
Started by P3D, March 02, 2007, 12:02:30 PM

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Conversion of old countries into the new sim. I took 1904 Q4 data, with IC annexed by GC, but Zulus and ACM not counted for Orange and UKA.

1BP = (HBP+MBP/8)x1.3
IC = (HBPx2+MBP)*3

The Second revenue coloumn is with a slightly less IC across the board, using 2.5 multiplier instead of 3.
GDP just to see where the countries are.

      HBP MBP MP Pop BP   IC GDP  Revenue DecrRev
Austria  7  8 13  52 10.4 66  2269 $118 $107
Essayl.  10 8 10  40 14.3 84  3100 $124 $110
Rohan   11 15 18  72 16.7 111 2542 $183 $164.5
UKA    9.5 11 11  44 14.1 90  3045 $134 $119
Brandenb 7 10 18  72 10.7 72  2000 $144 $132
GranCol  7 15 8   32 11.5 87  3719 $119 $104.5
Orange R 8 16 10  40 13.0 96  3400 $136 $120
CS of A  9 14 8.5 34 14.0 96  3824 $130  $114
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Naval infrastructure cost in the new system
They also cost BP equal to their level, representing cranes, derrics, and other equipment.

Type 0, Slipway 70 meters/230 feet, cost $2
Type 0, Dry-dock 70 meters/230 feet, cost $3
Type 1, Slipway 120 meters/393 feet, cost  $6
Type 1, Dry-dock 120 meters/393 feet, cost $9
Type 2, Slipway 170 meters/557 feet, cost $8
Type 2, Dry-dock 170 meters/557 feet, cost $12
Type 3, Slipway 220 meters/721 feet, cost $10
Type 3, Dry-dock 220 meters/721 feet, cost $15
Type 4, Slipway 270 meters/885 feet, cost $16
Type 4, Dry-dock 270 meters/885 feet, cost $24
Type 5, slipway 320 meters/1049 feet, cost $18
Type 5, Dry-dock 320 meters/1049 feet, cost $27

Floating Drydock
Only capable of repairing ships. Cheaper but they also cost the same amount of BP as $.

Type 0, Dry-dock 70 meters/230 feet, cost $3
Type 1, Dry-dock 120 meters/393 feet, cost $6
Type 2, Dry-dock 170 meters/557 feet, cost $9
Type 3, Dry-dock 220 meters/721 feet, cost $12
Type 4, Dry-dock 270 meters/885 feet, cost $16
Type 5, Dry-dock 320 meters/1049 feet, cost $20


Type 0, up to type 0 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 2, cost $6, 1BP
Type 1, up to type 1 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 3, cost $12, 2BP
Type 2, up to type 2 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 5, cost $24 3BP
Type 3, up to type 3 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 7, cost $36 4BP
Type 4, up to type 4 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 9, cost $50 5BP
Type 5, up to type 5 slipways and/or dry-docks and maximum of 11, cost $72 6BP

The amount of automatically repaired tonnage seen over 6 months, for military ports

type 0 500 tons
type 1 2000 tons
type 2 4000 tons
type 3 6000 tons
Type 4 10000 tons
Type 5 16000 tons

Also only a limited amount of naval vessels can be based in each port. Above this limit, ships are not supplied adequately, and suffer a serious loss of combat ability.

type 0 25,000 tons
type 1 100,000 tons
type 2 200,000 tons
type 3 300,000 tons
Type 4 500,000 tons
Type 5 800,000 tons
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


IF, I repeat - IF we retain the old tech tree, I suggest that new PC countries get a choice:
1 - mix and match current tech AS DESIRED (including tech not available in 1898, but relatively plausible in 1906), as long as they end up with "0"
2 - cannot have +1 in any chosen area, but get +3 or +5 to the end result

The first represents focused growth in certain areas (leaving weakneses in others), the other a gradual, across the board technological progress.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


As of 1906 NS should have the following:

26 MBP
24 MP

That's what I would have had NS not broken up, or what I would have after I had reconquered Japan. I can reduce it a bit if it seems too excesive. Note that it doesn not include the Phillipines, but does include Korea.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


I remember a thread at the old board where your math was found to be a bit off.
Did you get your act together?
And the breakup DID happen.
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Here the breakup never happen since I never had Japan, and I did reduce my Medium Factories and MPs a bit.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Then Desertfox, I see only 1 good option.  Restart the NS, from scratch, to what every new player gets.  because, what you propose is a country with a totaly different history.

1 big thing.  You won't have the undying hate of the MK.


I'd rather the war and history did happen, as the war had nothing to do with your Home Islands but with your treaty ports and Korea (which would be altered as that is  The breakup might not have happened, but the the Asian War should remain....unless a total rebuild of the NS is done.


New Country Setup

Starting money for economy: $160
$1 buys either 1IC or 1million pop.
Pop over the IC is cheaper, it costs only 1/2th.
1BP costs $4.
Note: BP is limited to 1/6th of IC (rounded down). If a nation has 40IC, it cannot have more than 8HBP.

Strong Industrial country
30 million, 74 IC $112
14 BP: $56

Middle Ground
60 IC and 60M pop: $110
10 BP: $40

Developing country
$40 for 40IC
$40 for the first 40 IC
$60 for an additional 120 million people
$20 for 5BP.

The countries listed in the previous table would have a starting cost between $180-190 save Austria (160) GC (165) Brandenburg ($170) and Rohan ($250).
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


Maddox my changes arent really far reaching only Phoenix would be affected and she is rewriting her history anyway.

With Japan I wouldnt have so many treaty ports (if any at all) or Korea so much less chance of a War, the Asian War can be kept only with Japan replacing NS. (which happened historiclly)

I dotn want a total rebuild, just some minor changes.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Maybe Foxy, Maddox, Phoenix, Walter, and maybe Borys, P3D, and I, should work out the Asian-NS thing until we can come up with something that works within the world we know, or different enough that the rest of use don't need to do more than shift a name here or a place there kind of thing.

After that is solved I think we can get really to start playing, or at least settle on things to get us much closer to playing.  We need to get some energy and excitement happening before the newness wears off and we drift back to the older sim where the EK and END are in a civil war with help from the Half-elves....

The Rock Doctor

I pick up Cuba, the IC, and a chunk of Brazil, and Gran Colombia is still below the value of a starting nation?  What the heck am I doing wrong?

1Big Rich

Remind me not take your advice on real-estate, Rocky...

Or could it be the autocracy of your 'banana replublic' is taking a heavy toll?  Perhaps heavy deposits into New Swiss banks or some such...
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein

"A ship in port is safe, but that's not what ships are built for." -- Grace Murray Hopper


I think it was because you pre-set the NPC Gran Columbia long before you took up the country as PC.  Most of the NPC nations are rather small and few people would want to play them.  But then not everyone can be on top (as places like Chile and even India know in Wesworld).