Start Date?

Started by Earl822, March 03, 2007, 12:24:18 PM

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What date do we want to kick off at?


If we want to keep our "present" storyline going we should have a roughly 1905-1906 start date.

If we want to keep our older starting figures we can go back and restart from 1898, but it would mean a lot of repeated material...though it could be used to correct mistakes, and change the course of history if the land changes seriously effect what would happened from 1898-1905 here verses what happened in Navalism.

(If we wanted to be weird we could have an even earlier start time using ironclads for our fleets and building into the predreadnought era...but then it would be years before we got to something even close to a Dreadnought, or even the more traditional predreadnought.  Somewhere between 1865 and 1885.  I highly doubt we have anyone that would want to play in that era as our ships and concepts would be totally alien to the time, and its hard to not think of predreadnoughts or later ships when doing seen by most of Van Owen's designs which appear to be downgraded/predreadnoughted world war two era vessels).


Well even with a 1/1/06 sim-restart date we could "revise history" as desired/necessary...doing it 'history book style' (as Nv2.0 pre-1898 history was done) instead of following past threads verbatim.

Of course some would have to be edited...for instance with no Borys and no Frenchies in Brazil, and a DKB (much) earlier "vacation date", no Germanic intervention in Brazil...


I'm in favor of 1906.. That would be a great starting point IMHO.


1906 seems perfect for me.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


1906 is should be then...makes for the least amount of story rewriting at least, even if we go a little weird with geography.


I would have preferred 1898. I would want to change some of my history and it needs extensive re-writing.
However, if the consensus goes for 1905 or 1906 I will cheerfully abide by the majority.
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching

The Rock Doctor

I'd prefer 1906 so that I don't need to re-write history.


Quote from: Phoenix on March 05, 2007, 05:59:47 AM
I would have preferred 1898. I would want to change some of my history and it needs extensive re-writing.
However, if the consensus goes for 1905 or 1906 I will cheerfully abide by the majority.
Well you can always re-do your history, after all that's the way the DKB will likely be going. :)


I too will be rewriting my history, main changes being no Chinese war and the Holy Roman Empire replacing the French as the bogeyman.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


I don't really mind, 1898 gives me a opportunity to undo more mistakes, but even with 1906, I might ask if in Military turns to go back to square 1 and revise my Navy and Army.


1Q1905 never happened "here".

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


ah, but Q4/1904 did so I still get the ex ACM's factories.



In slightly "used" condition ....:)

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


I'd assume that in those 2 years, they might have become fully operation