Iberian Small Cruiser Idea's for 1909

Started by miketr, May 21, 2007, 09:05:38 PM

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All Brasilian coal is in Austrian and DKB hands.
Iberia's s best coal source is Wales.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: Ithekro on August 24, 2007, 08:31:00 PM
Most warships of this time period (and in fact most time periods) can't fire out to 450hm. 
Butter fingers, 45hm is the correct number, as should be obvious, 450hm is to longer then any battleship guns effective range, ever.

As for oil, this is a bit before oil was much of a strategic product, and in a era of free trade to aquiring oil in peacetime is no problem, and wartime supplies are not much harder, depending on the geography.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Quote from: Borys on August 24, 2007, 10:49:53 PM
All Brasilian coal is in Austrian and DKB hands.
Iberia's s best coal source is Wales.

Or the great coal fields that run across N France, Belgium and into Germany.  Its all the same field really.  The Welsh coal is the highest quality but other sources are out there.



Quote from: Korpen on August 24, 2007, 10:52:22 PM

As for oil, this is a bit before oil was much of a strategic product, and in a era of free trade to aquiring oil in peacetime is no problem, and wartime supplies are not much harder, depending on the geography.

I disagree we are right at the point were it becomes just that.  See the UK and the Anglo-Persian oil company.  The UK government bought it to assure a clear supply for the navy.  If oil fired ships are hitting the field then it becomes an issue.



Most of the ships are using coal. Some are already capable of mixing the 2 types of fuel.

And only the newest ships are designed solely oil firing. Most not even as a keel on the slips. Politicians don't look that far in the future....

The brand new French Battleships of the Valeur class are purely coal fired as well the larger Chanson. just to give an example, and that is because France doesn't have domestic oil fields.  But don't forget, there are alternatives to oil.


The DKB is building a modified version of their most recent KK as a testbed for AOF - however it's a low priority due to the war, oddly "production" ships may be laid down, if not completed, before the "testbed" due to varying priority levels.

Brandenburgian Kreuzers are going AOF, probably mostly, battleships - only one planned anytime soon is the resurrected KWII, foreign builds might or might not depending on their operating theatre. Zerstorers/GTB will probably switch to oil due to its benifits for weight and sustained high-speed running (no stokers to tire), however other ships will likely stay with coal - "oil boosted" perhaps - until they changeover to diesel sometime after ten years or so.