Blighted players

Started by Borys, March 15, 2007, 11:36:16 AM

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Why did van Owen got his petty revenge on Rocky? He was the one who left the correct way, although after he appeared.
The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


[Foghorn Leghorn]
"Fortunatly I keep mah feathers numbahed. Fer just such an emergency."
[/Foghorn Leghorn]

All DKB (and CSA) necessary information is safely* on my hard drive, the few Brandenburgian ships I didn't re-save the sims for are all historicals so that's no problem if needed to re-do.

* - As safe as they can be on the hard drive of a 9-year-old Win95-running Gateway...



"The Gay Doctor"?

Are they 7?

On a related note - special thanks to Borys for saving all my naval info.

The Rock Doctor

Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. 

Sucks for Foxy.  I'll have to see if I have anything useful in my PM archives.


I think there may be a backup, but one can never tell.

On the other hand it would force a restart for him.


I had a long and meaningfull talk with Van Owen.
He did remind me about a lot of things. Like why I was mod, and phoenix Admin.
He asked me to participate in the N-verse, as a friend.  I lurked.
And when Rocky annoced he couldn't combine moderating and living at that time, I offered to take over from him. Most accepted me.

When Van Owen encountred a new part in his life, he asked me to take over admin. I declined as I'm a computer fool. But I suggested Phoenix.

Currently, on the "old forum".
He changed the ruleset a lot. After discussing that with me. But that he brought as possibilities and future plans.
I must admit, the lower amount of calculus and the higher grade of RP attract me. I also do expect it not to work for most of us here.
But my lack of spine, and his discovery of our back up plan made him a bit angry, and that started a chain of happenings.

Like the adding and detracting of people with "power" over the boards.

But several of these happenings on the "father forum" weren't his doing.

The renaming of Rocky wasn't.
P3D's posts got deleted by a new Caretaker/Mod before Van Owen could read them.

Desertfox's, Earls and Ithecro's  information should be on the forum. As well most of France.

What probably will happen is that the old forum will get a full overhaul, with the new rules.
And everything old will be deleted sooner or later. But for now, there is a periode of grace.


In case this matters - my user account was deleted by Van Owen on my request.

NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


A statement from Van Owen.

QuoteI did not delete any player accounts, nor did I ban anyone from the site, nor delete anyone's postings save what was needed to clear out the nation forums, and the Jane's entries.  I did clear out some other forums, but those were needed for new players.  I wanted to minimize the confusion.

Quote"I resent the Iowa and Bismarck remark.  As the new rules are way more strikt regarding technology.

Everybody starts at the same level.
100,000 tons of naval shipping, laid down 1888

Tech: Navy:

Guns: Breech Loading, up to 10", black powder propelled.
Armor: Compound Armor: (needs to be roughly 1.5 times the size of the gun to stop shell)
Mountings: Twin Coles/Erikson Turrets, Twin barbettes, Casemates, or Single Turret and Barbettes
Fire Control: Top Spot or Local (open sights)
Torpedoes: Single tube mounts; Torpedoes 16"
Mines: Primative Contact/Command weapons
Largest ship size: 20,000 tons.

There are no random research rolls or chance of things getting out of hand like that.
Technology only would advance if the times or possibilities are right.

That is something to contemplate in the .org place.


I have now left that board as well, tis a real shame.


I did suddenly lose my admin status there, without any warning or discussion. That was most certainly in my book Not Nice. He even accuses me of betrayal. Pfff...

I'm keeping my old account, until I'm sure I no longer want to communicate there. But it's sad anyway.

I always kept records of what I posted and made regular back-ups of my pm's. (I only lost the most recent ones, last update was on February 17th.)
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


Fortunately I have everything save in my computer, I didnt lose anything except for some news.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock