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Den Telegraaf, extra edition.

Started by Korpen, June 01, 2007, 10:11:51 AM

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This morning warships of the Netherlands 4th light scouting group returned to port after a hazardous rescue mission on the Indian ocean.
With them was also two Peruvian-flagged passenger liners carrying women and children from the caliphate destined for the Faranji.
Unfortunately, their safe voyage to be re-united friends, family and relatives was scattered when their convoy and its French escort was attacked by ships under Indian and new Swiss flags. It turns out that all ship in the attack were Swiss, but with several flying false flags.

After a short fight it seems like the two French cruiser were torpedoed and sunk by the New Swiss forces, and most of the French survivors were left to float in the hot equatorial sun. There they were found several hoers later by the Netherlands ships of the 4th light scouting group, as they responded to a SOS sent by one of the liners. By that time a large proportion of survivors in the water hade died due to dehydration, heatstroke and shark attacks, and only about 200 survivors were saved by the Netherlands ships, a large number of the dead were also retrieved.

Shocked by the carnage admiral Snijders ordered pursuit of the ships that headed west to a uncertain destination. By a act of God the Netherlands ships spotted two of the liners held hostage by a cruiser, as the Netherlands ships closed the cruiser started laying smoke and manoeuvre aggressively against the Netherlands ships, but by the grace of God it was driven of by a few long range volleys from the brave ships of the Netherlands. With the piratical cruiser running like a sinner on judgment day the Netherlands ship did free the captive liners form the piratical hands of the Swiss.

The Sights that met the boarding parties from Hang Tuah as she sent offices and marines to the liners shocked them to the core.
The ships had been under Swiss control for less then 24h, but passengers had suffered unspeakable abuse. Several women and children had been raped, others had been beaten to within an inch of their life. Major Abdul Shukor Husain, ships cleric aboard Hang Tuah: "It was horrible, The first i saw when we boarded the ship was an old lady, she must have been around sixty, that had been beaten so hard her mouth was only a bloody mess and she had least all her teeth and then raped, this because she tried unsuccessfully to protect her 16 year old granddaughter from rape, what kind of animal would do that for their pleasure?"

It would seem that the actions of the Swiss are in line with the barbaric conduct of pirates in ages past, that is so glamorised and celebrated in the land of the New Swiss.

The New Swiss criminals that was captured by the boarding parties will be handed over to Franji for trial as that is were the victims of their abuse were headed. Major Abdul again: I hope they do not just execute them, death is far to kind for animals that forces themselves on defenceless women and children".

But as coal was critically short after the dash over the Indian ocean, admiral Snijders, with tears running from his eyes, gave order to head back to Sumatra, and his heart was full of fear for the two ships and the passengers he had not been able to save...
Prayers for their safety was held on all the ships.

Footnote: The Netherlands were asked by the flag state to take charge of the liners.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Wait, what date is this? And isnt it a bit premature? I already did that mistake and like I found out the hunter can become the hunted. Oh and what port have they returned to?
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


True but why would the new hunters have a reason to be in the area to hunt the hunters of the original hunters?  And who's to say the new hunters can find the old hunters...or are themselves being hunted by third (or fourth) party interests the minute they enter the Indian Ocean?


Quote from: Desertfox on June 01, 2007, 10:23:12 AM
Wait, what date is this? And isnt it a bit premature? I already did that mistake and like I found out the hunter can become the hunted. Oh and what port have they returned to?
OOC: I got ok from the mods to post it. And i never said what port they headed for because that is not published, and so not public knowledge.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Because once the shadowee has become the shadower all becomes clear...err maybe confusing would be a better word?

NSN Headquarters received a full report of everything on the 26th. On the 27th (see below) the Dutch ships with merchants are at least 1-2 days from port (depending on which port they are heading too), alot can happen before they reach port. As I have a general idea where they are an am hunting for them. What happens at Keeling can also have an effect.

This map shows the location of my 3 main groups on the morning of the 27th. (Manta from Tortugas, Atair of Keeling, 1BC of Australia)

Added: I know its not published but the port (or route to it) is still siginificant as depending on the route they can run into Swiss ships. Evryone knew (OOC) my ships where headed towards Tortugas even if it wasnt available IC.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


Quote from: Desertfox on June 01, 2007, 02:25:47 PM
Added: I know its not published but the port (or route to it) is still siginificant as depending on the route they can run into Swiss ships. Evryone knew (OOC) my ships where headed towards Tortugas even if it wasnt available IC.
I have always kept moderators informed of my actions, and if i get a ok from one of them to publish, then i will publish.
I feel no need to write things openly until after smoke has cleared.

And ships are small, and the ocean is big.
Card-carrying member of the Battlecruiser Fan Club.


Sometimes it is best to write things in the open. Mods make mistakes or things get confusing.

Which is why I make maps of my ship's locations, even if they are secret IC.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock

The Rock Doctor

Heck, maybe the Dutch are fibbing about Sumatra and are heading south to Firanj.   

Still, the question about the date of the report is a good one...


The first purpose of a warship is to remain afloat. Anon.
Below 40 degrees, there is no law. Below 50 degrees, there is no God. sailor's maxim on weather in the Southern seas


I would say 27th, unless they stopped on the SW coast of Sumatra, they are after all escorting slow merchants and a captured destroyer with 'engine troubles'.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock


The Swiss reply. I'm definetly going to take a course on propaganda in college. I badly need it.

September 27th

For evil to triumph good men must do nothing. There is a time when drastic measures must be taken to stop evil. There is a man known as Agrival Mars. A man who has brought untold suffering on thousands of people. So when intelligence reported the possibility of catching Agrival at sea, the NSN responded. The precense of what appeared to be Admiral Grau confirmed this. Despite that the NSN ships on this mission did not as it is allegated attack first. The NSN ships acted only in self defense, destroying the attacking ships in battle. It turned out that the attackers where not Admiral Grau as first thought, but rather her two French near sisters. Which raises an interesting question, was it coincidence that Greater Napoleon was conviniently absent when Agrival attacked the 'Peace' fleet? Or is it a conicidence that this Agrival flagged convoy was escorted by Admiral Grau's half sisters?

Is there an international conspiracy at work? Have some countries fallen under the spell of this International Criminal Mastermind? Was the apperance of the Dutch warships pure coincidence or was there a malevoulous plan under the surface?

Yes just a day later after this happenings, a powerful Dutch force without cause or justification opened fire on a lone NSN warship. Yes malicious intent indeed. What more the surprise on finding out of the merchants who arrived at a safe port that each was loaded with hundreds of gold bars. Why where four Agrival flagged ships carrying thousands of gold bars and using women and children as shields? What nefarious plans requiring millions of dollars in pure gold, where twarthed by the promt action of the NSN?

The 'honorable' Dutch have accused us of leaving survivors to die in the sea. Yet they cannot argue with the fact that 187 of the most badly wounded survivors where taken aboard NSN ships. Those who where left refused to be rescued.

The 'honorable' Dutch have also accused us of raping and mistreating those innocent civilian passangers who where most unfortunately cought in the crossfire of battle. Twelve hundred of these women and children still remain in Swiss hands and not one of them has so much as a scratch. If as the 'honorable Dutch say those passengers in their hands have been mistreated it is by their 'honorable' hands that it has happened. To prove that we speak the truth we will allow any foreign diplomat who wishes to accertain the health, of those passengers in Swiss hands the, to do so. We even ask the Great Thrawn to send a trusted advisor to see with his own eyes that this is so. Can the 'honorable' Dutch say the same? When it is safe to do so those civilians in our hands will be allowed to continue on their journey, we have no quarrel with women and children nor do we wish to see them hurt.

So that it be known that we speak the truth, moving pictures taken of both actions, clearly showing the aggresors, will be released as soon as they are available, to all those who wish to see them.

May the Grace of God be upon those who speak the truth, and his justice fall upon those who betray their friends.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



Admiral Grau is no sister of the Gloire class, she is one of the 4 ex UKA County Class Ac's, the other 3 of which are in MK


OOC, Gloire, Terrible and Indomptable are enterly different ships, and no one with a bit of knowledge about warships is seeing a very feeble New Swiss excuse.

Propaganda. We have a master on the forum. Phoenix.


Paris, Parliament ,current events.

So, messieurs, it seems New Swiss is willing to go to war over a criminal who hasn't shown his face for over 2 years now. Are we going to repeal the ignore laws?
NO ,premier, repealing those laws would give New Swiss a foothold in our legislation. We cannot allow that to happen.

So, minister Capet, what do you propose then?

Downplay the whole mess, using Le Monde. Aknowledge that our 2 Glorious cruisers got sunk by a fleet of New Swiss warships, in search for the criminal Agrival. Who is in Peru ,dead or alive.

Isn't that the same as repealing the ignore law?

No Premier, that is using alternative sources. But the newspapers will downplay the whole mess. We don't want a shooting war. It would hurt the economy to much. But, we could impound enough NS merchants to build up our own state owned merchant fleet, and get away with it by claiming those as a repayment for the mistake the NS made by attacking a French protected convoy.

I like that idea.  Monsieur Grange. Get the word to all ports and harbors. All NS ships are to be searched and detained , shackled to the quays untill further notice. Get shipbuilders make assesments of the quality of the ships. I want in the end 50 000 tons of modern NS ships under the French flag.
Oh, and the rest of the NS ships, strip them of any weapons. Call this operation Tax Cut.
Minister Capet, get a nice friendly message to the New Swiss gouvernement. Something like this.

QuoteDue the misconception of the Den Haag convention France will see it nessesary to temporary seize to use New Swiss shipping for the nearby future. To honor the civilian contracts between New Swiss shipping lines and French mercantile houses, no military actions will be taken,untill the whole Indian ocean mess is cleared.


OOC Mistake on my part. I forgot it was the UKA who sold the ship, though it was France. However externaly Admiral Grau is very similar to Gloire. They both have similar armament. The only major difference between them is their armor protection.
"We don't run from the end of the world. We CHARGE!" Schlock



It's that kind of mistakes that brings you a lot of trouble, Desertfox.