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Started by Phoenix, May 18, 2007, 06:22:51 AM

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My sincerest apologies but real life issues captivated all of my attention lately and I also suffer from any creative person's worst nightmare... writer's block.
Even my blog has fallen victim to this inactivity... I haven't posted yet this month. Oh horror. Really, nothing comes out of my pen, keyboard and even brush. Imagine the pain, the suffering. It's just that other issues are currently taking up most of my thinking and I find it difficult, due to a certain chronic illness, to concentrate on more than 1 issue at the same time.
I fear I will be a bit busy at least until June 10th for sure, and so won't be posting much stories but will try to update my quarter report.

The main reason for my distraction is ... politics. I've been called to run for a certain party and somehow ended up doing the communication between all candidates in my region besides being one myself. Fun but time-consuming. The elections are on June 10th and I expect things to be a tad quieter afterwards. Since the chance of me being elected to office is somehow related to that of hell freezing over I'll be able to return my mind to more playful matters then.
But politics is fun ! Really. I've been laughing my head off already. It's amazing what people would stoop to in order to stay in power or to grab it. Call it a front-row seat I'm sitting in right now...  ;D
"Those who dance are often thought mad by those who cannot hear the music."
-- Tao Te Ching


Good that you are having fun!
The older I get, the more I support hereditary monarchy and oligarchy ....
NEDS - Not Enough Deck Space for all those guns and torpedos;
Bambi must DIE!