Land Disputes

Started by Ithekro, March 13, 2007, 05:53:38 PM

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Perhaps to keep thing clear, for me and others, we might need to list our claimed lands to see if their are conflicts, or if the maps are totally wrong....or handing you things you'd rather not have.

Of course this might also hand you stuff you don't have but can use.

-North American Middle Earth region minus northern most section near Alaska and Japanese settlement.
(Well and Umbar, and the Haven of the Peoples)

-Remaining North American territories, the Dakotas west of the Missouri River and bend near Pierre.  through Wyoming and into Colorado. Previous eastern borders as in Navalism 2.0.

-Added Canadian lands north of Middle Earth (British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon Territory, and part of the Northwest Territory)

-Defender of the Indian Lands

-Clipperton Island

-New Beleriand (Nicaragua)
-New Rhun (Costa Rica)
-Hondoras (Honduras)
-Mapuche (land in South America, Central Chile)  protectorate  (from someplace north of Talcahuano/Concepcion and then south to probably Puerto Montt).

Presently no known other lands.


I want the Holy Land, but that is a long term goal.

I oppose the takeover of the Philippines by an Unfriendly Power.

I'd swap Sao Lusi for something more exiting.

Does anybody claim Tierra del Fuego? Falklands?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


DKB claims...Neue Brandenburg! *wah wah wah*

Along with Kenya (both sides of Rift Valley), eastern Tanzania (inc. Zanzibar), Malawi (the stub at the southern end of the Victorian Peninsula), Zambia, Goa, North-East New Guinea, Easter Island, Pitcairn Island, a whole mess of (largely formerly French) Pacific Islands. Macquarie Island, Ross Island...and Neue Schwabia  ;D .

Also currently 'occupy' Rio Grande do Sul and inland Santa Catarina.

The Rock Doctor

Gran Colombia's turf is clearly defined and, I think, not subject to competing claims.

But if I catch anybody acting up in the Caribbean, then, "All your islands are belong to us."


I'll not that they practically do already belong to you all.  Through hook or by crook.


France is shrunken enough now.

Anyone tresspassing will be send to the coalmines.


I'd be willing to give up the bit of Abyssinia I have on the latest map to someone (France, perhaps?).

I will not take the Australian chunk I've been given. That's just silly.


I have to catch up a weeks worth of reading, but if nobody has the Falklands...(Imperial march)

Also I want to claim the Virgin Islands.

Other than that I have to see the map first.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: Desertfox on March 17, 2007, 11:06:26 PM
I have to catch up a weeks worth of reading, but if nobody has the Falklands...(Imperial march)
Second post?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The Middle Kingdom is naturally the Paragon Nation in this world, Ruler over all other nations with the Heavenly Mandate, and thus Protector of the World. Of course, it would be too heavy a strain on our poor bureaucrats to impose taxes and tributes on all of our subject nations so we wisely leave them to their own barbaric practices. Except for the New Swiss Devils who must be rooted out of this world and cast back into the fiery pits of Hell they hail from.

We recently took over North Indo China (North Vietnam) and Hainan, but that was in order to protect those poor people from evil foreign powers and because they have been part of the Middle Kingdom in the past. We have no plans for other neighbouring countries but might feel inclined to step in when foreign powers leave a colony in the vicinity all alone in the world. Mother, after all, watches all.  ;D
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching