Large Radio Towers?

Started by miketr, August 22, 2008, 10:20:54 AM

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I want to build a radio towers like the Germans had at Sayville Long Island.  It would be about 600 feet tall.  I figure this would easier than setting up a cable network and more usefull for naval communications in war time.  Any suggestions for cost per station?  This woud be a tower with the power and range to clear the Atlantic.



I think it is too early for 1913 to build tall radio towers. As far as i know otl first experiments with the wide band radio appeared at the end of the WWI, in 1917 - 1919. And first russian tall radio tower was build in Moscow in 1919....


NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Some histories

Some Pictures.

So 1911 would be when such a tower could be build...

Using SS...  500x5x5 BC set to 0.3, no freeboard = 105 tons light...  Figure...  as much again for foundations, support cables, etc...  another 40 tons for power house and other gear.  So I will build these towers costing $0.25 each and 0.25 BP unless people object...



Novle tech - like subs? BPx2$?
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!


Quote from: miketr on August 23, 2008, 12:40:14 PM
So I will build these towers costing $0.25 each and 0.25 BP unless people object...
Works for me. Interesting articles as well.

Quote from: Borys on August 23, 2008, 01:19:03 PM
Novle tech - like subs? BPx2$?
Maybe, think that would be ok if it comes from the civilian budget.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


$0.5 and 0.25 BP from civilian budget... It is...  Lets see...

1 in Lisbon, San Juan and Rio for the Atlantic...

Chago's, Manila and Guam for the Pacific (of course the Chago's and Manila couldn't talk to each other except when the signals do stuff like bounch of the upper atmosphere; which would be vary rare).

$3 and 1.5 BP...  That sounds fine.


The Rock Doctor

Price sounds reasonable to me.

Without making anybody cringe and groan, "Complexity...", care to suggest an effective range for the things?


We know the German tower had a range of atleast 3,500 miles... lets keep it simple and say 3,500 and call it even.



Nverse examples of current "megastructures" capable of doubling as a wireless tower.
Eifel Tower
Statue of Liberty in New Orleans.
The Tower of Saruman. (a museum)