Rohan's canal is going to be there still under construction as I need a safer, quicker way to get forces form Rohan to the Caribbean Sea.

The Rock Doctor

Certainly - I'm thinking more in terms of NS, DKB, the Norman state replacing Essalia, and so on.