New Zion Cruiser

Started by Desertfox, May 09, 2007, 05:04:36 PM

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In other words don't listen to the Cardinal.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: Ithekro on May 14, 2007, 12:54:44 PM
New Zion'a ability to have friends depends greatly on the level of anti-semitism in the world.  Since the have managed to make their own state (though not in the Promised Land) then might have more friends then they would historically.
The Reich considers the Jewish peoples to be the same as Christians (aside of course from the whole Messiah thing); they have no quarrel with the people of Neue Zion. It's their leadership we have a problem with...


Quote from: Desertfox on May 14, 2007, 08:15:55 AM
Well if they dont want free ships, I can certainly find use for them. Right now NZ doesn't have ANY friends, being a vassal to NS probably wont change anything.
What small counties needs is not friends, but a lack of enemies. Taking one friend that means getting lots of enemies is not worth if for small countries, they need the flexibility to change sides if necessary. Look at the European countries that were neutral in WW2, they constantly were very polite to the counties winning the war, that made sure no one were willing to spare the recourses to invade.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


The current Swiss envoy/ambassador to Zion is politely ignored right now. The Elders of New Zion are either unavailable or deaf for the Swiss proposals. Rumors are that the Swiss had repeated irrealistic suggestions, and could not take 'no' as an answer.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


That is most definately NOT what I've heard (in PMs). New Zion was cooperative last time I've heard, especially with NS doing very well in that part of the world. Irrealistic suggestions? One thing Ive done is take 'NO' as an answer, quite a few times actually.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Desertfox.   The elders of new Zion are a few things, but 1 thing they aren't. And that is stupid.  They see that about every nation in the world, except Rohan and the Orange Republic is looking very interested to the war around the Indonesian and Chinese waters, maybe to add some area or technology without much cost.

Just an example.   French warships are making checks on every NS freighter , and detain them is the cargo is even remotely useable for warpurposes.

This kind of needling is partialy represented by the loss of income.
Also known is that the Giant French liner Le Magnificent is leased by the Dutch, and is adding a serious contribution to the Dutch wareffort.

The Russians are gaining a foothold in the indian Ocean and did send a sizable fleet to Singapore.

If I was reading the newspapers when I was an Elder of new Zion, or was trusting other spy information than SSS provided, I would become very reluctant to communicate with the branded New Swiss.

In other words, what P³D brought to you in red, is something you should have seen coming, as a light on the other end of the Channel Tunnel.


Basically the Swiss have nothing to offer them that won't result in the probably loss of their hard earned country.  There are lots of opportunists around Africa that would just love to gain a moderately technologically advanced nation of educated people in Darkest Africa.  Be a great starting point for a full out conquest of the continent's lesser liked native peoples.  With France and the Netherlands in the center, Brandenberg on one flank and the uncertain regime of Italy on the other, the Jews are going to have to think long and hard before they get even more involved with the Swiss then they already are.  It is no secrete that the Swiss raider Pegasus made it to New Zion by the end of 1907.  It just matters what else is going to happen in the Rift Sea to the Swiss and Jews, or how they act before others act or react.


QuoteIt is no secret that the Swiss raider Pegasus made it to New Zion by the end of 1907.
And also no secret that the Brandenburgers promptly begain burning the telegraph lines down demanding the interment of said ship and it's crew.