
Started by P3D, March 02, 2007, 12:02:30 PM

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I'm not so happy with the new rules; I find it difficult to understand. Remember: I hate numbercrunching. I find absolutely, totally, completely and utterly NO pleasure in it.

Desertfox: the conflict NS had with the MK started with overdue payment for treaty ports, deteriorated along conquered territory, and ended in a full-fledged war. I breathlessly await your alternative history but common sense advises me to keep this war as it was and not erase it, because it also explains my current good relations with DKB and Habsburg. It explains much of MK attitude against the rest of the world actually.
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


Well it might be easier to use since it only uses two different currencies. One $ for almost evrything, the other BP, for ship building (using SS2).

Phoenix: You and I have a lot to discuss, as Japan thows a wrench into the whole war. But it looks like the war (in a modified verson) can still fit in.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Well if you guys can pull off the new rules, we'll do the original number crunching for Pheonix then hope the rest is simple enough to add to a report as new infrustructure and ships are built.

The Rock Doctor

A case needs to be made for splitting up China before it actually happens.  I've not yet seen any numbers that would support such an action.

Regarding Gran Colombia: 

1)  GC itself had 5 HBP, and IC had 3 HBP.  That's eight, requiring a modest increase in 1906 GC's economy.  Events of 1904 will not have been significant:  fighting was concentrated at Montego Bay, and the original IC player posted that industry was concentrated around Cromwell (Kingston).

2)  Maddox and P3D need to consult on El Dorado to determine what, if any, industrial capacity remains there following the conclusion of campaigning.


The suggested turnover time for captured factories was two year in my case (though that might have been due to damage).  It could be suggested that it might take time to retool the factories and train people in Colombia methods...or train Columbians to use Commonwealth equipment if it is of better quality.  Might be simply a year, so you'd get to use the new stuff at the start of 1906, but not any of 1905...or you could hold off to 1907 using storys of rebels keeping the factories fro putting out?



Or only use the output for the captured vessels? Until say 3 years? Might be due to different thread sizes! ;-D
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock

The Rock Doctor

I reckon the Commonwealth is a case of Commonwealth personnel using Commonwealth equipment on Commonwealth stuff:  in which case, there shouldn't be much lag time at all.  An industrial integration, if necessary, can be planned for an executed with minimal chaos in the near future.


There is a chance China might lose a bit of territory, i.e. Manchuria, working on it. Never said I'm not flexible, but I didn't have much time lately to devote to the sim. Sometimes real life things crop up and you suddenly discover their ain't 25 hours in a day.
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


There aren't?  I'll have to let my boss know this at once.  :P

Just keep us informed so the map can be corrected before we get too much input on the matter in the way of speculation.  We seem to be good at that.


Quote from: Phoenix on March 09, 2007, 10:05:04 AM
I'm not so happy with the new rules; I find it difficult to understand. Remember: I hate numbercrunching. I find absolutely, totally, completely and utterly NO pleasure in it.

I agree with you. With all due respect, my mind recoils when I take a peek at posts with new rules.
As there seems to be only one person strongly in favour, why not use tweaked old rules instead?

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Phoenix would recoild with horror from the amount of tweaking the old rules would need.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas

The Rock Doctor

Then I guess you moderating types have a decision to make...


We will "hammer out" - wink-wink, nudge-nudge - an agreement behind the coal sheds ...

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Coal sheds=coal dust, *lights match, runs away like crazy* ;-D
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Updated the rules a bit. Big difference is that ship cost was increased significantly - SS cost multiplier from 6 to 10, and ship upkeep a further 20%. With the previous rules Orange could just lay down 2 dreadnoughts and several smaller ships each turn.

Rules are more or less fixed. I'll post the Orange Republic 1906/1 report to see how it works.
I also managed to integrate a Ship and Army upkeep upkeep calculator into the Budget calculator excel file, I'll post it later.

Some fine tuning for costs is still needed, but we can start posting reports.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas